Openstack, AWS, HyperV, VMware

Openstack, AWS, HyperV, VMware                 

Uses These Cloud and Virtualization Systems?

OpenStack, AWS, Hyper-V and VMware are different services offering cloud computing or virtualization services. Let's take a closer look to see the advantages of each, as well as look at some companies using them.


OpenStack provides Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). It is a fast growing cloud computing project used by small and large companies alike. As an open source project, the software is free. It is organized and
maintained by the OpenStack Foundation, and the software operates under the terms of the Apache License. Companiesusing OpenStack include HP, IBM and Red Hat, Inc.

OpenStack is a cloud operating system consisting of several projects. OpenStack Shared Services delivers computing, networking and storage, all controlled by the OpenStack Dashboard. It can be run in-house or hosted,
depending on the resources and needs of the company.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a suite of services for cloud computing. Clients can start out with a Free Usage Tier, which allows them to test the service and various applications. Thousands of clients are using
Amazon Web Services. They range from popular websites like Reddit to enterprise customers such as NASDAQ and SAP.

AWS cannot be hosted in-house. It taps Amazon's massive investment in cloud infrastructure to deliver cloud space and services at a low cost. TheAmazon
Economics Center
has a number of resources potential clients can use to compare costs for virtual servers.


Previously known as Windows Server Virtualization, Hyper-V is a hypervisor-based platform that provides virtualization. It is a Microsoft product that was included in Windows Server 2008. It allows companies to
combine separate workloads on one server. It calls on a wide variety of services to manage the workloads, including Microsoft SQL Server and some third-party programs.

Companies using Hyper-V include Siva Group, Avanade and the MLS Property Information Network. VMWare is currently leading the virtualization market, but Hyper-V is gaining ground, especially because Microsoft is
including Hyper-V in many of its products. Hyper-V is used by firms of all sizes.


VMWare creates virtualization software and cloud computing programs for Intel-based computers. It is modeled after the ESX hypervisor for virtual machines. When tech specialists use the word "VMware," they can
be referring to a variety of products including VMware Workstation and VMWare vCloud Director. The "VM" part of the name means "Virtual Machine," an operating system widely installed on IBM-based servers.

It is unique because it can actually run other operating systems as if they were on their own computer. VMWare can be self-hosted or used through the services of a hosting provider. Companies using VMware include
Whirlpool, New York Stock Exchange and Revlon. These are well known brands, but VMware is used by organizations of all sizes around the world.


OpenStack, AWS, Hyper-V and VMware are powerful options for companies researching their available choices in cloud computing and virtual resources. Finding the right solution will help firms to remain competitive
in the global marketplace for years to come.



时间: 2024-11-27 11:44:53

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