




 1 //blockui extend function
 2 //以下三个方法在页面调用时,给点按钮或者文字添加onlick事件调用
 3 //confirm delete or any other events
 4 //1,该方法弹出带有确认与取消两个按钮的层,点击确认触发clickevent()方法
 5 $.confirm = function(settings) {
 6     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
 7     htmldom.css教程({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
 8     var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;">" + settings.msg + "</td><td id="confirmtd"><input type="button"class="standard-button" value="确认" id="confirmbutton" /></td><td style="padding-left:10px"><input type="button" id="close" class="standard-button" value="取消" onclick="网页特效:closeblockuinofresh();"  style="margin-right:20px;"/></td></tr></table>");
 9     htmldom.append(msg);
10     msg.find('#confirmbutton').click(settings.clickevent);
11     $.blockui({
12         message: htmldom,
13         css: { width: "650px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff" }
14     });
15     pressescout();
16 }




1 $(function(){
2      var settings={
3       msg:"确认删除选中的记录?",  //要在弹出层上显示的消息
4       clickevent:function(){
5         //do something              此处是给确定按钮绑定方法
6      }}
7      $.confirm(settings);         //此处调用方法,然后把上面的定义的settings对象做为参数传入 

8 }); 




 1 $.confirmwithrefresh = function(settings) {
 2     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
 3     htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
 4     var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;">" + settings.msg + "</td><td id="confirmtd"><input type="button"class="standard-button" value="确认" id="confirmbutton" /></td><td style="padding-left:10px"><input type="button" id="close" class="standard-button" id="cancelbutton" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();" style="margin-right:20px;"/></td></tr></table>");
 5     htmldom.append(msg);
 6     msg.find('#confirmbutton').click(settings.clickevent);
 7     $.blockui({
 8         message: htmldom,
 9         css: { width: "650px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff" }
10     });
11     pressescout();
12 }
13 //对于有些页面关闭层时不需要刷新页面,所以采用不同的关闭方式
14 $.confirmnorefresh = function(settings) {
15     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
16     htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
17     var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;">" + settings.msg + "</td><td id="confirmtd"><input type="button"class="standard-button" value="确认" id="confirmbutton" /></td><td style="padding-left:10px"><input type="button" id="close" class="standard-button" id="cancelbutton" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();" style="margin-right:20px;"/></td></tr></table>");
18     htmldom.append(msg);
19     msg.find('#confirmbutton').click(settings.clickevent);
20     $.blockui({
21         message: htmldom,
22         css: { width: "650px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff" }
23     });
24     pressescout();

25 } 










 1 $.promptwithrefresh = function(settings) {
 2     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
 3     htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
 4     htmldom.append("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button" onclick="javascript:closeblockui();" /></td></tr></table>");
 5     $.blockui({
 6         message: htmldom,
 7         css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }
 8     });
 9     pressescout();
10 }
11 $.promptwithrefreshoverride = function(settings) {
12     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
13     htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
14     var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button"/></td></tr></table>");
15     htmldom.append(msg);
16     msg.find('#confirm').click(settings.clickevent);
17     $.blockui({
18         message: htmldom,
19         css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }
20     });
21     pressescout();
22 }
23 //弹出提示框无刷新
24 $.promptnorefresh = function(settings) {
25     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
26     htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
27     htmldom.append("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();" /></td></tr></table>");
28     $.blockui({
29         message: htmldom,
30         css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }
31     });
32     pressescout();

33 }





 1 $.msgbox = function(settings) {
 2     var temps教程creen = (document.body.clientwidth - settings.width.replace("px", "")) / 2;
 3     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
 4     var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="inndertable" style="vertical-align:top;width:100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;font-size:14px;padding-left:15px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;color:#fff;font-weight:bold">" + settings.title + "</td><td id="confirmtd" style="text-align:right;padding-right:5px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer;color:#fff;font-weight:bold" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();">关闭</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width:100%">" + settings.dom + "</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:right;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;"><input type="button" class="standard-button" id="confirmbutton" value="确认"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" id="close"class="standard-button" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();"/></td></tr></table>");
 5     htmldom.append(msg);
 6     msg.parent().find('#confirmbutton').click(settings.clickevent);
 7     $.blockui({
 8         message: htmldom,
 9         css: { width: settings.width, "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez, left: tempscreen }
10     });
11     pressescout();
12 }





