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function stopDrag(obj)
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function getFocus(obj)
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function min(obj)
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function xWin(id,w,h,l,t,tit,msg)
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  + "'>by wildwind</div>";
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function initialize()
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 var b = new xWin("2",240,200,100,100,"Wildwind's Msgbox","Welcome to visited my personal website:<br><a href=http://www.webjx.com/ target=_blank>http://www.webjx.com</a><br>and u can also sign my guestbook at:<br><a href=http://www.webjx.com/gbook target=_blank>http://www.webjx.com/gbook</a><br><br>thx!!! =)...");
 var c = new xWin("3",200,160,250,50,"Copyright","Copyright by <a href='mailto:web@webjx.com'>Wildwind</a>!");
window.onload = initialize;
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<td width="9%" height="19" value="button">按钮TD</td>
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<td width="9%" height="19" value="button">按钮TD</td>
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<html><head><title>_xWin</title><style type='text/css'><!--a:visited{text-decoration:none;color:slategray;}a:hover{text-decoration:underline;color:slategray;}a:link{text-decoration:none;color:slategray;}--></style><script language=JScript><!--//可以打包为js文件;var x0=0,y0=0,x1=0,y1=0;var offx=6,offy=6;var moveable=false;var hover='orange',normal='slategray';//color;var index=10000;//z-index;//开始拖动;function startDrag(obj){ if(event.button==1) { //锁定标题栏; obj.setCapture(); //定义对象; var win = obj.parentNode; var sha = win.nextSibling; //记录鼠标和层位置; x0 = event.clientX; y0 = event.clientY; x1 = parseInt(win.style.left); y1 = parseInt(win.style.top); //记录颜色; normal = obj.style.backgroundColor; //改变风格; obj.style.backgroundColor = hover; win.style.borderColor = hover; obj.nextSibling.style.color = hover; sha.style.left = x1 + offx; sha.style.top = y1 + offy; moveable = true; }}//拖动;function drag(obj){ if(moveable) { var win = obj.parentNode; var sha = win.nextSibling; win.style.left = x1 + event.clientX - x0; win.style.top = y1 + event.clientY - y0; sha.style.left = parseInt(win.style.left) + offx; sha.style.top = parseInt(win.style.top) + offy; }}//停止拖动;function stopDrag(obj){ if(moveable) { var win = obj.parentNode; var sha = win.nextSibling; var msg = obj.nextSibling; win.style.borderColor = normal; obj.style.backgroundColor = normal; msg.style.color = normal; sha.style.left = obj.parentNode.style.left; sha.style.top = obj.parentNode.style.top; obj.releaseCapture(); moveable = false; }}//获得焦点;function getFocus(obj){ if(obj.style.zIndex!=index) { index = index + 2; var idx = index; obj.style.zIndex=idx; obj.nextSibling.style.zIndex=idx-1; }}//最小化;function min(obj){ var win = obj.parentNode.parentNode; var sha = win.nextSibling; var tit = obj.parentNode; var msg = tit.nextSibling; var flg = msg.style.display=="none"; if(flg) { win.style.height = parseInt(msg.style.height) + parseInt(tit.style.height) + 2*2; sha.style.height = win.style.height; msg.style.display = "block"; obj.innerHTML = "0"; } else { win.style.height = parseInt(tit.style.height) + 2*2; sha.style.height = win.style.height; obj.innerHTML = "2"; msg.style.display = "none"; }}//关闭;function cls(obj){ var win = obj.parentNode.parentNode; var sha = win.nextSibling; win.style.visibility = "hidden"; sha.style.visibility = "hidden";}//创建一个对象;function xWin(id,w,h,l,t,tit,msg){ index = index+2; this.id = id; this.width = w; this.height = h; this.left = l; this.top = t; this.zIndex = index; this.title = tit; this.message = msg; this.obj = null; this.bulid = bulid; this.bulid();}//初始化;function bulid(){ var str = "" + "<div id=xMsg" + this.id + " " + "style='" + "z-index:" + this.zIndex + ";" + "width:" + this.width + ";" + "height:" + this.height + ";" + "left:" + this.left + ";" + "top:" + this.top + ";" + "background-color:" + normal + ";" + "color:" + normal + ";" + "font-size:10px;" + "font-family:Verdana;" + "position:absolute;" + "cursor:default;" + "border:2px solid " + normal + ";" + "' " + ">" + "<div " + "style='" + "background-color:" + normal + ";" + "width:" + (this.width-2*2) + ";" + "height:20;" + "color:white;" + "' " + " " + " " + "onmousemove='drag(this)' " + "ondblclick='min(this.childNodes[1])'" + ">" + "<span style='width:" + (this.width-2*12-4) + ";padding-left:3px;'>" + this.title + "</span>" + "<span style='width:12;border-width:0px;color:white;font-family:webdings;' >0</span>" + "<span style='width:12;border-width:0px;color:white;font-family:webdings;' >r</span>" + "</div>" + "<div style='" + "width:100%;" + "height:" + (this.height-20-4) + ";" + "background-color:white;" + "line-height:14px;" + "word-break:break-all;" + "padding:3px;" + "'>" + this.message + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div style='" + "width:" + this.width + ";" + "height:" + this.height + ";" + "top:" + this.top + ";" + "left:" + this.left + ";" + "z-index:" + (this.zIndex-1) + ";" + "position:absolute;" + "background-color:black;" + "filter:alpha(opacity=40);" + "'>by wildwind</div>"; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd",str);}//--></script><script language='JScript'><!--function initialize(){ var a = new xWin("1",160,200,200,200,"Message","xWin <br> A Cool Pop Div Window<br>Version:1.0<br>2005-7-12"); var b = new xWin("2",240,200,100,100,"Wildwind's Msgbox","Welcome to visited my personal website:<br><a href=http://www.webjx.com/ target=_blank>http://www.webjx.com</a><br>and u can also sign my guestbook at:<br><a href=http://www.webjx.com/ target=_blank>http://www.webjx.com</a><br><br>thx!!! =)..."); var c = new xWin("3",200,160,250,50,"Copyright","Copyright by <a href='mailto:web@webjx.com'>Wildwind</a>!");}window.onload = initialize;//--></script></head><body onselectstart='return false' oncontextmenu='return false' scroll='no'></body></html>微软风格的按钮<html> <head> <style> .button2 { border-right:1px solid buttonhighlight; border-left:1px solid buttonshadow; border-bottom:1px solid buttonhighlight; border-top:1px solid buttonshadow } TD { cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; font-family: 宋体; text-align: center; text-valign: middle } .handin { height:18px; width:2px; border-left:1px solid buttonshadow; border-right:1px solid buttonhighlight } .handout { height:18px; width:2px; border-left:1px solid buttonhighlight; border-right:1px solid buttonshadow; } .into { width:100%; border-right:1px solid buttonhighlight; border-left:1px solid buttonshadow; border-bottom:1px solid buttonhighlight; border-top:1px solid buttonshadow } .outto,.button1 { background-color: buttonface; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; border-left: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-right: 1px solid buttonshadow; border-top: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-bottom: 1px solid buttonshadow; background-position: 0%" } .button0 { } </style> </head> <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <script> function change_button(num) { if(event.srcElement.tagName=="TD"&&event.srcElement.value=="button") event.srcElement.className = "button"+num; } </script> <div class="into" style="width: 100%; height: 25"> <table class="outto" border="0" width="100%" height="25" cellspacing="1" > <tr> <td width="1%" height="19"><span class="handout"></span></td> <td width="9%" height="19" value="button">按钮TD</td> <td width="1%" height="19"><span class="handin"></span></td> <td width="9%" height="19" value="button">按钮TD</td> <td width="1%" height="19"><span class="handin"></span></td> <td width="9%" height="19" value="button">按钮TD</td> <td width="1%" height="19"><span class="handin"></span></td> <td width="69%" height="19"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>


