Why Vector Clock are Easy or Hard?

通过实际例子来阐述vector clock其实是容易理解的, easy 
同样通过实际例子来描述在使用vector clock时会遇到哪些难以解决的问题, hard

Why Vector Clocks are Easy


Vector Clocks by Example

通过如下日常的例子来帮助理解vector clock, 你会发现其实这个算法并不复杂. 
大家想计划一下, 下周哪天一起吃饭? 大家如何达成最终的一致性  
之间看下面的图吧, 过程很清晰 

Alice, Ben, Cathy, and Dave are planning to meet next week for dinner.

The planning starts with Alice suggesting they meet on Wednesday.

Later, Dave discuss alternatives with Cathy, and they decide on Thursday instead.

Dave also exchanges email with Ben, and they decide on Tuesday.

When Alice pings everyone again to find out whether they still agree with her Wednesday suggestion, she gets mixed messages:

Cathy claims to have settled on Thursday with Dave, and Ben claims to have settled on Tuesday with Dave.

Dave can't be reached, and so no one is able to determine the order in which these communications happened, and so none of Alice, Ben, and Cathy know whether Tuesday or Thursday is the correct choice.

The story changes, but the end result is always the same: you ask two people for the latest version of a piece of information, and they reply with two different answers, and there's no way to tell which one is really the most recent.


Start with Alice's initial message: "Let's meet Wednesday,"

date = Wednesday
vclock = Alice:1

Ben suggests Tuesday:

date = Tuesday
vclock = Alice:1, Ben:1

Dave replies, confirming Tuesday:

date = Tuesday
vclock = Alice:1, Ben:1, Dave:1

Now Cathy gets into the act, suggesting Thursday:

date = Thursday
vclock = Alice:1, Cathy:1

Dave has two conflicting objects:

date = Tuesday
vclock = Alice:1, Ben:1, Dave:1


date = Thursday
vclock = Alice:1, Cathy:1

Dave can tell that these versions are in conflict, because neither vclock "descends" from the other. Luckily, Dave's a reasonable guy, and chooses Thursday. Dave also created a vector clock that is a successor to all previously-seen vector clocks. He emails this value back to Cathy.

date = Thursday
vclock = Alice:1, Ben:1, Cathy:1, Dave:2

So now when Alice asks Ben and Cathy for the latest decision, the replies she receives are, from Ben:

date = Tuesday
vclock = Alice:1, Ben:1, Dave:1

and from Cathy:

date = Thursday
vclock = Alice:1, Ben:1, Cathy:1, Dave:2


From this, she can tell that Dave intended his correspondence with Cathy to override the decision he made with Ben. All Alice has to do is show Ben the vector clock from Cathy's message, and Ben will know that he has been overruled.

That worked out pretty well.

通过上面的图示, 确实体现出'Why Vector Clocks are Easy’


Why Vector Clocks Are Hard


但是在实际实现该系统时, 还是有很多问题需要解决的, 从实现的角度体现'Why Vector Clocks Are Hard’ 
最难的问题是, 以什么作为actor? 以及当vclocks随着时间不断变大的时候, 怎样保存它?

1. What an actor is (i.e. where the incrementing and resolution is, and what parties get their own field in the vector)

2. How to keep vclocks from growing without bound over time.

In this example the parties that actually proposed changes ("clients") were the actors in the vector clocks. This is the model that vector clocks are designed for and work well with, but it has a drawback. The width of the vectors will grow proportionally with the number of clients. In a group of friends deciding when to have dinner this isn't a problem, but in a distributed storage system the number of clients over time can be large. Once the vector clocks get that large, they not only take up more space in disk and RAM but also take longer to compute comparisons over.

这个就谈到选取什么作为actor的问题, 上面的例子用client作为actor是很清晰, 但问题是在分布式环境中, client的数量可能是非常多的, 这个就有严重的效率问题.

