企业架构/企业开发 [Enterprise architecture / Enterprise Development]


Professional Enterprise .NET

Jon Arking / Scott Millett

ISBN: 978-0-470-44761-1

Enterprise architecture

Enterprise architecture is typically used to describe an agency-wide or organization-wide framework for portraying and incorporating the business processes, information flows, systems, applications, data, and infrastructure to effectively and efficiently support the organization ’ s needs. At the heart of this definition lies a very broad context aimed at including many different portions of an organization’s participating branches, chief among them the business and information technology departments. We could wax intellectual all day long on the merits of these descriptions, but seeing as how this is a book for developers, let ’ s cut to the chase.

What does enterprise architecture mean from a developer ’ s point of view? It means defining a process, framework, and set of patterns to design, develop, build, and maintain all of the software that an agency or company needs to operate. The operative phrase here is all of the software . It is a unified development platform for creating all elements of software at all levels of design. It includes reusable tools for building client applications, websites, databases, office applications, business automation tools, scripts, and just about anything else that a company may use to get things done. Enterprise architecture also endeavors to break down each of an application’s layers into modular pieces for reusability. These reusable elements can then be used to feed or drive other applications with similar needs.

Here ’ s where the picture starts to get a bit fuzzy. Most developers take on projects with a finite set of business goals, goals that satisfy a specific need or company requirement. Within that scope, there is little consideration for modularity or reusability outside of the system that is being built. On the contrary, project goals rarely allot the time and resources needed to accommodate what is in essence the possibility of component reuse. Instead, typical projects focus development on the end goal only, marginalizing or downright ignoring the larger enterprise picture. Understanding enterprise development means first realizing that this kind of myopic, and often cavalier, development is ultimately counterproductive.

Enterprise architecture is also about defining a solid foundation of code and practices that eventually (and inevitably) facilitate interoperability in a heterogeneous software environment. This foundation provides both a toolset for creating software application, as well as a set of boundaries and rules within which those writings said applications need to work. The combination of both process and toolset is one of the key concepts to creating enterprise software. It expands on the otherwise traditional concepts of computer programming that concentrated on what one coded and mostly ignored how one coded. The incorporation of software development methodologies and lifecycle management becomes as important a part of building an application as the code itself.

Enterprise Development

Enterprise development commonly refers to the patterns and practices adopted by programmers endeavoring to implement enterprise architecture. It is the employment of certain approaches and methodologies that aim to achieve many of the root goals inherent to a successful enterprise system.

What these goals are specifically changes from organization to organization; however, at the root, they address five key areas of system development:

1. Reliability

2. Flexibility

3. Separation of concerns

4. Reusability

5. Maintainability

These base tenets are embraced by all developers of enterprise systems, and they help to define the core of what most modern developers consider to be well - designed software. Enterprise development embraces these ideals, weaving them subtly into the tools and processes that drive software logic.






时间: 2024-09-12 02:11:52

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