UVa 10696 f91 (water ver.)

10696 - f91

Time limit: 3.000 seconds



McCarthy is a famous theorician of computer science. In his work, he defined a recursive function, called f91, that takes as input a positive integer N and returns a positive integer defined as follows:

If N ≤ 100, then f91(N) = f91(f91(N+11));

If N ≥ 101, then f91(N) = N-10.

The Problem

Write a program, that computes McCarthy's f91.

The Input

The input tests will consist of a series of positive integers, each integer is at most 1,000,000. There will be at most 250,000 test cases. Each number is on a line on its own. The end of the input is reached when the number 0 is met. The number 0 shall not be considered as part of the test set.


The program shall output each result on a line by its own, following the format given in the sample output.

Sample input


Sample output

f91(500) = 490
f91(91) = 91




int main(void)
    int N;
    while (scanf("%d", &N), N)
        if (N <= 100) printf("f91(%d) = 91\n", N);
        else printf("f91(%d) = %d\n", N, N - 10);
    return 0;


, 91
, number
, integer
, output
, at91 arm7

时间: 2024-07-28 12:24:44

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