DEFT Linux 6发布 定制的Ubuntu自启动运行Linux发行版


DEFT 6 is based on Lubuntu with Kernel 2.6.35 (Linux side) and DEFT Extra 3.0 (Windows side) with the best freeware Computer Forensic tools; it is a new concept of Computer Forensic live system, ewflib ready, that use WINE for run Windows Computer Forensics tools under Linux.

DEFT Linux v5 is based on the new Kernel 2.6.31 (Linux side) and the DEFT Extra 2.0 (Computer Forensic GUI) with the best freeware Windows Computer Forensic tools. DEFT it’s a new concept of Computer Forensic live system that use LXDE as desktop environment and thunar file manager and mount manager as tool for device management.

It is a very easy to use system that includes an excellent hardware detection and the best free and open source applications dedicated to incident response and computer forensics.

This is a list of changes made to the release candidate version:

[new] Update FTK Imager from 2.9 to 3
[new] Update Digital Forensic Framework from 0.8 to 0.9
[new] Added Xmount 0.4.4
[new] Added mount_ewf utility
[bug fix] VWrong Guymager release, now is the 0.5.7
[bug fix] Fixed iso md5 file check
[bug fix] Fixed some grammatical errors

下载地址:deft_6.iso (692MB, MD5).

时间: 2024-12-23 13:35:43

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