调用方法也还是先定义一个对象。给属性赋值.属性有哪些看看上面的代码中settings.xxxx   这xxxxx就是属性。还可以根据自己的需要去添加,或者减少。

var settings={

title:"添加用户",          //标题



   //do something 




 1 //该方法弹出添加或者修改的层,调用时需要传一个dom以及层的标题。方法分别是formtitle(),appendtable(),且该方法有确认与取消两个按钮,确认按钮事件需要在页面js中重写方法是clickevent()
 2 $.msgboxwithrefresh = function(settings) {
 3     var tempscreen = (document.body.clientwidth - settings.width.replace("px", "")) / 2;
 4     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
 5     var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="inndertable" style="vertical-align:top;width:100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;font-size:14px;padding-left:15px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;color:#fff;font-weight:bold">" + settings.title + "</td><td id="confirmtd" style="text-align:right;padding-right:5px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer;color:#fff;font-weight:bold" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();">关闭</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width:100%">" + settings.dom + "</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:right;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;"><input type="button" class="standard-button" id="confirmbutton" value="确认"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" id="close"class="standard-button" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();"/></td></tr></table>");
 6     htmldom.append(msg);
 7     msg.parent().find('#confirmbutton').click(settings.clickevent);
 8     $.blockui({
 9         message: htmldom,
10         css: { width: settings.width, "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez, left: tempscreen }
11     });
12     pressescout();
13 }
14 //关闭blcokui,该方法为默认方法,不需要变动。
15 function closeblockui() {
16     $.unblockui();
17     location.reload();
18     return false;
19 }
20 //关闭blockui但不刷新页面
21 function closeblockuinofresh() {
22     $.unblockui();
23 }
24 function pressescout() {
25     $("*").keypress(function(event) {
26         var jianzhi = event.keycode;
27         var input_keydown = $(this);
28         switch (jianzhi) {
29             case 27:
30                 closeblockuinofresh();
31                 break;
32         }
33     });
34 }




; (function($) {

    if (/1.(0|1|2).(0|1|2)/.test($.fn.jquery) || /^1.1/.test($.fn.jquery)) {
        alert('blockui requires jquery v1.2.3 or later!  you are using v' + $.fn.jquery);

    $.fn._fadein = $.fn.fadein;

    var noop = function() { };

    // this bit is to ensure we don't call setexpression when we shouldn't (with extra muscle to handle
    // retarded useragent strings on vista)
    var mode = document.documentmode || 0;
    var setexpr = $.browser.msie && (($.browser.version < 8 && !mode) || mode < 8);
    var ie6 = $.browser.msie && /msie 6.0/.test(navigator.useragent) && !mode;

    // global $ methods for blocking/unblocking the entire page
    $.blockui = function(opts) { install(window, opts); };    //open method
    $.unblockui = function(opts) { remove(window, opts); };     //close method

    // convenience method for quick growl-like notifications  (http://www.google.com/search?q=growl)
    $.growlui = function(title, message, timeout, onclose) {
        var $m = $('<div class="growlui"></div>');
        if (title) $m.append('<h1>' + title + '</h1>');
        if (message) $m.append('<h2>' + message + '</h2>');
        if (timeout == undefined) timeout = 3000;
            message: $m, fadein: 700, fadeout: 1000, centery: false,
            timeout: timeout, showoverlay: false,
            onunblock: onclose,
            css: $.blockui.defaults.growlcss

    // plugin method for blocking element content
    $.fn.block = function(opts) {
        return this.unblock({ fadeout: 0 }).each(function() {
            if ($.css(this, 'position') == 'static')
                this.style.position = 'relative';
            if ($.browser.msie)
                this.style.zoom = 1; // force 'haslayout'
            install(this, opts);

    // plugin method for unblocking element content
    $.fn.unblock = function(opts) {
        return this.each(function() {
            remove(this, opts);

    $.blockui.version = 2.35; // 2nd generation blocking at no extra cost!

