【Android平台】 Alljoyn学习笔记三 开发环境的搭建和Building AllJoyn from Source for Android



  • The following content uses many terms and concepts that are described in the Introduction to
    the AllJoyn Framework
    . Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you read the Introduction content first.
  • Before proceeding with development, make sure that you have set up the development environment as described here for Windows or
    for Linux.

Setting Up the Programming Environment

This section explains how to set up the programming environment for developing AllJoyn-enabled Android applications. It covers the following topics:

  • Install the Android SDK and NDK
  • Install Eclipse and the ADT plug-in

NOTE: The procedures described in this section require the specified tool versions.

Installing the Android SDK

The Android software development kit (SDK) provides the tools needed for building Android applications and transferring applications to or from an Android device.The 'adb' tool is used to:

  • Transfer/pull files to/from the phone
  • Run the AllJoyn standalone router
  • Install/uninstall applications

If you want to run AllJoyn on Android 2.2 (Froyo), you can install Android SDK version r9 or above.

If you want to run AllJoyn on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), you can install at least Android SDK version r11 or above.

Download Android SDK version r11 or above from the following location:


Install the SDK by following the directions given on the download page.

In order to run, the SDK requires certain software packages to be pre-installed on your system. For more information, see the following location:


After installing the SDK, you must install the Android platform support packages you wish to use. See:


The AllJoyn framework runs on any SDK platform with Android API levels 8 through 11. Note that installing these packages may take some time.

Installing the Android NDK

The Android native development kit (NDK) enables developers to build Java native libraries (JNI libraries) which can be called from Android (Java) applications. Android NDK is required only to write Java native libraries. The Android NDK is not required to
use the Android Java bindings.

The main tool used from the Android NDK is 'ndk-build', which is used to build the native library of the JNI application.

To run Android JNI applications using AllJoyn, install any NDK version 7 or above fromhttp://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html .

Install the NDK by following the directions given on the download page.

To run, the NDK requires that the following software packages are pre-installed on your system:

  • Latest Android SDK (including all dependencies)
  • GNU Make 3.81 or later
  • Recent version of awk (GNU awk or nawk)

For more information, see the NDK download page.

Installing Eclipse and the ADT plug-in

The Android SDK operates in the Eclipse integrated development environment, with the addition of the Eclipse plug-in for the Android development tools (ADT).

Since Android applications are Java-based, installing Eclipse for Java development may be helpful.

Download Eclipse from the following location:


Install Eclipse by following the directions given on the download page.

Instructions for installing the Eclipse ADT plug-in can be found at the following location:


NOTE: If the plug-in cannot find the SDK executable, it displays an error and then prompts for its location. (Point it to where you installed the SDK.) Also, if you haven't already selected the packages that need installing (refer to [Installing the Android
SDK][install-android-sdk]), you are prompted to do so upon launching ADT.

Downloading the OpenSSL header files and library

The AllJoyn framework uses the OpenSSL crypto library for end-to-end encryption and authentication.

The prebuilt library is required to link AllJoyn applications. It can be downloaded directly from the Android device or emulator into the lib folder of the AllJoyn distribution. Attach the device (or launch the Android emulator), then run the following commands:

cd <alljoyn_dir>/lib
adb pull /system/lib/libcrypto.so libcrypto.so

The above command means:

adb pull

The library can also be built from the Android source repository. For details on building the Android source tree, see the Android source repository web site:


IMPORTANT: If you are building for Froyo, the libcrypto.so library
must be pulled from Froyo, not Gingerbread. Conversely, if you are building for Gingerbread, the libcrypto.so library
must be pulled from Gingerbread.

Building AllJoyn from Source for Android

For most developers, the SDK package available to download from http://allseenalliance.org is sufficient for developing Android
applications using AllJoyn. However, if you wish to obtain and compile AllJoyn from source, follow the directions in this section.

To compile AllJoyn from source, the following items are required:

  • Android SDK
  • Android NDK
  • Eclipse and the ADT plug-in
  • Android source

Instructions for obtaining the Android SDK, Android NDK, Eclipse and the ADT plug-in are in Setting
Up the Programming Environment

The Android source

The Android source (http://source.android.com) is required for building Android targets. For most developers, downloading and
building Android source is the most complicated step in building AllJoyn for Android. Google has detailed instructions for downloading and building Android source.

For a list of system requirements and instructions for obtaining the required tools, seehttp://source.android.com/source/initializing.html.

For instructions on obtaining the Android Source Tree, see http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html.

When running the repo init command specify:

  • -b
    froyo-release for Froyo source
  • -b
    gingerbread-release for Gingerbread source

For instructions on building and running the build source, see http://source.android.com/source/building.html

  • Build the "generic" version of Android.
  • There is no need to run the code. Only the build libraries that are not available in the NDK are used.

Obtaining the AllJoyn source

If you followed the instructions in The Android source,
you should have the repo tool and git installed on your system. Enter the following commands to get the AllJoyn source:

$ mkdir $HOME/alljoyn # for example
$ cd $HOME/alljoyn
$ repo init -u git://github.com/alljoyn/manifest.git
$ repo sync
$ repo start master --all

Building the AllJoyn framework for Android

At this point. you have all of the files and programs required to build the AllJoyn framework for Android. The following commands assume you have installed the Android NDK at /usr/local/android-ndk-r5b,
you have downloaded and built the Android source, and it is located in $HOME/android-platform.

IMPORTANT: If you are building for Froyo, the Android source must be built for Froyo, not Gingerbread. Conversely, if you are building for Gingerbread, the Android source must be built for Gingerbread.

Use the following commands to build the AllJoyn framework for Android:

$ export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun" # or java-5-sun
$ export CLASSPATH="/usr/share/java/junit.jar"
$ scons OS=android CPU=arm ANDROID_NDK=/usr/local/android-ndk-r5b
   ANDROID_SRC=$HOME/android-platform WS=off

It is possible to specify that the AllJoyn framework uses additional tools during the build process. For example, the AllJoyn framework can use Uncrustify to check white space compliance and Doxygen for producing API documentation for the C++ APIs. See Configuring
the Build Environment (Linux Platform)
 for detailed instructions for installing these two tools.

[install-android-sdk]: #Installing the Android SDK


时间: 2025-01-20 07:36:36

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