

 代码如下 复制代码

public class testcrc
    final byte P_8_ATM = (byte) 0x07;
    final byte P_8_CCITT = (byte) 0x8D;
    ///* Maxim: reflected 31 */
    final byte P_8_MAXIM = (byte) 0x8C;
    final byte P_8 = (byte) 0xD5;
    final byte P_8_J1850 = (byte) 0x1D;
    ///* WCDMA: reflected 9B */
    final byte P_8_WCDMA = (byte) 0xD9;
    ///* ROHC: reflected 07 */
    final byte P_8_ROHC = (byte) 0xE0;
    ///* DARC: reflected 39 */
    final byte P_8_DARC = (byte) 0x9C;
    final short P_16_NORMAL = (short) 0x8005;
    /* 16: 8005 reflected */
    final short P_16_REFLECTED = (short) 0xA001;
    final short P_CCITT = (short) 0x1021;
    /* DNP: 3D65 reflected */
    final short P_DNP = (short) 0xA6BC;
    final short P_EN_13757 = (short) 0x3D65;
    /* Kermit: 1021 reflected */
    final short P_KERMIT = (short) 0x8408;
    final short P_SICK = (short) 0x8005;
    final short P_T10_DIF = (short) 0x8BB7;
    final short P_DECT = (short) 0x0589;
    final short P_TELEDISK = (short) 0xA097;
    final int P_24 = (int) 0x5D6DCB;
    final int P_24_R64 = (int) 0x864CFB;
    final int P_32_NORMAL = (int) 0x04C11DB7;
    /* 32: 04C11DB7 reflected */
    final int P_32_REFLECTED = (int) 0xEDB88320;
    /* C: 1EDC6F41 reflected */
    final int P_32C = (int) 0x82F63B78;
    /* D: A833982B reflected */
    final int P_32D = (int) 0xD419CC15;
    final int P_32K = (int) 0x741B8CD7;
    final int P_32Q = (int) 0x814141AB;
    final int P_32_XFER = (int) 0x000000AF;
    final long P_40_GSM = 0x0004820009;
    final long P_64_NORMAL = (long) 0x42F0E1EBA9EA3693L;
    /* 1B:    000000000000001B reflected */
    final long P_64_1B_REFL = (long) 0xD800000000000000L;
    /* Jones: AD93D23594C935A9 reflected */
    final long P_64_JONES_REFL = (long) 0x95AC9329AC4BC9B5L;
    private static byte[] crc8_table_atm = new byte[256];
    private static byte[] crc8_table_ccitt = new byte[256];
    private static byte[] crc8_table_maxim = new byte[256];
    private static byte[] crc8_table = new byte[256];
    private static byte[] crc8_table_j1850 = new byte[256];
    private static byte[] crc8_table_wcdma = new byte[256];
    private static byte[] crc8_table_rohc = new byte[256];
    private static byte[] crc8_table_darc = new byte[256];
    private static long[] crc_tab641b_reflected = new long[256];
    private static long[] crc_tab64jones_reflected = new long[256];
    private static long[] crc_tab64_normal = new long[256];
    private static long[] crc_tab40gsm_normal = new long[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab32_normal = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab32_reflected = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tabxfer_normal = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab32C = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab32D = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab32K = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab32Q = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab24 = new int[256];
    private static int[] crc_tab24r64 = new int[256];
    private static short[] crc_tab_8005_normal = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tab_8005_reflected = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tab_1021_normal = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tab_1021_reflected = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tab_3d65_normal = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tab_3d65_reflected = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tabt10dif = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tabdect = new short[256];
    private static short[] crc_tabteledisk = new short[256];
    public byte[] Reflect8 =
        (byte) 0x00,(byte) 0x80,(byte) 0x40,(byte) 0xC0,(byte) 0x20,(byte) 0xA0,(byte) 0x60,(byte) 0xE0,(byte) 0x10,(byte) 0x90,(byte) 0x50,(byte) 0xD0,(byte) 0x30,(byte) 0xB0,(byte) 0x70,(byte) 0xF0,
        (byte) 0x08,(byte) 0x88,(byte) 0x48,(byte) 0xC8,(byte) 0x28,(byte) 0xA8,(byte) 0x68,(byte) 0xE8,(byte) 0x18,(byte) 0x98,(byte) 0x58,(byte) 0xD8,(byte) 0x38,(byte) 0xB8,(byte) 0x78,(byte) 0xF8,
        (byte) 0x04,(byte) 0x84,(byte) 0x44,(byte) 0xC4,(byte) 0x24,(byte) 0xA4,(byte) 0x64,(byte) 0xE4,(byte) 0x14,(byte) 0x94,(byte) 0x54,(byte) 0xD4,(byte) 0x34,(byte) 0xB4,(byte) 0x74,(byte) 0xF4,
        (byte) 0x0C,(byte) 0x8C,(byte) 0x4C,(byte) 0xCC,(byte) 0x2C,(byte) 0xAC,(byte) 0x6C,(byte) 0xEC,(byte) 0x1C,(byte) 0x9C,(byte) 0x5C,(byte) 0xDC,(byte) 0x3C,(byte) 0xBC,(byte) 0x7C,(byte) 0xFC,
        (byte) 0x02,(byte) 0x82,(byte) 0x42,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0x22,(byte) 0xA2,(byte) 0x62,(byte) 0xE2,(byte) 0x12,(byte) 0x92,(byte) 0x52,(byte) 0xD2,(byte) 0x32,(byte) 0xB2,(byte) 0x72,(byte) 0xF2,
        (byte) 0x0A,(byte) 0x8A,(byte) 0x4A,(byte) 0xCA,(byte) 0x2A,(byte) 0xAA,(byte) 0x6A,(byte) 0xEA,(byte) 0x1A,(byte) 0x9A,(byte) 0x5A,(byte) 0xDA,(byte) 0x3A,(byte) 0xBA,(byte) 0x7A,(byte) 0xFA,
        (byte) 0x06,(byte) 0x86,(byte) 0x46,(byte) 0xC6,(byte) 0x26,(byte) 0xA6,(byte) 0x66,(byte) 0xE6,(byte) 0x16,(byte) 0x96,(byte) 0x56,(byte) 0xD6,(byte) 0x36,(byte) 0xB6,(byte) 0x76,(byte) 0xF6,
        (byte) 0x0E,(byte) 0x8E,(byte) 0x4E,(byte) 0xCE,(byte) 0x2E,(byte) 0xAE,(byte) 0x6E,(byte) 0xEE,(byte) 0x1E,(byte) 0x9E,(byte) 0x5E,(byte) 0xDE,(byte) 0x3E,(byte) 0xBE,(byte) 0x7E,(byte) 0xFE,
        (byte) 0x01,(byte) 0x81,(byte) 0x41,(byte) 0xC1,(byte) 0x21,(byte) 0xA1,(byte) 0x61,(byte) 0xE1,(byte) 0x11,(byte) 0x91,(byte) 0x51,(byte) 0xD1,(byte) 0x31,(byte) 0xB1,(byte) 0x71,(byte) 0xF1,