One straightforward idea is to make the servers handling client requests be the "actors", instead of representing the clients directly. Since any given system usually has a known bounded number of servers over time and also usually has less servers than clients, this serves to reduce and cap the size of the vclocks

Let's think through the same example, but with that difference, to see how it goes. We'll assume that a 2-server distributed system is coordinating the communication, with clients evenly distributed among them.


Alice and Dave happen to get server X, and Ben and Cathy get server Y.

We're fine through the first few steps:

The only real difference so far is that each update increments a vector clock field named for the client's chosen server instead of the client itself. This will mean that the number of fields needed won't grow without bound; it will be the same as the number of servers. This is the desired effect of the change.

We run into trouble, though, when Cathy sends her update:


In the original example, this is where a conflict was created. Dave sorted out the conflict, and everything was fine.

With our new strategy, though, something else happened. Ben and Cathy were both modifying from the same original object. Since we used their server id instead of their own name to identify the change, Cathy's message has the same vector clock as Ben's! This means that Dave's message (responding to Ben) appears to be a simple successor to Cathy's... and we lose her data silently!

用server作为actor的问题就是, 会丢失一些数据, 因为Cathy和Ben都操作Y, 所以对于系统而已, Cathy和Ben没有区别都是Y, 所以当Dave confirm Ben后, vector为X2, Y1, 这个时候再收到Cathy的X1, Y1时, 就会认为是过期数据, 自动丢掉. 这样就无法解决上面的协调这个问题, 所以这个简单solution是不可行的.


For vector clocks to have their desired effect without causing accidents such as this, the elements represented by thefields in the vclock must be the real units of concurrency. In a case like this little example or a distributed storage system, that means client identifiers, not server-based ones.

server不是真正的并发单元, 而你把他作为actor, 其实是不合理的, 所以就会有现在这个问题


Just Lose a Little Information and Everything Will Be Fine

If we use client identifiers, we're back in the situation where vector clocks will grow and grow as more clients use a system over time.

The solution most people end up with is to "prune" their vector clocks as they grow.

This is done by adding a timestamp to each field, and updating it to the current local time whenever that field is incremented. This timestamp is never used for vclock comparison -- that is purely a matter of logical time -- but is only for pruning purposes.

This way, when a given vclock gets too big, you can remove fields, starting at the one that was updated longest ago, until you hit a size/age threshold that makes sense for your application.

But, you ask, doesn't this lose information?

Yes, it does -- but it won't make you lose your data.

The only case where this kind of pruning will matter at all is when a client holds a very old copy of the unpruned vclock and submits data descended from that. This will create a sibling (conflict) even though you might have been able to resolve it automatically if you had the complete unpruned vclock at the server. That is the tradeoff with pruning: in exchange for keeping growth under control, you run the chance of occasionally having to do a "false merge"... but you never lose data quietly, which makes this approach unequivocally better than moving the field identifiers off of the real client and onto the server.

这个方法思路, 就是既然我们必须用client作为actor, 问题就是vector会越来越大, 那么可不可以解决这个问题...

那就是prune,  根据什么去prune, timestamp, 这样定期把比较老的client数据清掉, 就可以比较合理的解决这个问题.

这个方案是否有风险? 有一些, 不过可以接受, 所以是有价值的tradeoff, 至少我们现在不会lose data quietly.


时间: 2024-08-31 19:59:27

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很久木有和大家见面了,因为博主也需要时间来沉淀..博主也需要学习和思考.. 好吧,不多废话,进入正题,今天我们谈的东西是一致性和安全性. 一致性这个问题,非常绕,想用语言表述,难度很大,我给别人去讲的时候,一般都是白板,因为白板有类似"动画"的效果,能够帮助别人理解,但使用文字,就没有办法了,只好要求各位有一定的抽象思维能力,能在自己的脑袋里模拟这种动画吧:) 主要会聊到: 简单的双机两阶段提交,三阶段提交,vector clock ,paxos思路,paxos改进思路,既然要阐述问题