简单的css 滑门菜单代码

 代码如下 复制代码

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var Spry;
if (!Spry) Spry = {};
if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels = function(element, opts)
 this.element = this.getElement(element);
 this.defaultTab = 0; // Show the first panel by default.
 this.bindings = [];
 this.tabSelectedClass = "TabbedPanelsTabSelected";
 this.tabHoverClass = "TabbedPanelsTabHover";
 this.tabFocusedClass = "TabbedPanelsTabFocused";
 this.panelVisibleClass = "TabbedPanelsContentVisible";
 this.focusElement = null;
 this.hasFocus = false;
 this.currentTabIndex = 0;
 this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;
 Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.setOptions(this, opts);
 // If the defaultTab is expressed as a number/index, convert
 // it to an element.
 if (typeof (this.defaultTab) == "number")
  if (this.defaultTab < 0)
   this.defaultTab = 0;
   var count = this.getTabbedPanelCount();
   if (this.defaultTab >= count)
    this.defaultTab = (count > 1) ? (count - 1) : 0;
  this.defaultTab = this.getTabs()[this.defaultTab];
 // The defaultTab property is supposed to be the tab element for the tab content
 // to show by default. The caller is allowed to pass in the element itself or the
 // element's id, so we need to convert the current value to an element if necessary.
 if (this.defaultTab)
  this.defaultTab = this.getElement(this.defaultTab);
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
 if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
  return document.getElementById(ele);
 return ele;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getElementChildren = function(element)
 var children = [];
 var child = element.firstChild;
 while (child)
  if (child.nodeType == 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */)
  child = child.nextSibling;
 return children;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
 if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && ele.className.search(new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) != -1))
 ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
 if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && ele.className.search(new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1))
 ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps)
 if (!optionsObj)
 for (var optionName in optionsObj)
  if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined)
  obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName];
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabGroup = function()
 if (this.element)
  var children = this.getElementChildren(this.element);
  if (children.length)
   return children[0];
 return null;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabs = function()
 var tabs = [];
 var tg = this.getTabGroup();
 if (tg)
  tabs = this.getElementChildren(tg);
 return tabs;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getContentPanelGroup = function()
 if (this.element)
  var children = this.getElementChildren(this.element);
  if (children.length > 1)
   return children[1];
 return null;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getContentPanels = function()
 var panels = [];
 var pg = this.getContentPanelGroup();
 if (pg)
  panels = this.getElementChildren(pg);
 return panels;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getIndex = function(ele, arr)
 ele = this.getElement(ele);
 if (ele && arr && arr.length)
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
   if (ele == arr[i])
    return i;
 return -1;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabIndex = function(ele)
 var i = this.getIndex(ele, this.getTabs());
 if (i < 0)
  i = this.getIndex(ele, this.getContentPanels());
 return i;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getCurrentTabIndex = function()
 return this.currentTabIndex;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.getTabbedPanelCount = function(ele)
 return Math.min(this.getTabs().length, this.getContentPanels().length);
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
  if (element.addEventListener)
   element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
  else if (element.attachEvent)
   element.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);
 catch (e) {}
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabClick = function(e, tab)
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabMouseOver = function(e, tab)
 this.addClassName(tab, this.tabHoverClass);
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabMouseOut = function(e, tab)
 this.removeClassName(tab, this.tabHoverClass);
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabFocus = function(e, tab)
 this.hasFocus = true;
 this.addClassName(this.element, this.tabFocusedClass);
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabBlur = function(e, tab)
 this.hasFocus = false;
 this.removeClassName(this.element, this.tabFocusedClass);
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.ENTER_KEY = 13;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.SPACE_KEY = 32;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.onTabKeyDown = function(e, tab)
 var key = e.keyCode;
 if (!this.hasFocus || (key != Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.ENTER_KEY && key != Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.SPACE_KEY))
  return true;
 if (e.stopPropagation)
 if (e.preventDefault)
 return false;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.preorderTraversal = function(root, func)
 var stopTraversal = false;
 if (root)
  stopTraversal = func(root);
  if (root.hasChildNodes())
   var child = root.firstChild;
   while (!stopTraversal && child)
    stopTraversal = this.preorderTraversal(child, func);
    try { child = child.nextSibling; } catch (e) { child = null; }
 return stopTraversal;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.addPanelEventListeners = function(tab, panel)
 var self = this;
 Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(tab, "click", function(e) { return self.onTabClick(e, tab); }, false);
 Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(tab, "mouseover", function(e) { return self.onTabMouseOver(e, tab); }, false);
 Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(tab, "mouseout", function(e) { return self.onTabMouseOut(e, tab); }, false);
 if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
  // XXX: IE doesn't allow the setting of tabindex dynamically. This means we can't
  // rely on adding the tabindex attribute if it is missing to enable keyboard navigation
  // by default.
  // Find the first element within the tab container that has a tabindex or the first
  // anchor tag.
  var tabIndexEle = null;
  var tabAnchorEle = null;
  this.preorderTraversal(tab, function(node) {
   if (node.nodeType == 1 /* NODE.ELEMENT_NODE */)
    var tabIndexAttr = tab.attributes.getNamedItem("tabindex");
    if (tabIndexAttr)
     tabIndexEle = node;
     return true;
    if (!tabAnchorEle && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a")
     tabAnchorEle = node;
   return false;
  if (tabIndexEle)
   this.focusElement = tabIndexEle;
  else if (tabAnchorEle)
   this.focusElement = tabAnchorEle;
  if (this.focusElement)
   Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "focus", function(e) { return self.onTabFocus(e, tab); }, false);
   Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "blur", function(e) { return self.onTabBlur(e, tab); }, false);
   Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "keydown", function(e) { return self.onTabKeyDown(e, tab); }, false);
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.showPanel = function(elementOrIndex)
 var tpIndex = -1;
 if (typeof elementOrIndex == "number")
  tpIndex = elementOrIndex;
 else // Must be the element for the tab or content panel.
  tpIndex = this.getTabIndex(elementOrIndex);
 if (!tpIndex < 0 || tpIndex >= this.getTabbedPanelCount())
 var tabs = this.getTabs();
 var panels = this.getContentPanels();
 var numTabbedPanels = Math.max(tabs.length, panels.length);
 for (var i = 0; i < numTabbedPanels; i++)
