用RecordSet实现分页(by Daniel Adrian)

Paging through a recordset
by Daniel Adrian

Skill level: Beginner

First posted: Monday, October 09, 2000

Paging through a recordset

When I want to develop an application with a lot of records to show, I make pages so I can easily navigate
through the database and make the page look good and load quickly.

This can be done very easily. Shall we start?

Take a look at these next lines of code:

If Request.QueryString("Page") = "" Then
        Page = 1
        Page = Request.QueryString("Page")
    End If

    recordsToShow = 20
   n = 0

These lines of code are saying if the value of Request.QueryString("Page") is without any value then page
=1 else page gets the page the user requested. Recordstoshow is the number of lines in each page.
N is number of records printed.

Now lets put it into action:
objrs.PageSize = recordsToShow

(objrs is ADODB.Recordset Object)

In pagesize we are telling the record set that every page will have 20 records because recordstoshow is 20.

Now let’s pull out some records:

Do until objrs.EOF
if n = recordsToShow then
exit do
end if
write what that you want here

Now we are writing date for the database and every time that we are repeating the loop we check if we done
it 20 times some when it’s 20 we will stop the loop.

Now let’s write the navigation:

if Page <> 1 then
Response.Write "<a href=pagename.asp?currentPage=" & currentPage - 1 &">"
end if
Response.Write "<< Back "

   if Page <> 1 then
   Response.Write "</a>"
   end if

  For intCount = 1 to objRs.PageCount
   If intCount = 1 then
      Response.Write " | "
   End If
   If cint(intCount) = cint(Page) then
      Response.Write "<font color=darkblue><b>" & intCount & "</b></font> | "
Response.Write "<a hr ef=pagename.asp?currentPage=" & intCount & """>" & intCount & "</a> | "
   End If
if cint(page) = cint(objRs.PageCount) then
Response.Write "<a href=pagename.asp?currentPage=" & currentPage + 1 & ">"
end if
Response.Write " Next >> "
if cint(Page) = cint(objRs.PageCount) then
Response.Write "</a>"
end if

First we are checking if the current page is not 1 so it’s more then one so we can go back.

After this we need to write all of the pages in the record set.
Now we need to check if we can do next.

That is all! Yes it’s that easy!

时间: 2024-09-09 17:35:48

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