    // override these in your code to change the default behavior and style
    $.blockui.defaults = {//弹出层的默认样式
        // message displayed when blocking (use null for no message)
        message: '<h1>please wait...</h1>',

        title: null,   // title string; only used when theme == true
        draggable: true,  // only used when theme == true (requires jquery-ui.js to be loaded)

        theme: false, // set to true to use with jquery ui themes

        // styles for the message when blocking; if you wish to disable
        // these and use an external stylesheet then do this in your code:
        // $.blockui.defaults.css = {};
        css: {
            padding: 0,
            margin: 0,
            width: '30%',
            top: '40%',
            left: '35%',
            textalign: 'center',
            color: '#000',
            border: '3px solid #aaa',
            backgroundcolor: '#fff',
            cursor: 'wait'

        // minimal style set used when themes are used
        themedcss: {
            width: '30%',
            top: '40%',
            left: '35%'

        // styles for the overlay
        overlaycss: {//遮罩背景颜色及透明度修改
            backgroundcolor: '#ccc',
            opacity: 0.4,
            cursor: 'wait'

        // styles applied when using $.growlui
        growlcss: {
            width: '350px',
            top: '10px',
            left: '',
            right: '10px',
            border: 'none',
            padding: '5px',
            opacity: 0.6,
            cursor: 'default',
            color: '#fff',
            backgroundcolor: '#000',
            '-webkit-border-radius': '10px',
            '-moz-border-radius': '10px',
            'border-radius': '10px'

        // ie issues: 'about:blank' fails on https and javascript:false is s-l-o-w
        // (hat tip to jorge h. n. de vasconcelos)
        iframesrc: /^https/i.test(window.location.href || '') ? 'javascript:false' : 'about:blank',

        // force usage of iframe in non-ie browsers (handy for blocking applets)
        forceiframe: false,

        // z-index for the blocking overlay
        basez: 999,

        // set these to true to have the message automatically centered
        centerx: true, // <-- only effects element blocking (page block controlled via css above)
        centery: true,

        // allow body element to be stetched in ie6; this makes blocking look better
        // on "short" pages.  disable if you wish to prevent changes to the body height
        allowbodystretch: true,

        // enable if you want key and mouse events to be disabled for content that is blocked
        bindevents: true,

        // be default blockui will supress tab navigation from leaving blocking content
        // (if bindevents is true)
        constraintabkey: true,

        // fadein time in millis; set to 0 to disable fadein on block
        fadein: 200,

        // fadeout time in millis; set to 0 to disable fadeout on unblock
        fadeout: 400,

        // time in millis to wait before auto-unblocking; set to 0 to disable auto-unblock
        timeout: 0,

        // disable if you don't want to show the overlay
        showoverlay: true,

        // if true, focus will be placed in the first available input field when
        // page blocking
        focusinput: true,

        // suppresses the use of overlay styles on ff/linux (due to performance issues with opacity)
        applyplatformopacityrules: true,

        // callback method invoked when fadein has completed and blocking message is visible
        onblock: null,

        // callback method invoked when unblocking has completed; the callback is
        // passed the element that has been unblocked (which is the window object for page
        // blocks) and the options that were passed to the unblock call:
        //  onunblock(element, options)
        onunblock: null,

        // don't ask; if you really must know: http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/36640a8730503595/2f6a79a77a78e493#2f6a79a77a78e493
        quirksmodeoffsethack: 4,

        // class name of the message block
        blockmsgclass: 'blockmsg'

    // private data and functions follow...

    var pageblock = null;
    var pageblockels = [];

    function install(el, opts) {
        var full = (el == window);
        var msg = opts && opts.message !== undefined ? opts.message : undefined;
        opts = $.extend({}, $.blockui.defaults, opts || {});
        opts.overlaycss = $.extend({}, $.blockui.defaults.overlaycss, opts.overlaycss || {});
        var css = $.extend({}, $.blockui.defaults.css, opts.css || {});
        var themedcss = $.extend({}, $.blockui.defaults.themedcss, opts.themedcss || {});
        msg = msg === undefined ? opts.message : msg;

        // remove the current block (if there is one)
        if (full && pageblock)
            remove(window, { fadeout: 0 });

        // if an existing element is being used as the blocking content then we capture
        // its current place in the dom (and current display style) so we can restore
        // it when we unblock
        if (msg && typeof msg != 'string' && (msg.parentnode || msg.jquery)) {
            var node = msg.jquery ? msg[0] : msg;
            var data = {};
            $(el).data('blockui.history', data);
            data.el = node;
            data.parent = node.parentnode;
            data.display = node.style.display;
            data.position = node.style.position;
            if (data.parent)

        var z = opts.basez;