  if (i != tpIndex)
   if (tabs[i])
    this.removeClassName(tabs[i], this.tabSelectedClass);
   if (panels[i])
    this.removeClassName(panels[i], this.panelVisibleClass);
    panels[i].style.display = "none";
 this.addClassName(tabs[tpIndex], this.tabSelectedClass);
 this.addClassName(panels[tpIndex], this.panelVisibleClass);
 panels[tpIndex].style.display = "block";
 this.currentTabIndex = tpIndex;
Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels.prototype.attachBehaviors = function(element)
 var tabs = this.getTabs();
 var panels = this.getContentPanels();
 var panelCount = this.getTabbedPanelCount();
 for (var i = 0; i < panelCount; i++)
  this.addPanelEventListeners(tabs[i], panels[i]);
<style type="text/css">
.TabbedPanels {
 margin: 0px;
 padding: 0px;
 clear: none;
 width:auto; /* IE Hack to force proper layout when preceded by a paragraph. (hasLayout Bug)*/
/* This is the selector for the TabGroup. The TabGroup container houses
 * all of the tab buttons for each tabbed panel in the widget. This container
 * does not contribute anything visually to the look of the widget for our
 * default style.
 * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsTabGroup") used in this selector is not
 * necessary to make the widget function. You can use any class name you
 * want to style the TabGroup container.
.TabbedPanelsTabGroup {
 margin: 0px;
 padding: 0px;
/* This is the selector for the TabbedPanelsTab. This container houses
 * the title for the panel. This is also the tab "button" that the user clicks
 * on to activate the corresponding content panel so that it appears on top
 * of the other tabbed panels contained in the widget.
 * For our default style, each tab is positioned relatively 1 pixel down from
 * where it wold normally render. This allows each tab to overlap the content
 * panel that renders below it. Each tab is rendered with a 1 pixel bottom
 * border that has a color that matches the top border of the current content
 * panel. This gives the appearance that the tab is being drawn behind the
 * content panel.
 * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsTab") used in this selector is not
 * necessary to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want
 * to style this tab container.
.TabbedPanelsTab {
 position: relative;
 top: 1px;
 float: left;
 padding: 13px 0 0 0;
 margin: 0px 3px 0px 0px;
 font: bold 14px;
 list-style: none;
 border-left: solid 1px #ddd;
 border-bottom: solid 1px #ddd;
 border-top: solid 1px #ddd;
 border-right: solid 1px #ddd;
 -moz-user-select: none;
 -khtml-user-select: none;
 cursor: pointer;
/* This selector is an example of how to change the appearnce of a tab button
 * container as the mouse enters it. The class "TabbedPanelsTabHover" is
 * programatically added and removed from the tab element as the mouse enters
 * and exits the container.
.TabbedPanelsTabHover {
 background-color: #CCC;
/* This selector is an example of how to change the appearance of a tab button
 * container after the user has clicked on it to activate a content panel.
 * The class "TabbedPanelsTabSelected" is programatically added and removed
 * from the tab element as the user clicks on the tab button containers in
 * the widget.
 * As mentioned above, for our default style, tab buttons are positioned
 * 1 pixel down from where it would normally render. When the tab button is
 * selected, we change its bottom border to match the background color of the
 * content panel so that it looks like the tab is part of the content panel.
.TabbedPanelsTabSelected {
 border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF;
/* This selector is an example of how to make a link inside of a tab button
 * look like normal text. Users may want to use links inside of a tab button
 * so that when it gets focus, the text *inside* the tab button gets a focus
 * ring around it, instead of the focus ring around the entire tab.
.TabbedPanelsTab a {
 color: black;
 text-decoration: none;
/* This is the selector for the ContentGroup. The ContentGroup container houses
 * all of the content panels for each tabbed panel in the widget. For our
 * default style, this container provides the background color and borders that
 * surround the content.
 * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsContentGroup") used in this selector is
 * not necessary to make the widget function. You can use any class name you
 * want to style the ContentGroup container.
.TabbedPanelsContentGroup {
 clear: both;
 border: solid 1px #DDD;
.TabbedPanelsContentGroup2 {
 clear: both;
 border: solid 1px #DDD;
/* This is the selector for the Content panel. The Content panel holds the
 * content for a single tabbed panel. For our default style, this container
 * provides some padding, so that the content is not pushed up against the
 * widget borders.
 * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsContent") used in this selector is
 * not necessary to make the widget function. You can use any class name you
 * want to style the Content container.
.TabbedPanelsContent {
 padding: 9px;
/* This selector is an example of how to change the appearnce of the currently
 * active container panel. The class "TabbedPanelsContentVisible" is
 * programatically added and removed from the content element as the panel
 * is activated/deactivated.
.TabbedPanelsContentVisible {
/* Vertical Tabbed Panels
 * The following rules override some of the default rules above so that the
 * TabbedPanels widget renders with its tab buttons along the left side of
 * the currently active content panel.
 * With the rules defined below, the only change that will have to be made
 * to switch a horizontal tabbed panels widget to a vertical tabbed panels
 * widget, is to use the "VTabbedPanels" class on the top-level widget
 * container element, instead of "TabbedPanels".
/* This selector floats the TabGroup so that the tab buttons it contains
 * render to the left of the active content panel. A border is drawn around
 * the group container to make it look like a list container.
.VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTabGroup {
 float: left;
 width: 10em;
 height: 20em;
 background-color: #EEE;
 position: relative;
 border-top: solid 1px #999;
 border-right: solid 1px #999;
 border-left: solid 1px #CCC;
 border-bottom: solid 1px #CCC;
/* This selector disables the float property that is placed on each tab button
 * by the default TabbedPanelsTab selector rule above. It also draws a bottom
 * border for the tab. The tab button will get its left and right border from
 * the TabGroup, and its top border from the TabGroup or tab button above it.
.VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTab {
 float: none;
 margin: 0px;
 border-top: none;
 border-left: none;
 border-right: none;
/* This selector disables the float property that is placed on each tab button
 * by the default TabbedPanelsTab selector rule above. It also draws a bottom
 * border for the tab. The tab button will get its left and right border from
 * the TabGroup, and its top border from the TabGroup or tab button above it.
.VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTabSelected {
 background-color: #EEE;
 border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
/* This selector floats the content panels for the widget so that they
 * render to the right of the tabbed buttons.
.VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsContentGroup {
 clear: none;
 float: left;
 padding: 0px;
 width: 30em;
 height: 20em;
<div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels">
  <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
    <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 1</li>
    <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 2</li>
    <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 3</li>
  <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">内容 1</div>
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">内容 2</div>
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">内容 3</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1");