时间: 2024-12-21 21:19:40



问题描述 高手,您好:我是一个学习软件的学生,近日碰到了一个挑战:要在规定的时间里,将一个含有"浮动视频窗口的","使用Html语言写成的JSP页面"的任务.十万火急!!要是再重新将JavaScript语言进行学习的话,时间恐怕来不及了.这个时候,我想到了我的大学导师平台:CSDN.高手,我希望能够向我写成的Html语言的页面的右下角处,添加一个"浮动视频窗口",让我的页面具备:先向访问我的网站的用户的客户端传输"页面内容",


核心提示:flash在有限的页面内制作大的地图教程. 多个朋友因工作或爱好的需要,询问如何用flash在有限的页面内制作大的地图,并链接.显示有关地点的信息,为此将我自己做的一个记录旅游地点的flash地图略作精简.修改,做了这个flash,并将关键部分做法介绍如下(原有的那个包括显示信息中的文字和采用的旅游照片,将近10 M,太大了,无法上传). 作品见下方(好久没发帖了,不知该怎么发swf文件了,把考屏图放下面方便了解) 特点: 缩小地图以适应页面大小的局限,用放大镜来放大缩小了的地图,使能

Win10 UWP 开发系列:使用SplitView实现汉堡菜单及页面内导航

原文:Win10 UWP 开发系列:使用SplitView实现汉堡菜单及页面内导航 在Win10之前,WP平台的App主要有枢轴和全景两种导航模式,我个人更喜欢Pivot即枢轴模式,可以左右切换,非常方便.全景视图因为对设计要求比较高,自己总是做不出好的效果.对于一般的新闻阅读类App来说,Pivot更适合多个频道的展示,因为内容基本都是一样的. 到了Win10,微软模仿其他平台也推出了汉堡菜单,但并没有提供现成的控件,而是需要开发者通过一个名为SplitView的控件来实现.我个人并不觉得左上


本文实例讲述了JS实现弹出浮动窗口.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: 这里介绍的JS弹出浮动窗口,支持鼠标拖动和关闭,点击链接文字后弹出层窗口,也称作是弹出式对话框吧. 关于一些参数说明: bodycontent:要在窗口中显示的内容 title:窗口的标题 removeable:窗口是否能拖动 注意:内容窗体的高度是height-30px,请计算好要显示的内容高度和宽度. 注:在火狐或chrome下效果最佳,IE8下可能有些小问题. 点击此处查看运行效果: http://demo.jb51.n


问题描述 高手,您好:我是一名学习软件工程的学生,碰到了紧急的事情,希望高手能够帮助我,点拨我.如果有下面一段"制作网站右下角浮动窗口"的,JS代码,如何改动,能够让这段代码所制作的浮动窗口具备:"让向客户端传输的网页,具备:"先传输文字,后传输本窗口中的视频文件"的功能?",并且,希望高手点拨:下面的这段JS代码,哪一部分,或者说添加了哪一部分,能够让我的页面,选择我所设置好的"视频文件地址",让我所选中的视频文件,在我的网


问题描述 用金山的XdictGrb.dll实现了屏幕取词,如何隐藏浮动窗口? 用金山的XdictGrb.dll实现了屏幕取词,当取到字符串后并显示到了一个浮动窗口内,现在想实现取词完成后,鼠标只要一移动就马上将浮动窗口自动隐藏,请问XdictGrb.dll有相关的接口吗?或者通过什么方式可以实现? 解决方案 关注中~~~~~~~


第一种方法:预览: Html代码 复制代码 代码如下: <html> <head> <title>浮动窗口</title> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/overflow.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js&

jquery 浮动窗口详细实现方法

文章来讲一款jquery 浮动窗口详细实现方法与实例应用,我们很清楚的利用了jquery浮动插件来实例下面的效果.当一个容器对象,例如一个div,已捕获鼠标,活动的对象是原产于该容器内发射的分区,除非setcapture方法bcontainercapture参数设置为false.通过虚假的价值导致容器不再捕获所有文档事件.相反,该容器内的对象仍然火灾事件,这些事件也和泡沫预期.<br/> ---这是高山编辑. js代码 function drag(overflow,title){ title.

&amp;#106avascript 小技巧之如何在页面内加入日期

技巧|页面     第二集 如何在页面内加入日期 我们要告诉你一个使用日期和时间的例子,是从你个人客户端机器获取日期和时间. 做法如下: <script language="LiveScript"> <!-- Hiding today = new Date() document.write("现在时间是 ",today.getHours(),":", today.getMinutes()) document.write(&quo