Control code |
Meaning |
SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP | Requests the service to stop. The hService handle must have SERVICE_STOP access. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE | Requests the service to pause. The hService handle must have SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE access. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE | Requests the paused service to resume. The hService handle must have SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE access. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE | Requests the service to update immediately its current status information to the service control manager. The hService handle must have SERVICE_INTERROGATE access. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN | Requests the service to perform cleanup tasks, because the system is shutting down. For more information, see Remarks. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE | Windows 2000: Requests the service to reread its startup parameters. The hService handle must have SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE access. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDCHANGE | Windows 2000: Requests the service to update its network binding. The hService handle must have SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE access. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDREMOVE | Windows 2000: Notifies a network service that a component for binding has been removed. The service should reread its binding information and unbind from the removed component. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDENABLE | Windows 2000: Notifies a network service that a disabled binding has been enabled. The service should reread its binding information and add the new binding. |
SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDDISABLE | Windows 2000: Notifies a network service that one of its bindings has been disabled. The service should reread its binding information and remove the binding. |
上表中标有Windows 2000字样的就是2000中新添加的控制代码。除了这些代码之外,服务也可以接受用户定义的,范围在128-255之间的代码。
当CtrlHandler函数收到一个SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP、SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE、 SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE控制代码的时候,SetServiceStatus必须被调用去确认这个代码,并指定你认为服务处理这个状态变化所需要的时间。
在操作系统关闭的时候,CtrlHandler函数收到一个SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN控制代码。服务根本无须回应这个代码,因为系统即将关闭。它将执行保存数据所需要的最小行动集,这是为了确定机器能及时关闭。缺省时系统只给很少的时间去关闭所有的服务,MSDN里面说大概是20秒的时间,不过那可能是Windows NT 4的设置,在我的Windows 2000 Server里这个时间是10秒,你可以手动的修改这个数值,它被记录在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control子键里面的WaitToKillServiceTimeout,单位是毫秒。