SAP Enables Fast and Efficient Development with New IoT

SAP Enables Fast and Efficient Development with New IoT
Application Services


Enriched Digital Twin Data
Provides New Level of


SAP IoT Application
Enablement provides Big Data management and services consumption without the
need for managing the underlying data storage. It allows users to create an
enhanced virtual representation of a product, service or process, combining
sensor data, business data and contextual data. The announcement was made at SAP TechEd Barcelona being held Nov.8–9, 2016.


“SAP IoT Application
Enablement provides a powerful virtual model that shows how a thing will
operate with real time data over its lifetime,” said Tanja Rueckert, executive
vice president, Digital Assets and IoT, SAP. “It also delivers an IoT tailored
development environment that promotes development efficiencies and provides a
common foundation across all apps. Customers are now able to develop IoT
solutions efficiently, with a reduction in errors and ultimately an increased
time to market.”


Rapid IoT Development and Smart Data Storage

Maximizing the value of
IoT requires a powerful digital core, and with SAP S/4HANA, businesses can
change the very nature of how they work, with the ability to predict, control,
simulate and optimize in real time. With 40 years of experience building powerful
end-to-end business applications, SAP understands that semantic data is a
fundamental ingredient in designing objects and processes. With the IoT
Application Enablement solution, SAP customers can create an enhanced digital
twin of a business asset, combining sensor data with business information and
contextual information, resulting in improved visibility and control. The new
product includes three key classes of functionality: development environment
and tools, microservices and smart data storage, and integration to business
processes and applications.


Enhanced Virtual Products, Services and Processes

According to industry
research firm Gartner Inc., “Within three to five years,
billions of things will be represented by digital twins, a dynamic software
model of a physical thing or system.” By combining an accurate virtual model of
how a thing operates with real-time data collected by sensors, companies will
have an increasingly detailed and realistic digital representations over the
lifetime of a physical asset. Powered by SAP HANA Cloud Platform, SAP IoT
Application Enablement delivers powerful microservices that allow other systems
to retrieve enriched digital twin data including business semantics, hierarchy
data, product master data and customer contract documentation.


Develop IoT Applications Faster and Smarter

The SAP IoT Application
Enablement solution provides a software development kit and development
environment that includes code-generating templates, which can be easily
extended. This feature allows developers to focus on design instead of coding,
helping them create new applications in less time. Additionally, the product
provides a robust application program interface to populate a sophisticated
semantic data model with a combination of sensor and business data. An advanced
authorization model provides support to control and define user access,
supporting collaboration between a complex ecosystem of business partners. The
solution has built-in features that eliminate the task of defining data
management, by calculating aggregates, splitting data into warm and cold
storage and automatically applying data retention policies. Utilizing SAP HANA Cloud Platform, integration
to connect data from smart things with business processes and applications, SAP
customers and partners can change how they run their businesses. They are
better able to reduce error and speed time to market, while increasing
innovation and overall customer satisfaction.


The SAP IoT Application
Enablement solution is currently available.


时间: 2024-09-19 23:16:32

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