        (byte) 0x09,(byte) 0x89,(byte) 0x49,(byte) 0xC9,(byte) 0x29,(byte) 0xA9,(byte) 0x69,(byte) 0xE9,(byte) 0x19,(byte) 0x99,(byte) 0x59,(byte) 0xD9,(byte) 0x39,(byte) 0xB9,(byte) 0x79,(byte) 0xF9,
        (byte) 0x05,(byte) 0x85,(byte) 0x45,(byte) 0xC5,(byte) 0x25,(byte) 0xA5,(byte) 0x65,(byte) 0xE5,(byte) 0x15,(byte) 0x95,(byte) 0x55,(byte) 0xD5,(byte) 0x35,(byte) 0xB5,(byte) 0x75,(byte) 0xF5,
        (byte) 0x0D,(byte) 0x8D,(byte) 0x4D,(byte) 0xCD,(byte) 0x2D,(byte) 0xAD,(byte) 0x6D,(byte) 0xED,(byte) 0x1D,(byte) 0x9D,(byte) 0x5D,(byte) 0xDD,(byte) 0x3D,(byte) 0xBD,(byte) 0x7D,(byte) 0xFD,
        (byte) 0x03,(byte) 0x83,(byte) 0x43,(byte) 0xC3,(byte) 0x23,(byte) 0xA3,(byte) 0x63,(byte) 0xE3,(byte) 0x13,(byte) 0x93,(byte) 0x53,(byte) 0xD3,(byte) 0x33,(byte) 0xB3,(byte) 0x73,(byte) 0xF3,
        (byte) 0x0B,(byte) 0x8B,(byte) 0x4B,(byte) 0xCB,(byte) 0x2B,(byte) 0xAB,(byte) 0x6B,(byte) 0xEB,(byte) 0x1B,(byte) 0x9B,(byte) 0x5B,(byte) 0xDB,(byte) 0x3B,(byte) 0xBB,(byte) 0x7B,(byte) 0xFB,
        (byte) 0x07,(byte) 0x87,(byte) 0x47,(byte) 0xC7,(byte) 0x27,(byte) 0xA7,(byte) 0x67,(byte) 0xE7,(byte) 0x17,(byte) 0x97,(byte) 0x57,(byte) 0xD7,(byte) 0x37,(byte) 0xB7,(byte) 0x77,(byte) 0xF7,
        (byte) 0x0F,(byte) 0x8F,(byte) 0x4F,(byte) 0xCF,(byte) 0x2F,(byte) 0xAF,(byte) 0x6F,(byte) 0xEF,(byte) 0x1F,(byte) 0x9F,(byte) 0x5F,(byte) 0xDF,(byte) 0x3F,(byte) 0xBF,(byte) 0x7F,(byte) 0xFF,
    /* Common routines for calculations */
    short reverse_endian(short i)
        return (short)((i >> 8) & 0xff | ((i & 0xff) << 8));
    /* Unsigned versions of right shift */
    byte rshiftu8(byte value,int nb)
        return (byte)((value >> nb) & ~(0x80 >> (nb-1)) & 0xff);
    short rshiftu16(short value,int nb)
        return (short)((value >> nb) & ~(((short) 0x8000) >> (nb-1)));
    int rshiftu32(int value,int nb)
        return (value >> nb) & ~(((int) 0x80000000) >> (nb-1));
    long rshiftu64(long value,int nb)
        return (long)((value >> nb) & ~(((long) 0x8000000000000000L) >> (nb-1)));
    short Reflect16(short Value16)
        return (short)(((Reflect8[Value16 & 0xFF]) << 8) | Reflect8[(Value16 >> 8) & 0xFF]);
    int Reflect24(int Value24)
        return (
                (((int)Reflect8[Value24 & 0xFF]) << 16) |
                (((int)Reflect8[(Value24 >> 8) & 0xFF]) << 8) |
                ((int)Reflect8[(Value24 >> 16) & 0xFF])
    int Reflect32(int Value32)
        return (
                (((int)Reflect8[Value32 & 0xFF]) << 24) |
                (((int)Reflect8[(Value32 >> 8) & 0xFF]) << 16) |
                (((int)Reflect8[(Value32 >> 16) & 0xFF]) << 8) |
                ((int)Reflect8[(Value32 >> 24) & 0xFF])
    long Reflect40(long Value40)
        return (
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)(Value40 & 0xFFL)]) << 32) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value40 >> 8) & 0xFFL)]) << 24) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value40 >> 16) & 0xFFL)]) << 16) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value40 >> 24) & 0xFFL)]) << 8) |
                ((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value40 >> 32) & 0xFFL)])
    long Reflect64(long Value64)
        return (
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)(Value64 & 0xFFL)]) << 56) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value64 >> 8) & 0xFFL)]) << 48) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value64 >> 16) & 0xFFL)]) << 40) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value64 >> 24) & 0xFFL)]) << 32) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value64 >> 32) & 0xFFL)]) << 24) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value64 >> 40) & 0xFFL)]) << 16) |
                (((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value64 >> 48) & 0xFFL)]) << 8) |
                ((long)Reflect8[(int)((Value64 >> 56) & 0xFFL)])
    void init_crc8_normal_tab(byte[] table, byte polynom)
        int i, j;
        byte crc8;
        for (i=0; i<256; i++)
                crc8 = (byte) i;
                for (j=0; j<8; j++)
                        if ((crc8 & 0x80) != 0)
                            crc8 = (byte)((crc8 << 1) ^ polynom);
                            crc8 <<= 1;
                table[i] = crc8;
    void init_crc8_reflected_tab(byte[] table, byte polynom)
        int i, j;
        byte crc8;
        for (i=0; i<256; i++)
                crc8 = (byte) i;
                for (j=0; j<8; j++)
                        if ((crc8 & 0x01) != 0)
                            crc8 = (byte)(rshiftu8(crc8,1) ^ polynom);
                            crc8 = rshiftu8(crc8,1);
                table[i] = crc8;
    void init_crc16_normal_tab(short[] table, short polynom)
        int i, j;
        short crc16;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc16 = (short)(i << 8);
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc16 & 0x8000) != 0)
                            crc16 = (short)((crc16 << 1) ^ polynom);
                            crc16 <<= 1;
                table[i] = crc16;
    void init_crc16_reflected_tab(short[] table, short polynom)
        int i, j;
        short crc16;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc16 = (short)i;
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc16 & 0x0001) != 0)
                            crc16 = (short)(rshiftu16(crc16,1) ^ polynom);
                            crc16 = rshiftu16(crc16,1);
