eclipse 3.3的Product Configuration可以指定插件的位置这样我可以把自己下载的插件放在一个特定的目录以后升级eclipse我就不需要再重新配置下载各个插件了但是在eclipse 3.4找不到这个功能了
看下这个吧http://wiki.eclipse.org/Equinox_p2_Getting_Started你想要的功能被p2取代了。里面讲到怎么使用原来的Update Manager的功能引用In Eclipse platform version 3.4, the old Update Manager still exists under the covers for backwards compatibility. You can even re-enable the old Update user interface by enabling the "Classic Update" capability on the General > Capabilities preference page. 然后不幸的是,我的Eclipse3.4找不到General > Capabilities了 实在汗颜啊,不知道怎么开启了。文章最后还提到引用Removing p2 Equinox p2 Removal describes the steps to completely remove p2 from the platform and revert to using the original Eclipse Update Manager. In addition, for Eclipse project 3.4 builds onwards, there is a link on the right hand side of the download page called "Eclipse Classic Update Manager". This gives a link to a script that can be used to remove p2 from any Eclipse SDK, platform binary, or platform SDK build. 我就不敢试了,怕了,你用dropin应该就可以解决问题了
没咋用过Product Configuration的功能,要是引入已经下载的插件,我知道eclipse3.4下有2个办法。一是还是用老办法,links文件夹下建link文件http://www.cnitblog.com/forrest/archive/2007/11/12/36181.html一个就用eclipse3.4新加入的dropin目录,将插件扔进去就可以了。http://www.javadongli.cn/site/html/66/n-4066.html不过现在支持3.4的插件还是太少了,Flex Builder装不上,subclipse一直在报错,spring也就装了个core 直接用updatesite装插件那是相当的郁闷,一直在下content.jar,下着下着没反应了 速度极慢,感觉还没3.3的好用