shell编程之实现windows回收站功能分享_linux shell

一. 功能简介
1. 将删除的文件放在回收站中
2. 恢复删除的文件
3. 实现linux rm命令的功能, 使用起来几乎和linux 系统自带的rm ,命令完全一样
4. 新增功能: rm -l, rm -e, rm -c
5. 该脚本每次在运行时候会检查$HOME/.trash 目录下文件大小之和, 若
超过最大容量, 脚本会自动将日志文件中所记录文件中的前一半文件从回
命令/bin/rm 而不要用 rm.

二. 使用方法:
1. 将trash文件放到 $HOME/bin/
2. 在$HOME/.bashrc 文件中加入alias rm=”$HOME/bin/trash”, 重新登陆终端或执行bash命令。
3. 执行命令rm -e 配置回收站的最大容量,单位K
4. 回收站的默认目录为:$HOME/.trash, 默认配置文件为:$HOME/.trash/trash.conf
5. 怎样恢复文件:
在linux 终端中输入rm -l, 然后 在RowNumber: 后面键入要删除文件所在的行标识:988 键入y/Y 然后按回车键 恢复成功.
如果想只查看删除列表, 则键入rm -l 后直接按回车键或者键入Q/q
6. 更详细的参数介绍请键入:rm --help

三. 注意事项
 1. 想要手动清空$HOME/.trash目录需要用/bin/rm命令, 请不要尝试用rm -r $HOME/.trash 的方法.
 2. 该脚本不支持rm -r -f , rm -rfi (选项组合超过2个)格式.
 3. 如果你可以你甚至可以用该脚本作为备份脚本, 假若想备份test2.txt你只需要执行rm test2.txt, 当然如果真想备份某个文件的话, 最好编写专门的备份脚本。

复制代码 代码如下:

#maxmemory=51200 (50M)
#maxmemory=102400 (100M)
#maxmemory=512000 (500M)





if [ ! -e $trash ];then
 mkdir -p $trash
 chmod 755 $trash

function rand()
 a=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e A B C D E F)
 for ((i=0;i<7;i++))
  echo -n ${a[$RANDOM%${#a[*]}]}


function file_null()
 local file=$1
 echo "rm: cannot remove '$file': No such file or directory"

function echo_msg()
 echo -n "rm: missing operand
Try 'rm --help' for more information.

function echo_msg2()
 echo -n "rm: invalid option  '$1'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.

function deal()
 local tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/tfile.XXXXXX)
 local num=$(($(cat $mvlog| wc -l)/2))
 #awk -F: -v nu=$num  -v trash=$trash '{if (NR<=nu) system("rm -rf "trash"'/'"$2"':'"$3""); \
#else print $0}' $mvlog | sort -o $mvlog
 awk -F: -v nu=$num  -v trash=$trash '{if (NR<=nu) system("rm -rf "trash"'/'"$2"':'"$3""); \
else print $0}' $mvlog >> $tmp
 mv $tmp $mvlog

function jug_cur()

 local tmp=
 local dirname=$1
 local jug=${dirname/\/*/}
 if [ "$jug" == "." ];then
 elif [ "$jug" == ".." ];then
#elif [ "$jug" == "~" ];then
#return 2

function rm1
 local filename=$(basename $from1)
 local dirname=$(dirname $from1)

 jug_cur $dirname
 if [ "$JUG" -eq 0 ];then
 elif [ $JUG -eq 1 ];then

 if [ -d "$from1" ];then
  echo "rm: cannot remove '$from1': Is a directory"
  if [ ! -e $from1 ];then
   file_null $from1
   echo "$dirname:$filename:$random:$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%T)" >> $mvlog
   mv "$from1" "$trash/$filename:$random"

#rm -i
function rmi()
 local filename=$(basename $from2)
 local dirname=$(dirname $from2)

 jug_cur $dirname
 if [ $JUG -eq 0 ];then
 elif [ $JUG -eq 1 ];then

 if [ -f "$from2" ];then
  echo -n "rm: remove regular file '$from2'?"
  read answer
  if [ "$answer" = 'y' -o "$answer" = 'Y' ];then
   echo "$dirname:$filename:$random:$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%T)" >> $mvlog
   mv "$from2" "$trash/$filename:$random"
  if [ ! -e $from2 ];then
   file_null $from2
   echo "rm: cannot remove '$from2': Is a directory"

#rm -f
function rmf()
 local filename=$(basename $from2)
 local dirname=$(dirname $from2)

 jug_cur $dirname
 if [ $JUG -eq 0 ];then
 elif [ $JUG -eq 1 ];then

 if [ -f "$from2" ];then
  echo "$dirname:$filename:$random:$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%T)" >> $mvlog
  mv "$from2" "$trash/$filename:$random"
  if [ ! -e $from2 ];then
   echo "rm: cannot remove '$from2': Is a directory"