        // blockui uses 3 layers for blocking, for simplicity they are all used on every platform;
        // layer1 is the iframe layer which is used to supress bleed through of underlying content
        // layer2 is the overlay layer which has opacity and a wait cursor (by default)
        // layer3 is the message content that is displayed while blocking

        var lyr1 = ($.browser.msie || opts.forceiframe)
  ? $('<iframe class="blockui" style="z-index:' + (z++) + ';display:none;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0" src="' + opts.iframesrc + '"></iframe>')
  : $('<div class="blockui" style="display:none"></div>');
        var lyr2 = $('<div class="blockui blockoverlay" style="z-index:' + (z++) + ';display:none;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0"></div>');

        var lyr3, s;
        if (opts.theme && full) {
            s = '<div class="blockui ' + opts.blockmsgclass + ' blockpage ui-dialog ui-widget ui-corner-all" style="z-index:' + z + ';display:none;position:fixed">' +
    '<div class="ui-widget-header ui-dialog-titlebar ui-corner-all blocktitle">' + (opts.title || '&nbsp;') + '</div>' +
    '<div class="ui-widget-content ui-dialog-content"></div>' +
        else if (opts.theme) {
            s = '<div class="blockui ' + opts.blockmsgclass + ' blockelement ui-dialog ui-widget ui-corner-all" style="z-index:' + z + ';display:none;position:absolute">' +
    '<div class="ui-widget-header ui-dialog-titlebar ui-corner-all blocktitle">' + (opts.title || '&nbsp;') + '</div>' +
    '<div class="ui-widget-content ui-dialog-content"></div>' +
        else if (full) {
            s = '<div class="blockui ' + opts.blockmsgclass + ' blockpage" style="z-index:' + z + ';display:none;position:fixed"></div>';
        else {
            s = '<div class="blockui ' + opts.blockmsgclass + ' blockelement" style="z-index:' + z + ';display:none;position:absolute"></div>';
        lyr3 = $(s);

        // if we have a message, style it
        if (msg) {
            if (opts.theme) {

        // style the overlay
        if (!opts.applyplatformopacityrules || !($.browser.mozilla && /linux/.test(navigator.platform)))
        lyr2.css('position', full ? 'fixed' : 'absolute');

        // make iframe layer transparent in ie
        if ($.browser.msie || opts.forceiframe)
            lyr1.css('opacity', 0.0);

        //$([lyr1[0],lyr2[0],lyr3[0]]).appendto(full ? 'body' : el);
        var layers = [lyr1, lyr2, lyr3], $par = full ? $('body') : $(el);
        $.each(layers, function() {

        if (opts.theme && opts.draggable && $.fn.draggable) {
                handle: '.ui-dialog-titlebar',
                cancel: 'li'

        // ie7 must use absolute positioning in quirks mode and to account for activex issues (when scrolling)
        var expr = setexpr && (!$.boxmodel || $('object,embed', full ? null : el).length > 0);
        if (ie6 || expr) {
            // give body 100% height
            if (full && opts.allowbodystretch && $.boxmodel)
                $('html,body').css('height', '100%');

            // fix ie6 issue when blocked element has a border width
            if ((ie6 || !$.boxmodel) && !full) {
                var t = sz(el, 'bordertopwidth'), l = sz(el, 'borderleftwidth');
                var fixt = t ? '(0 - ' + t + ')' : 0;
                var fixl = l ? '(0 - ' + l + ')' : 0;

            // simulate fixed position
            $.each([lyr1, lyr2, lyr3], function(i, o) {
                var s = o[0].style;
                s.position = 'absolute';
                if (i < 2) {
                    full ? s.setexpression('height', 'math.max(document.body.scrollheight, document.body.offsetheight) - (jquery.boxmodel?0:' + opts.quirksmodeoffsethack + ') + "px"')
      : s.setexpression('height', 'this.parentnode.offsetheight + "px"');
                    full ? s.setexpression('width', 'jquery.boxmodel && document.documentelement.clientwidth || document.body.clientwidth + "px"')
      : s.setexpression('width', 'this.parentnode.offsetwidth + "px"');
                    if (fixl) s.setexpression('left', fixl);
                    if (fixt) s.setexpression('top', fixt);
                else if (opts.centery) {
                    if (full) s.setexpression('top', '(document.documentelement.clientheight || document.body.clientheight) / 2 - (this.offsetheight / 2) + (blah = document.documentelement.scrolltop ? document.documentelement.scrolltop : document.body.scrolltop) + "px"');
                    s.margintop = 0;
                else if (!opts.centery && full) {
                    var top = (opts.css && opts.css.top) ? parseint(opts.css.top) : 0;
                    var expression = '((document.documentelement.scrolltop ? document.documentelement.scrolltop : document.body.scrolltop) + ' + top + ') + "px"';
                    s.setexpression('top', expression);

