网络存储(Network Storage)是基于数据存储的一种,网络存储结构大致分为三种:直连式存储(DAS:Direct Attached Storage)、网络存储设备(NAS:Network Attached Storage)和存储网络(SAN:Storage Area Network),由于NAS对于普通消费者而言较为熟悉,所以一般网络存储都指NAS。
iSCSI:Internet小型计算机系统接口(iSCSI:Internet Small Computer System Interface),是一个供硬件设备使用的可以在IP协议的上层运行的SCSI指令集,这种指令集合可以实现在IP网络上运行SCSI协议。iSCSI技术是一种新储存技术,该技术是将现有SCSI接口与以太网络(Ethernet)技术结合,使服务器可与使用IP网络的储存设备互相交换数据。iSCSI的主要功能是在TCP/IP网络上的主机系统(启动器Initiator)和存储设备(目标器Target)之间进行大量数据的封装和可靠传输过程。此外,iSCSI提供了在IP网络上封装的SCSI命令,且运行在TCP上。
1. Port:TCP 3260
2. ISCSI存储设备使用iqn标识符来命名 ipn.YYYY-MM.反向域名.识别标识
How to setup ISCSI server
SCSI Commands
Server Side
step1 install software
yum install scsi-target-utils
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serviceName: tgtd
step2 Create target object
service tgtd start
tgtadm -L iscsi -o new -m target -t 1 -Y
-L:assign drive type
-o:assign operation type
-m:assign mode
-t:assign target number
-T:assign target identification
new:Create the new one
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step3. Check target detail list infomation
tgtadm -L iscsi -o show -m target
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step4. Create LUN(逻辑单元)
tgtadm -L iscsi -o new -m logicalunit -t 1 -l 1 -b /dev/sdName
-l assign LUN
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step5. Bind Client’s IPAddr to LUN
tgtadm -L iscsi -o bind -m target -t 1 -I clientIP
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step6. Show the Account info
sgt-admin -S
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If the AccountInfo is null, anyone can use the target.
If ACLInfo is null, no people can use the target.
The IPInfo will output in the ACLInfo when the ip bind to target.
Client Side
step1. Install iscsi-initiator-utils
yum install iscsi-initiator-utils
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step2. Find usable target in local client, get usable target’s iqnFlag
service iscsi start
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p serverIP
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step3. Connect service target share device
iscsiadm -m node -T iqnFlag -l
-l login
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step4. After connect server find usable dervice in local
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step5. After connect ISCSI server find the target config file
ls -R /var/lib/iscsi/nodes
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step6. Formatling the ISCSI share device when the ISCSI device haven’t FS. And mount the device.
NOTE: mount the device at the same time add option -netdev to /etc/fstab, the meaning is monut the device after connect the network.
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdName
mount -t /dev/sdName /mnt/iscsi
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step7. unload ISCSI drvice.
iscsiadm -m node -T iqnFlag -u #For a short time ,logout
iscsiadm -m node -T iqnFlag -0 #Delete
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Edit the ISCSI configuration file
vim /etc/tgt/target.conf
backing-store /dev/vg_iscsi/lv_iscsi
direct-store /dev/sda2
initator-address #Bind client IP
incominguser jmilk #authentication parameter
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Step2. restart the tgt service
service tgtd restart
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iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p serverIP
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step2. Defined connect authentication method, create auth user.
iscsiadm -m node -o update -T iqnFlag -n node.session.auth authmethod -V CHAP
iscsiadm -m node -o update -T iqnFlag -n node.session.auth username -V jmilk
iscsiadm -m node -o update -T iqnFlag -n node.session.auth passwork -V
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iscsiadm -m node -T iqnFlag -l
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