#rm -r
function rmr()
 local filename=$(basename $from2)
 local dirname=$(dirname $from2)

 jug_cur $dirname
 if [ $JUG -eq 0 ];then
 elif [ $JUG -eq 1 ];then

 if [ "$from2" = "." -o "$from2" = ".." ];then
  echo "rm: cannot remove directory: '$from2'"
 elif [ -e "$from2" ];then
  echo "$dirname:$filename:$random:$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%T)" >> $mvlog
  mv "$from2" "$trash/$filename:$random"
  file_null $from2

#rm -rf
function rmrf()
 local filename=$(basename $from2)
 local dirname=$(dirname $from2)

 jug_cur $dirname
 if [ $JUG -eq 0 ];then
 elif [ $JUG -eq 1 ];then

 if [ "$from2" = "." -o "$from2" = ".." ];then
  echo "rm: cannot remove directory: '$from2'"
 elif [ -e "$from2" ];then
  echo "$dirname:$filename:$random:$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%T)" >> $mvlog
  mv "$from2" "$trash/$filename:$random"

#rm -ir
function rmir()
 local filename=$(basename $from2)
 local dirname=$(dirname $from2)

 jug_cur $dirname
 if [ $JUG -eq 0 ];then
 elif [ $JUG -eq 1 ];then

 if [ -e "$from2" ];then
  if [ -d "$from2" ];then
   echo -n "rm: remove directory '$from2'?"
   echo -n "rm: remove regular file '$from2'?"

  read answer
  if [ "$answer" = 'y' -o "$answer" = 'Y' ];then
   echo "$dirname:$filename:$random:$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%T)" >> $mvlog
   mv "$from2" "$trash/$filename:$random"
  if [ ! -e $from2 ];then
   file_null $from2


function rmc()
 /bin/rm -rf $trash

function rml()
 local tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/tfile.XXXXXX)

 if [ ! -d "$trash" ];then
  mkdir $trash

 if [ ! -f "$mvlog" ];then
  touch $mvlog
 line=$(cat -n $mvlog | awk -F: '{print $1, "FileName:"$2, "Time: "$4":"$5":"$6}')
 linecount=$(cat $mvlog | wc -l)
 echo -e "$line"
 echo "[$linecount] Please enter the file you want to restore (replaced with the line number)"
 printf "RowNumber: "
 read answer
 if [ "$answer" = 'q' -o "$answer" = 'Q' -o "$answer" = "" ];then
  printf "Please confirm (Y/N): "
  read answer1
  if [ "$answer1" = 'y' -o "$answer1" = 'Y' ];then
   address=$(sed -n "$answer""p" $mvlog | awk -F: '{print $1}')
   filename=$(sed -n "$answer""p" $mvlog | awk -F: '{print $2}')
   filerand=$(sed -n "$answer""p" $mvlog | awk -F: '{print $3}')
   if [ -e "$fullname" ];then
    echo "The file exist!"
    sleep 0.5
    mv "$old" "$new"
    #deline=$(cat $mvlog|sed "$answer""d" | sort -o $mvlog)
    deline=$(cat $mvlog|sed "$answer""d" >> $tmp)
    mv $tmp $mvlog
    echo "restore success!"
    sleep 0.5

function help()
 cat << 'EOF'
Usage: rm [OPTION]... FILE...
Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).

-f, --force   ignore nonexistent files, never prompt
-i, --interactive prompt before any removal
--no-preserve-root do not treat `/' specially (the default)
--preserve-root   fail to operate recursively on `/'
-r, -R, --recursive   remove directories and their contents recursively
--help display this help and exit

By default, rm does not remove directories.  Use the --recursive (-r or -R)
option to remove each listed directory, too, along with all of its contents.

To remove a file whose name starts with a `-', for example `-foo',
use one of these commands:
rm -- -foo

rm ./-foo

Note that if you use rm to remove a file, it is usually possible to recover
the contents of that file.  If you want more assurance that the contents are
truly unrecoverable, consider using shred.

Report bugs to <>.


mem=$(du -s $trash|awk '{print $1}')
if [ "$mem" -gt $maxmemory ];then

if [ "$#" -eq 0 ];then

if [ "$#" -eq 1 ];then
 case "$from1" in


  -r | -R)





  echo_msg2 $from1



if [ "$#" -ge 2 ];then
 until  [ "$2" = "" ]
  case "$from1" in







   exit 1

   echo_msg2 $from1
   exit 1

    until [ "$1" = "" ]



时间: 2025-01-03 07:58:32

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