Deliver projects in 100% of the time with SAP S/4 HANA

Deliver projects in 100% of the time with SAP S/4 HANA
on Project Decision Option (On-premise vs Cloud)


SAP S/4 HANA is a solution that
offers choices between having an on-the-premise software or on the
, depending on the kind of business. Businesses with less customer
base and fewer resources require a cloud model which provides a lighter and
more agile solution with scalability as a characteristic. Larger enterprises,
which have wider customer base and more resources at their disposal, require
the on-the-premise solution. This is because the solution ensures that the
enterprise has more control over the solution and better customization ability
to fall in line with the enterprises’ already existing activities.

SAP S/4 HANA provides the two options to every business and leaves the decision to the IT team in the
business. The benefits that accrue from the cloud solution include maintenance
of the SAP server by the SAP team. This means that less cost is incurred from
the business’ side and the fact that the solution provides the crucial
scenarios that are required to run an enterprise from the cloud with the
digital core. Some of the functionalities include accounting, plant
maintenance, procurement, manufacturing and finance. The benefits that accrue
from the on-the-premise solution include full control and maintenance of
solution on servers located at the enterprise’s premises. This means data
generated by the solution remains private. This solution also includes
functionality, languages and industries as the SAP Business Suite, with
additional modifications to the SAP Simple Finance that makes the solution
easier to use.

SAP S/4 HANA released the latest
version 1511 cloud services which contains marketing, project services
and enterprise edition on 11th November 2015. This edition is supported by SAP
services which included onboarding, configuration, migration, and integration.
It also includes additional services such as custom code management and
extensions as explained in the website.

The SAP S/4 HANA solution provides
an advanced security function that is in the form of a database management
solution which is used to store customer data and isolate each of the
customer’s information in a separate instance from other customers’ data. The
solution also contains a functionality that enables the user to upload
interaction contacts in the application manually using the CSV format (comma
separate value). The solution includes the export functionality which is used
to create export definitions. The export definitions could be used in having
campaign content and template for exporting target groups for purposes of


The implementation of SAP S/4
HANA follows three steps.

1.    The first step is under the title Best practices speed up migration path. It involves the pre-configured
functionalities and best practice scenarios installed in the S/4 HANA solution
that help determine the way forward.

2.    The second step is under the step Guided configuration boosts time to value. Under this step the
S/4 HANA solution provides simple step-by-step solutions that the customer
follows to implement the software thus making implementation easy.

3.    The third step is under the title methodology. Under this step SAP Activate, a branch solution of the S/4
HANA solution, provides methodology for customers to develop a plan with tasks
involved in ensuring migration and implementation go smoothly. The methodology
step involves four phases that include prepare, explore, realize and
. The methodology step also has a procedure of how to prepare and
complete the deliverable's. The implementation of the solution involves a
timeline in which a lot of costs are incurred and savings are made as well.


Numerous transactions bring out
the need for a system that has all the components ‘stitched’ together.
This kind of system enables user to work on project and deliver quality
projects with ample time. SAP S/4 HANA is mainly associated with the number of
transactions it can hold due to the many modules it contains. It is for this
reason that SAP S/4 HANA is a must-have solution for every enterprise.


时间: 2024-07-30 01:01:26

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