        // show the message
        if (msg) {
            if (opts.theme)
            if (msg.jquery || msg.nodetype)

        if (($.browser.msie || opts.forceiframe) && opts.showoverlay)
            lyr1.show(); // opacity is zero
        if (opts.fadein) {
            var cb = opts.onblock ? opts.onblock : noop;
            var cb1 = (opts.showoverlay && !msg) ? cb : noop;
            var cb2 = msg ? cb : noop;
            if (opts.showoverlay)
                lyr2._fadein(opts.fadein, cb1);
            if (msg)
                lyr3._fadein(opts.fadein, cb2);
        else {
            if (opts.showoverlay)
            if (msg)
            if (opts.onblock)

        // bind key and mouse events
        bind(1, el, opts);

        if (full) {
            pageblock = lyr3[0];
            pageblockels = $(':input:enabled:visible', pageblock);
            if (opts.focusinput)
                settimeout(focus, 20);
            center(lyr3[0], opts.centerx, opts.centery);

        if (opts.timeout) {
            // auto-unblock
            var to = settimeout(function() {
                full ? $.unblockui(opts) : $(el).unblock(opts);
            }, opts.timeout);
            $(el).data('blockui.timeout', to);

    // remove the block
    function remove(el, opts) {
        var full = (el == window);
        var $el = $(el);
        var data = $el.data('blockui.history');
        var to = $el.data('blockui.timeout');
        if (to) {
        opts = $.extend({}, $.blockui.defaults, opts || {});
        bind(0, el, opts); // unbind events

        var els;
        if (full) // crazy selector to handle odd field errors in ie6/7
            els = $('body').children().filter('.blockui').add('body > .blockui');
            els = $('.blockui', el);

        if (full)
            pageblock = pageblockels = null;

        if (opts.fadeout) {
            settimeout(function() { reset(els, data, opts, el); }, opts.fadeout);
            reset(els, data, opts, el);

    // move blocking element back into the dom where it started
    function reset(els, data, opts, el) {
        els.each(function(i, o) {
            // remove via dom calls so we don't lose event handlers
            if (this.parentnode)

        if (data && data.el) {
            data.el.style.display = data.display;
            data.el.style.position = data.position;
            if (data.parent)

        if (typeof opts.onunblock == 'function')
            opts.onunblock(el, opts);

    // bind/unbind the handler
    function bind(b, el, opts) {
        var full = el == window, $el = $(el);

        // don't bother unbinding if there is nothing to unbind
        if (!b && (full && !pageblock || !full && !$el.data('blockui.isblocked')))
        if (!full)
            $el.data('blockui.isblocked', b);

        // don't bind events when overlay is not in use or if bindevents is false
        if (!opts.bindevents || (b && !opts.showoverlay))

        // bind anchors and inputs for mouse and key events
        var events = 'mousedown mouseup keydown keypress';
        b ? $(document).bind(events, opts, handler) : $(document).unbind(events, handler);

        // former impl...
        //    var $e = $('a,:input');
        //    b ? $e.bind(events, opts, handler) : $e.unbind(events, handler);

    // event handler to suppress keyboard/mouse events when blocking
    function handler(e) {
        // allow tab navigation (conditionally)
        if (e.keycode && e.keycode == 9) {
            if (pageblock && e.data.constraintabkey) {
                var els = pageblockels;
                var fwd = !e.shiftkey && e.target === els[els.length - 1];
                var back = e.shiftkey && e.target === els[0];
                if (fwd || back) {
                    settimeout(function() { focus(back) }, 10);
                    return false;
        var opts = e.data;
        // allow events within the message content
        if ($(e.target).parents('div.' + opts.blockmsgclass).length > 0)
            return true;