                table[i] = crc16;
    void init_crc24_normal_tab(int[] table, int polynom)
        int i, j;
        int crc24;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc24 = i << 16;
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc24 & 0x00800000) != 0)
                            crc24 = (crc24 << 1) ^ polynom;
                            crc24 <<= 1;
                table[i] = crc24;
    void init_crc32_normal_tab(int[] table, int polynom)
        int i, j;
        int crc32;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc32 = i << 24;
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc32 & 0x80000000) != 0)
                            crc32 = (crc32 << 1) ^ polynom;
                            crc32 <<= 1;
                table[i] = crc32;
    void init_crc32_reflected_tab(int[] table, int polynom)
        int i, j;
        int crc32;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc32 = i;
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc32 & 0x00000001) != 0)
                            crc32 = rshiftu32(crc32,1) ^ polynom;
                            crc32 = rshiftu32(crc32,1);
                table[i] = crc32;
    void init_crc40_normal_tab(long[] table, long polynom)
        int i,j;
        long crc40;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc40 = (long) i << 32;
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc40 & 0x0000008000000000L) != 0)
                            crc40 = (crc40 << 1) ^ polynom;
                            crc40 <<= 1;
                table[i] = crc40;
    void init_crc64_normal_tab(long[] table, long polynom)
        int i,j;
        long crc64;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc64 = (long) i << 56;
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc64 & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0)
                            crc64 = (crc64 << 1) ^ polynom;
                            crc64 <<= 1;
                table[i] = crc64;
    void init_crc64_reflected_tab(long[] table, long polynom)
        int i,j;
        long crc64;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                crc64 = (long) i;
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((crc64 & 0x0000000000000001L) != 0)
                            crc64 = rshiftu64(crc64,1) ^ polynom;
                            crc64 = rshiftu64(crc64,1);
                table[i] = crc64;
    public static void print_table8(byte[] table)
        for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
                System.out.printf("%02X ",table[i]);
                if ((i & 0x0f)== 0x0f) System.out.printf("n");
    public void init_all_tab()
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table_atm, P_8_ATM);
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table_ccitt, P_8_CCITT);
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_maxim, P_8_MAXIM);
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table, P_8);
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table_j1850, P_8_J1850);
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_wcdma, P_8_WCDMA);
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_rohc, P_8_ROHC);
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_darc, P_8_DARC);
        init_crc16_normal_tab(crc_tab_1021_normal, P_CCITT);
        init_crc16_reflected_tab(crc_tab_1021_reflected, P_KERMIT);
        init_crc16_normal_tab(crc_tab_8005_normal, P_16_NORMAL);
        init_crc16_reflected_tab(crc_tab_8005_reflected, P_16_REFLECTED);
        init_crc16_normal_tab(crc_tab_3d65_normal, (short) 0x3D65);
        init_crc16_reflected_tab(crc_tab_3d65_reflected, P_DNP);
        init_crc16_normal_tab(crc_tabt10dif, P_T10_DIF);
        init_crc16_normal_tab(crc_tabdect, P_DECT);
        init_crc16_normal_tab(crc_tabteledisk, P_TELEDISK);
        init_crc24_normal_tab(crc_tab24, P_24);
        init_crc24_normal_tab(crc_tab24r64, P_24_R64);
        init_crc32_reflected_tab(crc_tab32_reflected, P_32_REFLECTED);
        init_crc32_normal_tab(crc_tab32_normal, P_32_NORMAL);
        init_crc32_normal_tab(crc_tabxfer_normal, P_32_XFER);
        init_crc32_reflected_tab(crc_tab32C, P_32C);
        init_crc32_reflected_tab(crc_tab32D, P_32D);
        init_crc32_normal_tab(crc_tab32K, P_32K); /* Not sure */
        init_crc32_normal_tab(crc_tab32Q, P_32Q);
        init_crc40_normal_tab(crc_tab40gsm_normal, P_40_GSM);
        init_crc64_normal_tab(crc_tab64_normal, P_64_NORMAL);
        init_crc64_reflected_tab(crc_tab641b_reflected, P_64_1B_REFL);
        init_crc64_reflected_tab(crc_tab64jones_reflected, P_64_JONES_REFL);
    void init_crc8_atm_tab()
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table_atm, P_8_ATM);
    void init_crc8_ccitt_tab()
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table_ccitt, P_8_CCITT);
    void init_crc8_maxim_tab()
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_maxim, P_8_MAXIM);
    void init_crc8_tab()
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table, P_8);
    void init_crc8_j1850_tab()
        init_crc8_normal_tab(crc8_table_j1850, P_8_J1850);
    void init_crc8_wcdma_tab()
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_wcdma, P_8_WCDMA);
    void init_crc8_rohc_tab()
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_rohc, P_8_ROHC);
    void init_crc8_darc_tab()
        init_crc8_reflected_tab(crc8_table_darc, P_8_DARC);
