phpMyAccess alpha 2.0发布 一个完整的用户系统和菜单系统

PHPMyAccess 是基于 PHPMyEdit 进行改进,包含一个完整的用户系统和菜单系统,主要特点是安装简单,提供不同种类的字段和表,轻松的用户参数设置,简单认证和可扩展性。PHPMyAccess 还包含 RTF(word) 和 XLS (">Excel) 的查询报表生成器、表生成器等等。

PHPMyAccess 2.0 是在 1.5.x 的基础上完全重构的版本,这不是升级版。新版本可对查询结果直接编辑。

Currently phpMyAccess 1.x includes at least the following extras:

·NEW in phpMyAccess 1.5.2: Edit cell by clicking, modifying, clicking off.
·Uses AJAX so no page reload is needed.
·NEW in phpMyAccess 1.5.0: now works with php 5
·Simple user/authentication managment using basic auth
·Simple menu system, including menu managment tools
·Extra field types (date, password, auto, linked etc)
·Print view, .xls file download of table view (excel only, so far)
·Query engine with simple rtf/xls format output
·start of a query design engine, rougly in the style of one well-known program
·Lots more usefull little tricks and enhancement such as pre-select, pre-run etc.
·Bugs. Lots of them probably. Tell me about them, send me patches, or not..

phpMyAccess alpha 2.0 is in alpha stages. 1.x versions are stable, and have been restructured a few times, and I'm not done even now. It deserves a nice release, so you all can enjoy it! There's even a little demo app included. As of release 1.0.10 the demo is tested and working too. If you have something nice to show off that you did using this application, let me know, I'm always willing to steal good tricks :-)


时间: 2024-09-10 13:37:39

phpMyAccess alpha 2.0发布 一个完整的用户系统和菜单系统的相关文章

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