Known Bugs in Tomcat 5 while using RMI

Known Bugs
Q: I installed KIM successfully and I had Tomcat installed before that. SESAME and KIM Server seem to work fine but I get the error (below) when I use Web UI and click to see the Entity Explorer Screen. What is the reason? What can I do?

... ... RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception no protocol: Files/Apache... ... ...Caused by: no protocol: Files/Apacheat ... ...

A: There is a bug in the JDK which makes RMI fail if Tomcat is installed in directory containing spaces (e.g. C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Jakarta Tomcat 5.0). This bug won't be fixed, so you can only workaround it. The installation should have checked the folder name for you and promted you to reinstall Tomcat. If you missed that or renamed the folder after you installed KIM, follow the seme advice now: reinstall Tomcat in a folder (using underscores instead of spaces for example) or just rename folders needed so that the full path contains no spaces. Then reinstall KIM too and point it to the new loacation when asked for Tomcat server, or to skip the new install just manually edit your start/stop Tomcat bat/sh files in %KIM_Platform_Home%/bin directory where this path is used. For more details refer to:

时间: 2024-07-29 03:49:43

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