    byte update_crc8_atm( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table_atm[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte update_crc8_ccitt( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table_ccitt[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte update_crc8_maxim( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table_maxim[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte update_crc8( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte update_crc8_j1850( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table_j1850[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte update_crc8_wcdma( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table_wcdma[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte update_crc8_rohc( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table_rohc[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte update_crc8_darc( byte crc, byte c )
        return (crc8_table_darc[(int)((crc ^ c) & 0xFF)]);
    byte calculate_crc8_itu(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_atm(crc8,p[i]);
        return (byte)(crc8 ^ 0x55);
    byte calculate_crc8_atm(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_atm(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    byte calculate_crc8_ccitt(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_ccitt(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    byte calculate_crc8_maxim(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_maxim(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    byte calculate_crc8(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    byte calculate_crc8_icode(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = (byte)0xFD;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_j1850(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    byte calculate_crc8_j1850(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = (byte)0xFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_j1850(crc8,p[i]);
        return (byte)(~crc8);
    byte calculate_crc8_wcdma(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_wcdma(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    byte calculate_crc8_rohc(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = (byte)0xFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_rohc(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    byte calculate_crc8_darc(byte[] p, int length)
        byte crc8;
        int i;
        crc8 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc8 = update_crc8_darc(crc8,p[i]);
        return crc8;
    short update_crc16_normal(short[] table, short crc, short c )
        short short_c;
        short_c  = (short)(0x00ff & c);
        return (short)((crc << 8) ^ table[rshiftu16(crc,8) ^ short_c]);
    short update_crc16_reflected(short[] table, short crc, short c )
        short short_c;
        short_c  = (short)(0x00ff & c);
        return (short)(rshiftu16(crc,8) ^ table[(crc ^ short_c) & 0xff]);
    int update_crc24_normal(int[] table, int crc, byte c )
        int long_c;
        long_c = 0x000000ff & (int) c;
        return ((crc << 8) ^ table[(rshiftu32(crc,16) ^ long_c) & 0xff]) & 0x00ffffff;
    int update_crc32_normal(int[] table, int crc, byte c )
        int long_c;
        long_c = 0x000000ff & (int) c;
        return (crc << 8) ^ table[(rshiftu32(crc,24) ^ long_c) & 0xff];
    int update_crc32_reflected(int[] table, int crc, byte c )
        int long_c;
        long_c = 0x000000ff & (int) c;
        return rshiftu32(crc,8) ^ table[(crc ^ long_c) & 0xff];
    long update_crc40_normal(long[] table, long crc, byte c )
        long long64_c;
        long64_c = 0x00000000000000ffL & (long) c;
        return ((crc << 8) ^ table[(int)((rshiftu64(crc,32) ^ long64_c) & (long)0xffL)]) & (long)0x000000ffffffffffL;
    long update_crc64_normal(long[] table, long crc, byte c )
        long long64_c;
        long64_c = 0x00000000000000ffL & (long) c;
        return (crc << 8) ^ table[(int)(((crc >>> 56) ^ long64_c) & (long)0xffL)];
    long update_crc64_reflected(long[] table, long crc, byte c )
        long long64_c;
        long64_c = 0x00000000000000ffL & (long) c;
        return rshiftu64(crc,8) ^ table[(int)((crc ^ long64_c) & (long)0xffL)];
    short update_crc_sick( short crc, short c, short prev_byte )
        short short_c, short_p;
        short_c = c;
        short_p = (short)(prev_byte << 8);
        if ((crc & (short) 0x8000) != 0)
            crc = (short)(((crc << 1) ^ P_SICK) & (short) 0xffff);
            crc = (short)((crc << 1) & (short) 0xffff);
        crc ^= (short)(short_c | short_p);
        return crc;
    short update_crc16_8005( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_normal(crc_tab_8005_normal,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_A001( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_reflected(crc_tab_8005_reflected,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_1021( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_normal(crc_tab_1021_normal,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_8408( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_reflected(crc_tab_1021_reflected,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_3D65( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_normal(crc_tab_3d65_normal,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_dnp( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_reflected(crc_tab_3d65_reflected,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_t10_dif( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_normal(crc_tabt10dif,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_0589( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_normal(crc_tabdect,crc,c);
