Buildr v1.4.5发布 简单直观的Java项目构建系统


Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and tools. We wanted something that’s simple and intuitive to use, so we only need to tell it what to do, and it takes care of the rest. But also something we can easily extend for those one-off tasks, with a language that’s a joy to use. And of course, we wanted it to be fast, reliable and have outstanding dependency management.


1.4.5 (2011-02-20)
* Added:  BUILDR-555 Add support for the jaxb binding compiler (Mark Petrovic)
* Added:  BUILDR-554 Add support for OSGi bundle packages by importing the
          buildr_bnd plugin
* Added:  BUILDR-125 Add support for <security-role> in application.xml of
          EAR packaging (Mikael Amborn)
* Added:  BUILDR-550 Add support for groovydoc
* Added:  BUILDR-521: System tray notifications for Linux systems
          (via libnotify/notify-send)
* Added:  BUILDR-537 Shell tasks should use JAVA_OPTS by default
* Added:  BUILDR-538 Shell tasks should support passing :java_args
* Added:  BUILDR-544 Support ${groupId} in pom files (Chris Dean)
* Added:  BUILDR-552 Projects may now be defined using project(:name) and a block
* Added:  BUILDR-564 Add package(:scaladoc)
* Added:  Automatically add "require buildr/{groovy,scala}"  when generating
          project if Groovy/Scala files are detected.
* Change: BUILDR-540 Upgrade to rspec 2.1.0
* Change: BUILDR-546 Upgrade to Rubyzip 0.9.4 (Michael Guymon)
* Change: BUILDR-556 Merge buildr-iidea extension back into buildr.
* Change: Upgrade default Scala compiler version to 2.8.1-final
* Change: Upgrade to ScalaCheck 1.8
* Change: Upgrade to ScalaTest 1.3
* Change: Upgrade to Specs 1.6.6
* Chagne: Upgrade to JRuby 1.5.6
* Fixed:  BUILDR-542 Release task:  SVN tagging fails if parent tag directory
          does not exist yet (Gerolf Seitz)
* Fixed:  BUILDR-543 POMs are installed and uploaded twice when using artifacts
          with classifier
* Fixed:  BUILDR-522 Send notifications when continuous compilation
* Fixed:  BUILDR-551 Continuous compilation not working for project trees
* Fixed:  BUILDR-557 MD5 + SHA1 checksums are not Maven compliant (Tammo van Lessen)
* Change: Upgrade to Groovy 1.7.5
* Change: BUILDR-545 Add the ability to specify the description element in in
          application.xml contained within an ear.
* Fixed:  BUILDR-547 - Ensure ECJ compiler works when there is a space in the
          path of dependencies.
* Fixed:  BUILDR-558 Artifact uploads should show a progress bar (Tammo van Lessen)
* Fixed:  BUILDR-560 show a meaning full error message when POM cannot be parsed
          (Tammo van Lessen)
* Fixed:  BUILDR-562 WAR package isn't updated if files under src/main/webapp
          are updated
* Fixed:  BUILDR-569 Buildr fails under JRuby 1.6.0.RC1 due to read-only $? variable
* Fixed:  BUILDR-570 Buildr does not work with Rubygems 1.5.x
* Fixed:  Scaladoc task would cause build to exit prematurely


Package MD5 Checksum
PGP buildr-1.4.5.gem 57cccec175e0b1b682a36f75e54d15cf Sig buildr-1.4.5-x86-mswin32.gem d24b11446eaa01e24b9ec1be4b6d93d1 Sig buildr-1.4.5-java.gem c167e67e33e7c3b4bf2316d7405eb11e Sig buildr-1.4.5.tgz 9b335479ce006caf109c4786d8
3aa00c Sig 0d3b3b474a3c90c717bdc953aab8e626 Sig

时间: 2024-07-28 21:13:24

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