具体现象就是eclipse在启动tomcat时, 会报错: "Timeout waiting for Tomcat v6.0 Server @ localhost to start. Server did not start after 45s" 的错误. 尤其是在debug时更加容易出现这 个问题. 通过错误提示来看, 是因为tomcat启动时间超过了45m, 于是被终止了启动.出现这个问题, 可能是应用程序比较庞大, 有很多启动加载项和初始化工作, 或者log太多.想着加大tomc
问题描述 eclipse中tomcat使用tomcat插件启动报错 SEVERE: The web application with context path [/manager] was not deployed because it contained a deployment descriptor [D:Tomcat 7.0webappsmanagerMETA-INFcontext.xml] which may include configuration necessary for the