    short update_crc16_teledisk( short crc, short c )
        return update_crc16_normal(crc_tabteledisk,crc,c);
    int update_crc24( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc24_normal(crc_tab24,crc,c);
    int update_crc24_r64( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc24_normal(crc_tab24r64,crc,c);
    int update_crc32_refl( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc32_reflected(crc_tab32_reflected,crc,c);
    int update_crc32_norm( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc32_normal(crc_tab32_normal,crc,c);
    int update_crc32_xfer( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc32_normal(crc_tabxfer_normal,crc,c);
    int update_crc32_c( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc32_reflected(crc_tab32C,crc,c);
    int update_crc32_d( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc32_reflected(crc_tab32D,crc,c);
    int update_crc32_k( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc32_normal(crc_tab32K,crc,c);
    int update_crc32_q( int crc, byte c )
        return update_crc32_normal(crc_tab32Q,crc,c);
    long update_crc40_gsm(long crc, byte c)
        return update_crc40_normal(crc_tab40gsm_normal,crc,c);
    long update_crc64(long crc, byte c)
        return update_crc64_normal(crc_tab64_normal,crc,c);
    long update_crc64_1B(long crc, byte c)
        return update_crc64_reflected(crc_tab641b_reflected,crc,c);
    long update_crc64_jones(long crc, byte c)
        return update_crc64_reflected(crc_tab64jones_reflected,crc,c);
    short calculate_crc16_Buypass(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_8005(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_DDS_110(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = (short) 0x800D;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_8005(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_EN_13757(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_3D65(crc,p[i]);
        return (short)(~crc);
    short calculate_crc16_Teledisk(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_teledisk(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_A001(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Modbus(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = (short) 0xFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_A001(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Maxim(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_A001(crc,p[i]);
        return (short)(~crc);
    short calculate_crc16_USB(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = (short) 0xFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_A001(crc,p[i]);
        return (short)(~crc);
    short calculate_crc16_T10_DIF(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_t10_dif(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Dect_X(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_0589(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Dect_R(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_0589(crc,p[i]);
        return (short)(crc ^ 0x0001);
    short calculate_crc16_sick(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        short Prev_Byte = 0;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc_sick(crc,p[i],Prev_Byte);
                Prev_Byte = p[i];
        return reverse_endian(crc);
    short calculate_crc16_DNP(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_dnp(crc,p[i]);
        crc = (short)(~crc);
        return reverse_endian(crc);
    short calculate_crc16_Ccitt_Xmodem(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_1021(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Ccitt_FFFF(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = (short) 0xFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_1021(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Ccitt_1D0F(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0x1D0F;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_1021(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Genibus(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = (short) 0xFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_1021(crc,p[i]);
        return (short)(~crc);
    short calculate_crc16_Kermit(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_8408(crc,p[i]);
        return reverse_endian(crc);
    short calculate_crc16_X25(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = (short) 0xFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_8408(crc,p[i]);
        return (short)(~crc);
    short calculate_crc16_MCRF4XX(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = (short) 0xFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_8408(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_crc16_Riello(short[] p, int length)
        short crc;
        int i;
        crc = 0x554D;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc = update_crc16_8408(crc,p[i]);
        return crc;
    short calculate_chk16_Fletcher(short[] p, int length)
        short check, check_fletcher;
        int i;
        check = 0;
        check_fletcher = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                check += (p[i]);
                check_fletcher += check;
