use engine-config config oVirt's properties

使用engine-config可以配置ovirt的配置选择, 参考red hat rhevm的19.3章的内容.

配置修改后, 需要重启ovirt-engine服务使之生效.

[root@176 ~]# engine-config -h
Usage: engine-config <action> [<args>]

       -l, --list
           List available configuration keys.

       -a, --all
           Get all available configuration values.

       -g KEY, --get=KEY
           Get the value of the given key for the given version. If a version is not given, the values of all existing versions are returned.

       -s KEY=VALUE, --set KEY=VALUE
           Set the value of the given key for the given version. The version is required for this action only when the version is not 'general'.

       -m KEY=VALUE, --merge KEY=VALUE
           Merge the value of the given key for the given version with the value in the database. The version is required for this action only when the version is not 'general'.

       -h, --help
           Show this help message and exit.

           Relevant configuration version to use.

       -p PROP_FILE, --properties=PROP_FILE
           Use the given alternate properties file.

       -c CFG_FILE, --config=CFG_FILE
           Use the given alternate configuration file.

           Sets file to write logging into (if not set nothing is logged).

           Sets log level, one of DEBUG (default), INFO, WARN, ERROR (case insensitive).

           Sets log4j.xml file which logging configuration is loaded from.

       Passwords can be set in interactive mode:

           engine-config -s PasswordEntry=interactive

       or via file with one of the following options:

           engine-config -s PasswordEntry --admin-pass-file=/tmp/mypass
           engine-config -s PasswordEntry=/tmp/mypass

       PasswordEntry varies between the different password options.

       In order for your change(s) to take effect, restart the oVirt engine.

列出可配置项的描述 : 

[root@176 ~]# engine-config -l|less
AbortMigrationOnError: "Optionally abort an ongoing migration on any error" (Value Type: Boolean)
AsyncTaskPollingRate: "Async Task Polling Rate (in seconds)" (Value Type: Integer)
AsyncTaskZombieTaskLifeInMinutes: "Zombie tasks life-time in minutes" (Value Type: Integer)
AuditLogAgingThreshold: "Audit Log Aging Threshold (in days)" (Value Type: Integer)
AuditLogCleanupTime: "Audit Log Cleanup Time" (Value Type: String)
AuthenticationMethod: "Authentication Method" (Value Type: String)
BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage: "Host swap percentage threshold (for scheduling)" (Value Type: Integer)
BootstrapMinimalVdsmVersion: "Minimum VDSM version" (Value Type: String)
CABaseDirectory: "CA Base Directory" (Value Type: String)
CpuOverCommitDurationMinutes: "The duration in minutes of CPU consumption to activate selection algorithm" (Value Type: Integer)
DisableFenceAtStartupInSec: "Disable Fence Operations At oVirt Startup In Seconds" (Value Type: Integer)
ClusterEmulatedMachines: "Supported machine types" (Value Type: String)
WANDisableEffects: "Disabled WAN Effects value to send to the SPICE console" (Value Type: StringMultiple)
WANColorDepth: "WAN Color Depth value to send to the SPICE console" (Value Type: Integer)
EnableSpiceRootCertificateValidation: "Enable Spice Root Certification Validation" (Value Type: String)
EnableUSBAsDefault: "Enable USB devices attachment to the VM by default" (Value Type: String)
EnableVdsLoadBalancing: "Enables Host Load Balancing system." (Value Type: String)

列出可配置项的当前值 : 

[root@176 ~]# engine-config -a|less
AbortMigrationOnError: false version: 3.0
AbortMigrationOnError: false version: 3.1
AbortMigrationOnError: false version: 3.2
AbortMigrationOnError: false version: 3.3
AsyncTaskPollingRate: 10 version: general
AsyncTaskZombieTaskLifeInMinutes: 3000 version: general
AuditLogAgingThreshold: 30 version: general
AuditLogCleanupTime: 03:35:35 version: general
AuthenticationMethod: LDAP version: general
BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage: 0 version: general
BootstrapMinimalVdsmVersion: 4.9 version: general
CpuOverCommitDurationMinutes: 2 version: general
DisableFenceAtStartupInSec: 300 version: general
ClusterEmulatedMachines: rhel6.2.0,pc-1.0 version: 3.0
ClusterEmulatedMachines: rhel6.3.0,pc-1.0 version: 3.1
ClusterEmulatedMachines: rhel6.4.0,pc-1.0 version: 3.2
ClusterEmulatedMachines: rhel6.4.0,pc-1.0,pseries version: 3.3
ClusterEmulatedMachines: rhel6.5.0,pc-1.0,pseries version: 3.4
WANDisableEffects: animation version: general
WANColorDepth: 16 version: general


时间: 2024-11-29 20:24:02

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