[20120806]11G SPM的学习3.txt

[20120806]11G SPM的学习3.txt


SQL> select * from v$version ;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
create table t as select rownum id , cast(dbms_random.string('a',6 ) as varchar2(10)) name from dual connect by level 
      OwnName        => user
     ,TabName        => 'T'
    ,Estimate_Percent  => NULL
    ,Method_Opt        => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1 '
    ,Degree            => 4
    ,Cascade           => TRUE
    ,No_Invalidate     => TRUE);
--建立sql plan baseline,忽略...
create index i_t_id on t(id);
select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;

variable v_sql_handle      varchar2(30);
variable v_plan_name_full  varchar2(30);
variable v_plan_name_index varchar2(30);
exec :v_sql_handle      := 'SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4'
exec :v_plan_name_full  := 'SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c'
exec :v_plan_name_index := 'SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2'



SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2 YES NO  NO  AUTO-CAPTURE      11842951964357158308
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES NO  MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
exec :v_report := DBMS_SPM.EVOLVE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE(sql_handle => :v_sql_handle);
exec :v_basenum := DBMS_SPM.ALTER_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE (sql_handle =>:v_sql_handle',plan_name=> :v_plan_name_full,attribute_name=>'FIXED',attribute_value=>'YES');
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2 YES YES NO  AUTO-CAPTURE      11842951964357158308
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES YES MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
select * from t where id=:x;
SQL> @dpc
SQL_ID  3yxwagyspybax, child number 1
select * from t where id=:x
Plan hash value: 1601196873
| Id  | Operation         | Name | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |        |    69 (100)|
|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| T    |      1 |    69   (2)|
Peeked Binds (identified by position):
   1 - (NUMBER): 100
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("ID"=:X)
   - SQL plan baseline SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c used for this statement


exec :v_basenum := DBMS_SPM.ALTER_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE (sql_handle =>:v_sql_handle,plan_name=> :v_plan_name_index,attribute_name=>'FIXED',attribute_value=>'YES')
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2 YES YES YES AUTO-CAPTURE      11842951964357158308
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES YES MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
select * from t where id=:x;
SQL> @dpc
SQL_ID  3yxwagyspybax, child number 1
select * from t where id=:x
Plan hash value: 4153437776
| Id  | Operation                   | Name   | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |        |        |     2 (100)|
|   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T      |      1 |     2   (0)|
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | I_T_ID |      1 |     1   (0)|
Peeked Binds (identified by position):
   1 - (NUMBER): 100
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("ID"=:X)
   - SQL plan baseline SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2 used for this statement
--    Also, if any of the plan is marked as fixed, oracle will stop capturing and evolving new plans.To simulate the test, lets
--again mark the plan(using index) as fixed=no and accepted=no.
exec :v_basenum := DBMS_SPM.drop_sql_plan_baseline (sql_handle =>:v_sql_handle,plan_name=> :v_plan_name_index);
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES YES MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
select * from t where id=:x
SQL> @dpc
SQL_ID  3yxwagyspybax, child number 1
select * from t where id=:x
Plan hash value: 1601196873
| Id  | Operation         | Name | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |        |    69 (100)|
|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| T    |      1 |    69   (2)|
Peeked Binds (identified by position):
   1 - (NUMBER): 100
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("ID"=:X)
   - SQL plan baseline SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c used for this statement
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES YES MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
exec :v_basenum := DBMS_SPM.ALTER_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE (sql_handle =>:v_sql_handle,plan_name=> :v_plan_name_full,attribute_name=>'FIXED',attribute_value=>'NO');
select * from t where id=:x;
exec :v_basenum := DBMS_SPM.ALTER_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE (sql_handle =>:v_sql_handle,plan_name=> :v_plan_name_full,attribute_name=>'FIXED',attribute_value=>'YES');
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2 YES NO  NO  AUTO-CAPTURE      11842951964357158308
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES YES MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
variable v_report clob;
exec :v_report := DBMS_SPM.EVOLVE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE(sql_handle => :v_sql_handle);
SQL> print :v_report
                        Evolve SQL Plan Baseline Report
  SQL_HANDLE = SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4
  VERIFY     = YES
  COMMIT     = YES
                                 Report Summary
There were no SQL plan baselines that required processing.
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2 YES NO  NO  AUTO-CAPTURE      11842951964357158308
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES YES MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
exec :v_basenum := DBMS_SPM.ALTER_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE (sql_handle =>:v_sql_handle,plan_name=> :v_plan_name_full,attribute_name=>'FIXED',attribute_value=>'NO');
exec :v_report := DBMS_SPM.EVOLVE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE(sql_handle => :v_sql_handle);
exec :v_basenum := DBMS_SPM.ALTER_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE (sql_handle =>:v_sql_handle,plan_name=> :v_plan_name_full,attribute_name=>'FIXED',attribute_value=>'YES');
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted,fixed,origin,signature from dba_sql_plan_baselines ;
SQL_HANDLE                     PLAN_NAME                      ENA ACC FIX ORIGIN                       SIGNATURE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- -------------- -----------------------
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd40893a4b2 YES YES NO  AUTO-CAPTURE      11842951964357158308
SYS_SQL_a45a9e109f85e5a4       SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c YES YES YES MANUAL-LOAD       11842951964357158308
select * from t where id=:x;
SQL> @dpc
SQL_ID  3yxwagyspybax, child number 1
select * from t where id=:x
Plan hash value: 1601196873
| Id  | Operation         | Name | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |        |    69 (100)|
|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| T    |      1 |    69   (2)|
Peeked Binds (identified by position):
   1 - (NUMBER): 100
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("ID"=:X)
   - SQL plan baseline SQL_PLAN_a8qny22gsbtd494ecae5c used for this statement

--可以发现执行计划选择的全表扫描。并没有选择index range scan。

Here's the quick summary,
1.  ENABLED=YES (For any of the plan) :- Oracle will start capturing new plans for those queries.
2. Enabled=NO :-  Than plan won't we used.
3.  Accepted=Yes (Any one Plan) :- That plan will be used for execution
4.  Accepted=YES (For Multiple plans):- Any one plan can be used if fixed=no for all plans.
5. Accepted=No: Plan won't be used.
6.  FIXED=YES (for only one plan) Only that plan will be used and oracle will stop capturing/evolving new plans.
7.  FIXED=YES (for many plans) Oracle will chose execution plan only from that pool.

时间: 2024-07-30 10:49:42

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