        return (short)(((check_fletcher & 0xFF) << 8) | (check & 0xFF));
    int calculate_crc24_flexray_a(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0x00FEDCBA;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc24(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    int calculate_crc24_flexray_b(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0x00ABCDEF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc24(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    int calculate_crc24_r64(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0x00B704CE;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc24_r64(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    int calculate_crc32(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_refl(crc32,p[i]);
        return ~crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_jamcrc(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_refl(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_c(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_c(crc32,p[i]);
        return ~crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_d(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_d(crc32,p[i]);
        return ~crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_bzip2(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_norm(crc32,p[i]);
        return ~crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_mpeg2(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_norm(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_posix(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_norm(crc32,p[i]);
        return ~crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_k(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_k(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_q(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_q(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    int calculate_crc32_xfer(byte[] p, int length)
        int crc32;
        int i;
        crc32 = 0;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc32 = update_crc32_xfer(crc32,p[i]);
        return crc32;
    long calculate_crc40_gsm(byte[] p, int length)
        long crc64;
        int i;
        crc64 = 0L;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc64 = update_crc40_gsm(crc64,p[i]);
        return crc64;
    long calculate_crc64(byte[] p, int length)
        long crc64;
        int i;
        crc64 = 0L;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc64 = update_crc64(crc64,p[i]);
        return crc64;
    long calculate_crc64_1b(byte[] p, int length)
        long crc64;
        int i;
        crc64 = 0L;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc64 = update_crc64_1B(crc64,p[i]);
        return crc64;
    long calculate_crc64_we(byte[] p, int length)
        long crc64;
        int i;
        crc64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc64 = update_crc64(crc64,p[i]);
        return ~crc64;
    long calculate_crc64_jones(byte[] p, int length)
        long crc64;
        int i;
        crc64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
        for (i=0; i < length; i++)
                crc64 = update_crc64_jones(crc64,p[i]);
        return crc64;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        short[] TestString = {0x68, 0x68, 0x16, 0x16, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x58, 0xb9, 0x52, 0xda, 0x61, 0x24, 0x80, 0x3f, 0xf3, 0x28, 0x23, 0x29, 0x72, 0x52, 0x6d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0xbf, 0xfe};
        testcrc myCrc = new testcrc();
        System.out.printf("Test CRC in Javann");
        System.out.printf("Test CRC8 algorithmsnn");
//        System.out.printf("Test ITU:       %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_itu(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test ATM:       %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_atm(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CCITT:     %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_ccitt(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test Maxim:     %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_maxim(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC8:      %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test Icode:     %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_icode(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test J1850:     %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_j1850(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test WCDMA:     %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_wcdma(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test ROHC:      %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_rohc(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test DARC:      %02Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc8_darc(TestString, 9));
        System.out.printf("nTest CRC16 algorithmsn");