时间: 2024-12-05 02:22:31

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首先要感谢terry39的指点,元旦闲来无事,我就把他所讲的原理简单实现一下,这个程序的关键就在于数据表的设计很有特色,不用递归,依靠个简单SQL语句就能列出菜单,看看这个数据表怎么设计的: 数据库字段大概如下: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- id              编号 fid             父分类编号 name         分类名 p


第一新闻 第二新闻 第三新闻 要做一个选项卡,在论坛里找了好久都没有理想的效果 所以特来问一下高手们,请大家帮帮忙! 找了几个来改,都是头部的菜单那里太难定位了 第一新闻 第二新闻 第三新闻 第四新闻 第5新闻 要做一个选项卡,在论坛里找了好久都没有理想的效果 所以特来问一下高手们,请大家帮帮忙! 找了几个来改,都是头部的菜单那里太难定位了 当鼠标放上去时就变,而不用点了! 增加了! 第一新闻 第二新闻 第三新闻 第四新闻 要做一个选项卡,在论坛里找了好久都没有理想的效果 所以特来问一下高手们,


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本文实例讲述了纯CSS实现超简单的二级下拉导航菜单代码.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: 这是一款纯CSS菜单,二级下拉导航效果,是最简洁的CSS导航菜单,兼容性也很棒,IE7/8.火狐等都支持,而且它还是学习CSS菜单编写的典型教程,让你学会很多CSS技巧. 运行效果截图如下: 具体代码如下:   复制代码 代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.