30 个超棒的杂志用的 WordPress 主题

本文介绍的 30 个 WordPress 主题比较适合一些杂志使用。


This minimal design theme is sure to grab many eyeballs.

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Catopolis Magazine

An amazing theme that will hook your readers.

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An exclusive Magazine style theme from SloDive to its readers.

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This magazine style theme is great for any religious community, especially Church.

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An Elegant mix of simpleness and stylihness, this theme will surely woo you.

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This is a free news WordPress theme with featured content option and options page. Supports post thumbnails. Suitable for any niche, especially fashion design sites.

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Magasin uno reloaded

This awesome WP theme is loaded with awesome features like the tabbed widgets, featured content gallery, popular posts, etc.

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Pure Magazine

It is advertising ready, so not only will your ads look great with the rest of your website, ads will be more effective than ever.

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If you love cooking as much as you like eating it, this food wordpress theme is perfect for you.

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Fresh Theme

Fresh Theme is a simple yet elegant Magazine Style Design Theme.

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Bloggers from any niche, specially from Fashion industry will find this magazine style theme perfectly suiting for their needs.

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Rask, which means fast in Norwegian, is now in its beta stage and is shaping out nicely.

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Fullscreen is a free one-column theme for WordPress that can be used for portfolios, photoblogs, videoblogs, and Magazines where you want your content to be front and center.

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Statistics Theme is a Modern and Clean WordPress Theme.

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Cover WP Theme

A magazine-style theme for WordPress Gridlocked: Minimalistic WordPress Portfolio Theme featuring a light, easy on the eyes, brownish color scheme.

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The name explains it all. A great theme for any news or magazine related site.

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This theme has many features and options and yet it is free.

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A free news WordPress theme with featured content option and options page.

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A lovely theme for any Magazine site.

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Xenon Theme is a simple yet elegant Magazine Style Design Theme.

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Yet again a wonderful theme for any kind of magazine or blog.

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This theme carries the blue shade that is perfect for any kind of Blog or Magazine.

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This WordPress theme will be suitable for magazine blogs same as tutorials and personals blogs.

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Perfect theme for any news or magazine site.

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An unique, minimal and modular theme for WordPress that can transform your tubular blog into a news magazine website.

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This 2 Column theme has many features that makes it stand apart from others.

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It is a 2 column wordpress theme suitable for both magazine and personal blogs.

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This super attractive theme is used for any kind of magazine or blog.

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时间: 2024-09-20 16:31:00

30 个超棒的杂志用的 WordPress 主题的相关文章


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30 个用于杂志网站的 WordPress 主题

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另外一款超棒的响应式布局jQuery插件 – Freetile.js

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期:2012-11-3  来源:GBin1.com 今天我们将分享12款精心挑选最新jQuery插件,包含了演讲,排序及其社交内容等等,很多插件在gbin1以前的jQuery文章中我们都介绍过,希望大家喜欢! 1. impress.js impress.js是一个基于css3过渡和变形的演讲稿插件,如果你不是很喜欢使用PPT的话,它是个不错的选择. reveal.js reveal.js是另外一个不错的演讲稿制作js,帮助你快速的构建HTML5的演讲稿 Floater 这个插件可以帮助你构建可以

PS CS6打造超棒的草莓朱古力甜点3D文字效果教程

2012年4月24日,Adobe发布了Photoshop CS6的正式版,在CS6中整合了其Adobe专有的 Mercury图像 引擎,通过显卡核心GPU提供了强悍的图片编辑能力.Content-Aware Patch帮助用户更加轻松方便的选取区域,方便用户抠图等操作.Blur Gallery可以允许 用户在图片和文件内容上进行渲染模糊特效.Intuitive Video Creation提供了一种全新的视频操作体验. 本文教我们用PhotoShop CS6打造超棒的草莓朱古力甜点3D文字效果,


中介交易 http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/6858.html">SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 CSS3和jQuery从根本上改变了网页设计和程序开发.通过CSS3和jQuery,设计员和开发者不需要太多的精力或编码,就可以创造出非常 美丽令人叹惊的效果,同时还可以令你快速完成任务.CSS3和jQuery最 大的方便之处在于网上有大量的不同元素效果的展示教程,这一点使得学习新技巧 和创造一些很棒的内容更加轻松.网上有很多页面过渡效果展示


中介交易 http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/6858.html">SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 在浏览器中,11545.html">我们有很多方式来绘制生成签名效果,并且有很多很棒很智能的jQuery插件.数字化签名是未来的发展方向,正是这个原因我们这里收集并且推荐了四款超棒的jQuery数字化签名插件,希望大家喜欢! 1. jSignature 这个jQuery插件简化了创建数据签名的过程,允许用户使用鼠标,手写板,手

四款超棒的 jQuery 数字化签名插件

在浏览器中,我们有很多方式来绘制生成签名效果,并且有很多很棒很智能的jQuery插件.数字化签名是未来的发展方向,正是这个原因我们这里收集并且推荐了四款超棒的jQuery数字化签名插件,希望大家喜欢! jSignature 这个jQuery插件简化了创建数据签名的过程,允许用户使用鼠标,手写板,手指来绘制签名.这里是演示 Signature Pad 这个jQuery插件可以辅助使用HTML5画布来实现数字签名.它保存签名为JSON,并且可以以后再重新生成,这里是演示 jQuery UI Sign

超棒的悬浮层式的页面元素注解jQuery插件 - Chardin.js

中介交易 http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/6858.html">SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 日期:2013-5-2 来源:GBin1.com 在线演示:www.gbtags.com/gb/share/887.htm 还记得我们以前分享的超酷悬浮覆盖式的注释效果吗?今天这里我们分享一个能够帮助你快速的生成类似页面注释效果的jQuery插件 - Chardin.js,使用它可以快速的帮助你生成针对页面元素的注释效果,非常适合你辅助用户了