        System.out.printf("Test Buypass:   %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Buypass(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test DDS 110:   %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_DDS_110(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test EN 13757:  %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_EN_13757(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Teledisk:  %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Teledisk(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test CRC16:     %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Modbus:    %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Modbus(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Maxim:     %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Maxim(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test USB:       %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_USB(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test T10 DIF:   %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_T10_DIF(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Dect X:    %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Dect_X(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Dect R:    %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Dect_R(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Sick:      %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_sick(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test DNP:       %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_DNP(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test XModem:    %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Ccitt_Xmodem(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test FFFF:      %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Ccitt_FFFF(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test 1D0F:      %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Ccitt_1D0F(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Genibus:   %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Genibus(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Kermit:    %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Kermit(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test X25:       %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_X25(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test MCRF4XX:   %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_MCRF4XX(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Riello:    %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc16_Riello(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("Test Fletcher:  %04Xn",myCrc.calculate_chk16_Fletcher(TestString, TestString.length));
        System.out.printf("nTest CRC24-64 algorithmsn");
//        System.out.printf("Test Flexray A: %06Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc24_flexray_a(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test Flexray B: %06Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc24_flexray_b(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test R64:       %06Xnn",myCrc.calculate_crc24_r64(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC32:     %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test JamCRC:    %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_jamcrc(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC32 C:   %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_c(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC32 D:   %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_d(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test BZIP2:     %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_bzip2(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test MPEG2:     %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_mpeg2(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test Posix:     %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_posix(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC32 K:   %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_k(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC32 Q:   %08Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_q(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test Xfer:      %08Xnn",myCrc.calculate_crc32_xfer(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test GSM:       %010Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc40_gsm(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC64:     %016Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc64(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test CRC64 1B:  %016Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc64_1b(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test WE:        %016Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc64_we(TestString, 9));
//        System.out.printf("Test Jones:     %016Xn",myCrc.calculate_crc64_jones(TestString, 9));


 代码如下 复制代码

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.BodyPart;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Multipart;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
import com.grt.michael.bean.EventMessBean;
import com.grt.michael.dao.INoticeDAO;
import com.grt.michael.dao.impl.NoticeDAOImpl;
import com.grt.michael.resource.CaptionUtil;
 * 邮件发送处理类
 * @author Administrator
public class MailManager {
    private static MailSenderInfo senderInfo;
    public static void initialize() {
    public static void updateSenderInfo() {
        INoticeDAO noticeDao = new NoticeDAOImpl();
        senderInfo = noticeDao.getEmailServer();
    public static boolean sendEventMail(EventMessBean eventBean) {
        INoticeDAO noticeDao = new NoticeDAOImpl();
        List<String> toAddressList = noticeDao.getEventNoticeEmailAddresses(eventBean.getId());
        for(String toAddress : toAddressList) {
            sendHtmlMail(eventBean.getMailContent(), toAddress);
        return false;
     * Html格式发送邮件
     * @param mailInfo
