用Axis2实现Web Service,虽然可以将POJO类放在axis2\WEB-INF\pojo目录中直接发布成Web Service , 这样做不需要进行任何配置,但这些POJO类不能在任何包中.这似乎有些不方便,为此,Axis2也允许将 带包的POJO类发布成Web Service. 先实现一个POJO类,代码如下: package service; public class MyService { public String getGreeting(String name) { ret
问题描述 CXF发布webservice服务,浏览器里报错404--not found 解决方案 python报错code for hash md5 was not found解决方案启动HIVE 服务报错 HWI WAR file not found树莓派安装mysql-srver报错 404 not found!
问题描述 websphere6.0下发布webservice报错,tomcat下正常 错误信息如下: Fault - ; nested exception is: WSDLException: faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing '- WSDL Document -'.: can't declare any more prefixes in this context: java.lang.IllegalStateException: can't dec
问题描述 spring+cxf发布WebService启动tomcat出现问题 启动tomcat是出现异常 严重: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error c