Orchard v1.0.20发布 微软Oxite开源CMS系统的继承者

Orchard是微软"Oxite"开源CMS系统的继承者,去年12月,微软将Orchard从自己的CodePlex迁移到 Outercurve基金会,并承诺提供三年的技术支持。Orchard旨在帮助用户创建和管理网站,它和ASP.NET MVC3应用程序相似,使用Razor视图模板和SQL CE4来实现数据存储。


Orchard is a free, open source, community-focused project aimed at delivering applications and reusable components on the ASP.NET platform. It will create shared components for building ASP.NET applications and extensions, and specific applications that leverage these components to meet the needs of end-users, scripters, and developers. Additionally, we seek to create partnerships with existing application authors to help them achieve their goals. Orchard is delivered as part of the ASP.NET Open Source Gallery under the Outercurve Foundation. It is licensed under a New BSD license, which is approved by the OSI. The intended output of the Orchard project is three-fold:

·Individual .NET-based applications that appeal to end-users , scripters, and developers
·A set of re-usable components that makes it easy to build such applications
·A vibrant community to help define these applications and extensions

To install the Orchard tech preview using Web PI, follow these instructions:


Web PI will detect your hardware environment and install the application.


Alternatively, to install the release manually, download the Orchard.Web.1.0.20.zip file.

The zip contents are pre-built and ready-to-run. Simply extract the contents of the Orchard folder from the zip contents to an IIS virtual directory (or site root) and then point your browser to the site. You can also just extract to a local folder and open the included project file in Visual Studio to run it under the local ASP.NET Development Server (Cassini).

How to Reset Your Site Data

The App_Data directory contains database and settings documents produced during setup.

The contents of this directory are protected from download by visitors to your site.

To completely reset your site** (destroy all data, starting from the setup screen again), you can delete the contents of this directory. This action is irreversible!

Note: If you have the project open in Visual Studio, the contents of this directory may not be visible in Solution Explorer. To view the files, right-click the App_Data directory and "Open Folder in Windows Explorer" (or click the "Show All Files" button in Solution Explorer).


Orchard.Web.1.0.20.zip application, 7261K, uploaded Thu   Orchard.Source.1.0.20.zip source code, 16210K, uploaded Thu Orchard.
Azure.1.0.20.zip application, 29340K, uploaded Sat

时间: 2024-09-19 09:00:21

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