     * @return
    public static boolean sendHtmlMail(String content, String toAddress) {
        if(senderInfo == null) {
            return false;
        String fromAddress = senderInfo.getSenderMail();
        if(CaptionUtil.isEmpty(content) || CaptionUtil.isEmpty(fromAddress) || CaptionUtil.isEmpty(toAddress)) {
            return false;
        // 判断是否需要身份认证
        Properties pro = senderInfo.getProperties();
        MyAuthenticator authenticator = new MyAuthenticator(fromAddress, senderInfo.getPassword());
        // 根据邮件会话属性和密码验证器构造一个发送邮件的session
        Session sendMailSession = Session.getInstance(pro, authenticator);
        try {
            // 根据session创建一个邮件消息
            Message mailMessage = new MimeMessage(sendMailSession);
            // 创建邮件发送者地址
            Address from = new InternetAddress(senderInfo.getSenderMail());
            // 设置邮件消息的发送者
            // 创建邮件的接收者地址,并设置到邮件消息中
            Address to = new InternetAddress(toAddress);
            // Message.RecipientType.TO属性表示接收者的类型为TO
            mailMessage.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
            // 设置邮件消息的主题
            // 设置邮件消息发送的时间
            mailMessage.setSentDate(new Date());
            // MiniMultipart类是一个容器类,包含MimeBodyPart类型的对象
            Multipart mainPart = new MimeMultipart();
            // 创建一个包含HTML内容的MimeBodyPart
            BodyPart html = new MimeBodyPart();
            // 设置HTML内容
            html.setContent(content, "text/html; charset=utf-8");
            // 将MiniMultipart对象设置为邮件内容
            // 发送邮件
            return true;
        } catch (MessagingException ex) {
        return false;
     * Html格式发送邮件
     * @param mailInfo
     * @return
    public static boolean sendFileMail(String toAddress, File file) {
        if(senderInfo == null) {
            return false;
        String fromAddress = senderInfo.getSenderMail();
        if(CaptionUtil.isEmpty(fromAddress) || CaptionUtil.isEmpty(toAddress)) {
            return false;
        // 判断是否需要身份认证
        Properties pro = senderInfo.getProperties();
        MyAuthenticator authenticator = new MyAuthenticator(fromAddress, senderInfo.getPassword());
        // 根据邮件会话属性和密码验证器构造一个发送邮件的session
        Session sendMailSession = Session.getInstance(pro, authenticator);
        try {
            // 根据session创建一个邮件消息
            Message mailMessage = new MimeMessage(sendMailSession);
            // 创建邮件发送者地址
            Address from = new InternetAddress(senderInfo.getSenderMail());
            // 设置邮件消息的发送者
            // 创建邮件的接收者地址,并设置到邮件消息中
            Address to = new InternetAddress(toAddress);
            // Message.RecipientType.TO属性表示接收者的类型为TO
            mailMessage.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
            // 设置邮件消息的主题
            // 设置邮件消息发送的时间
            mailMessage.setSentDate(new Date());
            // MiniMultipart类是一个容器类,包含MimeBodyPart类型的对象
            Multipart mainPart = new MimeMultipart();
            // 创建一个包含HTML内容的MimeBodyPart
            MimeBodyPart html = new MimeBodyPart();
            // 设置HTML内容
            try {
                BASE64Encoder enc = new BASE64Encoder();
                html.setFileName("=?GBK?B?" + enc.encode(file.getName().getBytes("GBK")) + "?=");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            // 将MiniMultipart对象设置为邮件内容
            // 发送邮件
            return true;
        } catch (MessagingException ex) {
        return false;

时间: 2025-01-25 12:20:07



问题描述 求java中常用的加密.解密算法? 页面提交的密码.电话等信息通常需要加密后存放到数据库里,在个人信息展示时通常需要进行解密,如何实现?求案例或者思路. 解决方案 常用加密解密算法java常用的加密,解密,数字签名等APIJava Cipher类 DES算法(加密与解密) 解决方案二: 这个其实在百度里搜一下,到处都有答案,现提供一个参考文章: 解决方案三: h


问题描述 如何在JAVA中打印显示出R语言算法的结果 如题:我需要在Java上调用R的代码,R代码如下:data.frame(obs = c(1 2 3) treat = c('A' 'B' 'A') weight = c(2.3 NA 9)).R上显示结果如下: obs treat weight1 1 A 2.32 2 B NA3 3 A 9.0 怎么将这个结果 在Java中打印出来啊.. 求大神. 解决方案


问题描述 如何在JAVA中打印显示出R语言算法的结果 如题: R代码如下: library(e1071) permutations(3) R下的显示结果如下 [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 2 3 [2,] 2 1 3 [3,] 2 3 1 [4,] 1 3 2 [5,] 3 1 2 [6,] 3 2 1 Java 中调用R代码如下: re.eval("library(e1071)"); re.eval("permutations(5)"); Syste


以下内容来自维基百科,关于静态类型检查和动态类型检查的解释: •静态类型检查:基于程序的源代码来验证类型安全的过程: •动态类型检查:在程序运行期间验证类型安全的过程: Java使用静态类型检查在编译期间分析程序,确保没有类型错误.基本的思想是不要让类型错误在运行期间发生. 以下代码是一个例子,理解了他,你会更好的理解Java静态类型检查是如何工作的. 代码示例 假定我们有如下类,A和B,B继承A. class A { A me() { return this; } public void do


  一.为什么要有Hash算法 Java中的集合有两类,一类是List,一类是Set.List内的元素是有序的,元素可以重复.Set元素无序,但元素不可重复.要想保证元素不重复,两个元素是否重复应该依据什么来判断呢?用Object.equals方法.但若每增加一个元素就检查一次,那么当元素很多时,后添加到集合中的元素比较的次数就非常多了.也就是说若集合中已有1000个元素,那么第1001个元素加入集合时,它就要调用1000次equals方法.这显然会大大降低效率.于是Java采用了哈希表的原理.




本文实例讲述了java中struts2实现文件上传下载功能实现方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体分析如下: 1.文件上传 首先是jsp页面的代码 在jsp页面中定义一个上传标签   复制代码 代码如下: <tr>      <td align="right" bgcolor="#F5F8F9"><b>附件:</b></td>      <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

JAVA 18位身份证号码校验码的算法_JSP编程

public static char doVerify(String id) { char pszSrc[]=id.toCharArray(); int iS = 0; int iW[]={7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2}; char szVerCode[] = new char[]{'1','0', 'X', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2'}; int i; for(i=0;i


存储结构首先,HashMap是基于哈希表存储的.它内部有一个数组,当元素要存储的时候,先计算其key的哈希值,根据哈希值找到元素在数组中对应的下标.如果这个位置没有元素,就直接把当前元素放进去,如果有元素了(这里记为A),就把当前元素链接到元素A的前面,然后把当前元素放入数组中.所以在Hashmap中,数组其实保存的是链表的首节点.下面是百度百科的一张图: 如上图,每个元素是一个Entry对象,在其中保存了元素的key和value,还有一个指针可用于指向下一个对象.所有哈希值相同的key(也就是