        // allow events for content that is not being blocked
        return $(e.target).parents().children().filter('div.blockui').length == 0;

    function focus(back) {
        if (!pageblockels)
        var e = pageblockels[back === true ? pageblockels.length - 1 : 0];
        if (e)

    function center(el, x, y) {
        var p = el.parentnode, s = el.style;
        var l = ((p.offsetwidth - el.offsetwidth) / 2) - sz(p, 'borderleftwidth');
        var t = ((p.offsetheight - el.offsetheight) / 2) - sz(p, 'bordertopwidth');
        if (x) s.left = l > 0 ? (l + 'px') : '0';
        if (y) s.top = t > 0 ? (t + 'px') : '0';

    function sz(el, p) {
        return parseint($.css(el, p)) || 0;



//---------------------------------------blockui part end-----------------------------------
//change blockui default settings
//change blockui border
$.blockui.defaults.css.border = '5px solid #ccc';
$.blockui.defaults.css.cursor = 'default';
$.blockui.defaults.css.top = '20%';
$.blockui.defaults.css.left = '30%';
$.blockui.defaults.overlaycss.cursor = 'default';

//change fadeout effact speed
$.blockui.defaults.fadeout = 100;
$.blockui.defaults.fadein = 100;


//blockui extend function
//confirm delete or any other events
$.confirm = function(settings) {
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
    var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-family:宋体">" + settings.msg + "</td><td id="confirmtd"><input type="button"class="standard-button" value="确认" id="confirmbutton" /></td><td style="padding-left:10px"><input type="button" id="close" class="standard-button" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();"  style="margin-right:20px;"/></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: "650px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff" }

$.confirmwithrefresh = function(settings) {
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
    var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-family:宋体">" + settings.msg + "</td><td id="confirmtd"><input type="button"class="standard-button" value="确认" id="confirmbutton" /></td><td style="padding-left:10px"><input type="button" id="close" class="standard-button" id="cancelbutton" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();" style="margin-right:20px;"/></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: "650px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff" }

$.confirmnorefresh = function(settings) {
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
    var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-family:宋体">" + settings.msg + "</td><td id="confirmtd"><input type="button"class="standard-button" value="确认" id="confirmbutton" /></td><td style="padding-left:10px"><input type="button" id="close" class="standard-button" id="cancelbutton" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();" style="margin-right:20px;"/></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: "650px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff" }

$.prompt = function(settings) {
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
    htmldom.append("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-family:宋体">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();"/></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }

$.promptwithrefresh = function(settings) {
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
    htmldom.append("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-family:宋体">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button" onclick="javascript:closeblockui();" /></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }

$.promptwithrefreshoverride = function(settings) {
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
    var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-family:宋体">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button"/></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }

$.promptnorefresh = function(settings) {
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
    htmldom.append("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;font-family:宋体">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();" /></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }

$.msgbox = function(settings) {
    var tempscreen = (document.body.clientwidth - settings.width.replace("px", "")) / 2;
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="inndertable" style="vertical-align:top;width:100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;font-family:宋体;font-size:14px;padding-left:15px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;color:#fff;font-weight:bold">" + settings.title + "</td><td id="confirmtd" style="text-align:right;padding-right:5px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer;color:#fff;font-weight:bold" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();">关闭</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width:100%">" + settings.dom + "</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:right;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;"><input type="button" class="standard-button" id="confirmbutton" value="确认"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" id="close"class="standard-button" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();"/></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: settings.width, "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez, left: tempscreen }

$.msgboxwithrefresh = function(settings) {
    var tempscreen = (document.body.clientwidth - settings.width.replace("px", "")) / 2;
    var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
    var msg = $("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="inndertable" style="vertical-align:top;width:100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;font-family:宋体;font-size:14px;padding-left:15px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;color:#fff;font-weight:bold">" + settings.title + "</td><td id="confirmtd" style="text-align:right;padding-right:5px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;background-color:#3777bc;vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer;color:#fff;font-weight:bold" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();">关闭</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width:100%">" + settings.dom + "</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:right;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;"><input type="button" class="standard-button" id="confirmbutton" value="确认"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" id="close"class="standard-button" value="取消" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();"/></td></tr></table>");
        message: htmldom,
        css: { width: settings.width, "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez, left: tempscreen }

function closeblockui() {
    return false;

function closeblockuinofresh() {

function pressescout() {
    $("*").keypress(function(event) {
        var jianzhi = event.keycode;
        var input_keydown = $(this);
        switch (jianzhi) {
            case 27:


 1 //弹出提示框
 2 $.prompt = function(settings) {
 3     var htmldom = $("<div id="displaypanle" style="display:none;border:1px solid #005eac"></div>");
 4     htmldom.css({ "text-align": "center", "vertical-align": "middle", "line-height": "70px" });
 5     htmldom.append("<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inndertable" width="100%"><tr><td width="80%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:20px;">" + settings.msg + "</td><td><input type="button" id="confirm" value="确认" class="standard-button" onclick="javascript:closeblockuinofresh();"/></td></tr></table>");
 6     $.blockui({
 7         message: htmldom,
 8         css: { width: "550px", height: "70px", "background-color": "#fff", "z-index": settings.basez }
 9     });
10     pressescout();
11 }


 1 //---------------------------------------blockui part end-----------------------------------
 2 //change blockui default settings
 3 //change blockui border
 4 $.blockui.defaults.css.border = '5px solid #ccc';      //边框样式
 5 $.blockui.defaults.css.cursor = 'default';                 //鼠标样式
 6 $.blockui.defaults.css.top = '20%';                        //弹出层的位置
 7 $.blockui.defaults.css.left = '30%';                        
 8 $.blockui.defaults.overlaycss.cursor = 'default';
 9 //change fadeout effact speed
10 $.blockui.defaults.fadeout = 100;                    //淡入淡出效果的速度
11 $.blockui.defaults.fadein = 100;

时间: 2024-07-31 10:18:27



有兴趣的朋友可以从文章最顶部的链接下载js文件.下面的代码是我所拓展的部分.在这分隔线之前基本上没有多少改动. 1 //---------------------------------------blockUI part end-----------------------------------    2 //change blockUI default settings    //change blockUI border    $.blockUI.defaults.css.border 

基于jquery 完美的弹出层效果实例

一,基于jquery弹出层实例 先看实例  代码如下 复制代码 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> &l


  本文实例讲述了jquery实现弹出层效果的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体实现方法如下: ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


本文实例讲述了jquery实现弹出层效果的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体实现方法如下: <head runat="server"> <title>jQuery弹出层</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javasc

jquery 弹出层效果

本文章是从国外网站jquery 弹出层效果实例效果,方法很简单就是利用了jquery弹出层插件来实现弹出效果代码哦. 简介 在本教程中,我将分享如何创建一个简单的模式窗口使用jquery.我喜欢jquery的,它使一切都那么简单而且很容易.如果你不知道什么是模态窗口.您可以点击这里.这是一个模态窗口的例子. 在这个网站,我使用facebox(灵感来自facebook).如灯箱,thickbox的,multibox,litebox其他......它的太多了,他们都具有不同的特点. 对了,让我们开始


本文实例讲述了jQuery实现的自定义弹出层效果.分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: dialog.css: #DialogBySHFLayer { width:100%; height:100%; left:0; top:0; position:fixed; z-index:500; background-color:#333333; filter:alpha(Opacity=40); -moz-opacity:0.4; opacity: 0.4; } /*弹出的提示框*/ #DialogByS


<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "http://www.w3.org/tr/xhtml1/dtd/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>     <meta http-equiv="cont


弹出层主要用于展示丰富的页面信息,还有一个更好的应用是弹出表单层丰富交互应用.常见的应用有弹出登录表单层,用户提交登录信息,后台验证登录成功后,弹出层消失,主页面局部刷新用户信息.本文我们将给大家介绍如何使用jQuery+Ajax+PHP弹出层异步登录的应用. 效果展示        源码下载 HTML 由于本例UI部分使用了Bootstrap,以及使用jQuery插件,因此需要事先载入相关文件,推荐大家使用相关的CDN资源. <link rel="stylesheet" hre


Fancybox是一款优秀的jquery插件,它能够展示丰富的弹出层效果.前面我们有文章介绍了facybox弹出层效果,相比facybox,fancybox显得功能更为齐全,它除了可以加载DIV,图片.图片集.Ajax数据,还能加载SWF影片,iframe页面等等. 效果演示     源码下载 fancybox 特点: 可以支持图片.html 文本.flash 动画.iframe 以及 ajax 的支持: 可以自定义播放器的 css 样式: 可以以组的形式进行播放: 如果将鼠标滚动插件(mous