[绝对原创] SAP MM PO Delivery Address
1, The delivery address comes from
different places for a PO, based on the information:
1). Plant
2). Storage Location
3). Customer listed in the field
EKPO-KUNNR, if the PO is Third-Party Delivery
4). Vendor number in the field
EKPO-EMLIF, if it is a Sub-contracting PO
5). EKPO-ADRNR (The actual address is
in table ADRC).
2, We can check the 'Delivery Address'
Tab in the PO item detail data.
If Address (EKPO-ADRN2) field is not
empty, get address data from ADRC where ADRC-ADDRNUMBER = EKPO-ADRNR.
If Vendor (EKPO-EMLIF) field is not
empty, get address number (LFA1-ADRNR) from LFA1 where LFA1-LIFNR = EKPO-EMLIF.
then get the address data from ADRC where ADRC-ADDRNUMBER = LFA1-ADRNR.
If Customer field is not empty, get
address number from KNA1 where KNA1-KUNNR=EKPO-KUNNR, then get the address data
Otherwise get the address data of
the plant in the PO item.