ASMM 导致的latch: library cache 和latch: shared pool

 Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Cursors/Session
Begin Snap: 28264 13-Jul-12 14:00:26 173 14.3
End Snap: 28265 13-Jul-12 15:00:17 189 15.0
Elapsed:   59.84 (mins)   
DB Time:   798.99 (mins) 

Begin Snap: 28265 13-Jul-12 15:00:17 189 15.0
End Snap: 28266 13-Jul-12 16:00:18 187 14.4
Elapsed:   60.01 (mins)   
DB Time:   1,541.16 (mins)   

Top 5 Timed Events
Event Waits Time(s) Avg Wait(ms) % Total Call Time Wait Class
latch: library cache 44,082 11,456 260 12.4 Concurrency
CPU time   5,880   6.4 
latch: shared pool 21,572 5,318 247 5.8 Concurrency
db file scattered read 1,070,575 5,075 5 5.5 User I/O
read by other session 752,209 3,937 5 4.3 User I/O

问题基本确定是当然出现了library cache和shared pool latch。一般来说遇到这两个latch是由于过多的硬解析照成,但是在我们的系统中硬解析并不多,同时看看Latch Miss Sources部分,发现如下:

library cache kglpndl: child: before processing 0 3,236 1,444
library cache kglhdgn: child: 0 2,234 24,921
library cache kglLockCursor 0 1,623 2,956
shared pool kgh: add extent to quiesced list 0 14,022 15
shared pool kghalo 0 3,211 10,250
shared pool kghupr1 0 1,040 6,190

quiesced list是ORACLE ASMM(自动内存分配)相关的组件,猜测是在动态进行SGA分配的时候出现了问题,然后查看动态分配的日志发现:
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1308622848 2012-7-13 14:15:58
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15703474176 2012-7-13 14:15:58
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15653142528 2012-7-13 14:18:00
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1358954496 2012-7-13 14:18:00
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1291845632 2012-7-13 14:28:42
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15720251392 2012-7-13 14:28:42
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15669919744 2012-7-13 14:30:11
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1342177280 2012-7-13 14:30:11
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1275068416 2012-7-13 14:34:45
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15737028608 2012-7-13 14:34:45
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15686696960 2012-7-13 14:38:48
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1325400064 2012-7-13 14:38:48
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15636365312 2012-7-13 14:41:54
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1375731712 2012-7-13 14:41:54
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1308622848 2012-7-13 14:47:25
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15703474176 2012-7-13 14:47:25
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1258291200 2012-7-13 14:49:28
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15753805824 2012-7-13 14:49:28
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15703474176 2012-7-13 14:53:10
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1308622848 2012-7-13 14:53:10
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15653142528 2012-7-13 14:56:19
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1358954496 2012-7-13 14:56:19
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1291845632 2012-7-13 15:04:23
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15720251392 2012-7-13 15:04:23
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15669919744 2012-7-13 15:06:25
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1342177280 2012-7-13 15:06:25
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1275068416 2012-7-13 15:09:36
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15737028608 2012-7-13 15:09:36
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15686696960 2012-7-13 15:14:34
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1325400064 2012-7-13 15:14:34
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1275068416 2012-7-13 15:17:40
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15737028608 2012-7-13 15:17:40
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15686696960 2012-7-13 15:20:47
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1325400064 2012-7-13 15:20:47
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1275068416 2012-7-13 15:24:27
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15737028608 2012-7-13 15:24:27
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15686696960 2012-7-13 15:27:43
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1325400064 2012-7-13 15:27:43
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1275068416 2012-7-13 15:45:58
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15737028608 2012-7-13 15:45:58
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15686696960 2012-7-13 15:46:59
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1325400064 2012-7-13 15:46:59
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15636365312 2012-7-13 15:50:27
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1375731712 2012-7-13 15:50:27
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1308622848 2012-7-13 16:39:58
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15703474176 2012-7-13 16:39:58
shared pool SHRINK shared_pool_size 1258291200 2012-7-13 16:42:28
DEFAULT buffer cache GROW db_cache_size 15753805824 2012-7-13 16:42:28
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15703474176 2012-7-13 16:46:00
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1308622848 2012-7-13 16:46:00
DEFAULT buffer cache SHRINK db_cache_size 15653142528 2012-7-13 16:52:30
shared pool GROW shared_pool_size 1358954496 2012-7-13 16:52:30
alter system set shared_pool_size=1800m scope=both;

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时间: 2024-07-30 06:19:21

ASMM 导致的latch: library cache 和latch: shared pool的相关文章

shared pool latch/ library cache latch /lock pin介绍

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[转载】——故障排除:Shared Pool优化和Library Cache Latch冲突优化 (文档 ID 1523934.1)

原文链接:用途   提出问题,得到帮助并分享您的心得   排错步骤   什么是shared pool?   专用术语   Literal SQL   Hard Parse(硬解析)   Soft Parse(软解析)   完全相同的语句?   Sharable SQL   语句的版本   Library Cac

【每日一摩斯】-Shared Pool优化和Library Cache Latch冲突优化 (1523934.1)-系列5

Flushing(清空) SHARED POOL        在使用大量literal SQL的系统中,shared pool随时间推移会产生大量碎片进而导致并发能力的下降.Flushing shared pool能够使得很多小块碎片合并,所以经常能够在一段时间内恢复系统的性能.清空之后可能也会产生短暂的性能下降(补充:因为需要做第一次的硬解析),因为这个操作同时也会把没造成shared pool碎片的共享SQL也清除了.清空shared pool的命令是: ALTER SYSTEM FLUS

【每日一摩斯】-Shared Pool优化和Library Cache Latch冲突优化 (1523934.1)-系列1

什么是Shared Pool?        Oracle的实例主要包括共享内存(主要是SGA,还有PGA)和Background Processes,其中SGA中又包括了Shared Pool.Buffer Cache.Redo Log Buffer以及其它一些内存区.        Oracle在SGA的一个特定区域中保留SQL语句.Package是.对象信息以及其它一些内容,这就是Shared Pool.这个共享内存区域是由一个复杂的cache和heap manager 构成的.它需要解决

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