Pidgin v2.7.11发布 多协议即时通讯客户端


pidgin 2.7.11更新日志如下:

General: Our bundled libgadu should now build on HP-UX. Fix some instances of file transfers never completing. (Cristi Posoiu) (#12472) Pidgin: Sort by
Status no longer causes buddies to move around when you click them. Fix embedding in the system tray on older GTK+ releases (such as on
CentOS 5.5 and older
Fedora). No longer require libstartup-notification for startup notification support. GTK+ has included support for years, so use it instead. (David Benjamin) (#13245) AIM: Fix a bug where some buddies from your buddy list might not show up. Affected non-English ICQ users the
most. (#13386) Send keepalives for all types of network connections. Will hopefully make chat rooms
more reliable. (#1449) MSN: Fix bug that prevented added buddies to your buddy list in certain circumstances. (#13298) MXit: MXit
plugin and reported client version now follow the libpurple version. Don't try to request profile information for non-user contacts. Allow Re-Invite for contacts in Deleted or Rejected state. Ensure we don't send packets too fast to the MXit server and trigger its flood-detection mechanism. Also increased the internal packet queue to 32 packets. XMPP: Fix building on platforms with an older glib (inadvertantly broken in 2.7.10). (#13329) Don't treat the on-join status storms as 'new arrivals'. (Thijs Alkemade) (#a14527) Extend the /join command to support room JIDs, enabling you to join a room on any server. (Solarius, Matěj Cepl, Tirtha 'wyuka' Chatterjee) (#4526) Add support for recei
ving a limited amount of history when joining a room (not
currently supported by Pidgin and Finch). (Thijs Alkemade) (#10986, #a14219) Yahoo!/Yahoo! JAPAN: Fix CVE-2011-1091, denials of service caused by NULL pointer dereferences due to improper handling of malformed YMSG packets. Thanks to Marius Wachtler for reporting this and reviewing the fix!


时间: 2024-09-17 16:50:47

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