jQuery UI v1.8.10发布 jQuery的页面UI插件

jQuery UI 是一套 jQuery 的页面 UI 插件,包含很多种常用的页面空间,例如 Tabs(如本站首页右上角部分) 、拉帘效果(本站首页左上角)、对话框、拖放效果、日期选择、颜色选择、数据排序、窗体大小调整等等非常多的内容。

jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery ">JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications.

Customize your jQuery UI download by selecting the version and specific modules you need in the form below or select a quick download package. A range of current and historical jQuery UI releases are also hosted on Google's CDN.



·Fixed: Element doesn't change to size that helper shows when snapping to grid (#6926, d6fa44a)


·Fixed: Handling of race conditions when using jQuery 1.3.2. (#6904, 6b9b513)


·Fixed: Batched class changes to improve performance. (#6934, 9191ee3)


·Fixed: Incorrect semi-colon that should have been a comma. (#6916, d4e715f)
·Fixed: Account for daylight saving when calculating number of days in a month. (#6978, 9162679)
·Fixed: Display Year before Month in Hungarian i18n. (#7019, 971566d)
·Fixed: Improved translation of Norwegian names for days and months. (#6986, 685ac7a)
·Fixed: Datepicker does not fire change event in IE8. (#6694, d14366a)
·Fixed: Datepicker creates extra dom element with empty object. (#6976, ab7a5b4)
·Fixed: Properly handle datepickers attached to inputs that are hidden using CSS. (#6988, cf9dac6)


·Fixed: Documentation does not list position as a dependency. (#6964)

Individual effects

·Fixed: Docs say that in Effect/Size the origin argument default is middle,center but it seems to be top,left. (#6961)


·Fixed: Text in "Build custom download" button wraps in Linux browsers. (#6903)



时间: 2024-08-19 14:53:10

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