超过 40 款很有用而且很新的 jQuery 插件

MotionCAPTCHA ( Demo Download )

MotionCAPTCHA是一个 jQuery 的验证码 CAPTCHA 插件,要求用户按照图中指示画出大概的形状。基于 HTML5 的 Canvas 技术实现。

Smart Validate ( Demo Download ) 
信用卡号校验的 jQuery 插件。支持的信用卡类型包括:American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club, and Discover.

Multi Node Range Data Slider jQ Slider ( Demo Download ) 
JQ Slider is a totally customizable plugin taking in style and formatting, and selection units. Powered by JQuery and JavaScript, it is based on typical JavaScript and CSS that you can modify as per your demands.

Timelinr ( Demo Download ) 
Timelinr is a trouble-free jQuery plugin that assists you in providing more life to tedious timelines. It supports horizontal and vertical layouts, and you can parameterize the mass of attributes: speed, transparency, etc.

Flexible Nav ( Demo Download ) 
Flexible Nav is a small jQuery library that adds a stylish navigation bar on the right of the page. It amends the web page navigation and assists in creating different sections of a document, an article, or just any web page.

Lettering.js ( Demo Download ) 
Lettering.js is a jQuery plugin for radical web typography. Web type is bursting all over the web but CSS presently doesn’t present absolute down-to-the-letter control. Lettering.js solves that! Kerning type, editorial design, manageable code, and so on.

jVectorMap ( Demo Download ) 
jVectorMap is a jQuery plugin utilized to illustrate vector maps and envisage data on HTML pages. It applies SVG in all contemporary browsers like Firefox 3 or 4, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE9, at the same time supplying legacy support for older versions of IE from 6 to 8 with VML.

ComboGrid ( Demo Download ) 
Combogrid, similar to auto complete, when applied to an input field, allows users to rapidly find and choose from a pre-populated list of values when they type, but in a tabular and paginated method. Combogrid gives keyboard navigation support for choosing an item.

Recurly.js ( Demo Download ) 
Recurly.js is a JavaScript library for custom-made transaction forms. It assists you in making safe, PCI-compliant transaction forms with completely customizable CSS.

SmartGallery ( Demo Download ) 
SmartGallery is a synergistic image gallery that is particularly designed to hold up huge data. It is lightweight, lightening quick and totally customizable. Powered by jQuery, SmartGallery goes together with twelve transition effects including some matchless transition effects and thumbnail navigation.

TagBox ( Demo Download ) 
TagBox is a jQuery plugin to assist put in tags like input in your forms.

jQuery Strong Password Plugin Power Pwchecker ( Demo Download ) 
Power PWChecker is a free of charge jQuery plugin to help ensure secure passwords for consumers. This easy jQuery plugin can be incorporated effortlessly with any online form (sign up form/ user registration form) to check password strength and provide users clues for producing stronger, more secure passwords.

Xml Driven Vertical News Scroller Script Using jQuery vScroller ( Demo Download ) 
vScroller demonstrates categorized and color-coded content in a vertical scroll. Feeds originate from standardized XML file and styled by means of simple CSS3 for a fresh and attractive interface.

Ideal Forms ( Demo Download ) 
Ideal Forms is a little framework used to construct powerful and fine-looking online forms. It’s extremely simple to use and entails nominal html syntax. Completely style-able with CSS, no images required. Support for IE 7+, Firefox 3+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3.1+ and Opera 11+. Degrades gracefully with JavaScript disabled.

jQuery Sliding Content Bar Plugin: PushUp Content ( Demo Download ) 
It is an elegant and fast content bar that you can incorporate effortlessly into any website or web application. PushUp Content Bar is trouble-free to customize and strong enough to trust in. You can put in your contact details, location map by means of Google Maps, and a straightforward contact form that visitors can employ to make contact with you.

Cuepoint JS ( Demo Download ) 
Cuepoint.js is an open source plugin for adding up cue-points and subtitles to your HTML5 video.

FitVids.js ( Demo Download ) 
FitVids.js is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.

Gmap3 ( Demo Download ) 
gmap3 is a jQuery plugin which allows many manipulations of the google map API version 3.

Shuffle Letters Effect: a jQuery Plugin ( Demo Download ) 
This is a small tutorial that demonstrates how to make a jQuery plugin that will jumble up the text content of any DOM element – an attractive effect that can be applied in headings, logos and slideshows.

Skitter ( Demo Download ) 
Skitter is a plugin for producing great-looking slideshows. You can modify every aspect.

jFontSize ( Demo Download ) 
The jFontSize plugin was formulated to make the process of creating the famous buttons A+ and A- easy, which modify the font size on sites with extremely big texts (for instance blogs, journals, tutorials, etc). This tool is also applied to boost the accessibility of sites, assisting people who have visual problems to see the content better.

Mosaiqy ( Demo Download ) 
Mosaiqy is a jQuery plugin for viewing and zooming in on photos working on Opera 9+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 3.2+, Chrome and IE7+. Photographs are recovered from a JSON/JSONP data structure and indiscriminately moved inside the grid. All exclusive animations are taken over by your GPU on your current browsers by means of CSS3 transitions, minimizing the CPU overhead.

HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery ( Demo Download ) 
It will permit people to upload photos from their computers by dragging and dropping them onto the browser window, feasible with the new HTML5 APIs used by contemporary browsers. The photographs will have a preview and a progress bar. At present, the photos are only stored in a folder on the server, but you could develop it any way you like.

jQuery PointPoint – A Plugin For Pointing To Things ( Demo Download ) 
This jQuery plugin will help you draw users’ attention to a certain part of the page, in the shape of a little arrow that is exhibited next to their mouse cursor. This can be helpful for pointing to missed form fields, buttons that must be pressed, or validation errors that need to be scrolled into view.

jqZoomage ( Demo Download ) 
It’s an uncomplicated zoom panel, letting your users mouse over portions of your little image, to gain a close up view. It is perfect for use on a product details page or similar.

If you have big images and you wish to let people explore them you can employ this tool; it includes zoom-in, zoom-out and pan functionality; it has configurable enlargement levels and it offers built-in image preloading.

jquery.mb.verticalSlider allows you display a long list of components managing pagination, it can work with components already in the DOM of your page or loading them by means of Ajax when required. And it works with the mouse wheel of course.

jQuery Pagination revised ( Demo Download ) 
The jQuery Paging plugin tries to resolve the problem of pagination in a variety of ways. It eradicates most other pagination executions by a simple and uncomplicated callback design.

Diapo ( Demo Download ) 
Diapo is a free and open source jQuery slideshow plugin. You can recommend changes or enhancements if you wish. You can download it and employ it for free; you can also add it into your projects and put up for sale it as part of a larger project (donations are not required but asked to be considered in this case).

Cool Dropdown Login Form with jQuery ( Demo Download ) 
This is a trouble-free jQuery dropdown login form; it’s simple to implement, lightweight, and does the whole lot you need it to.

simpleSlider ( Demo Download ) 
simpleSlider for jQuery is an extraordinarily effortless and useful image-slider with a lot of effects.

Craftyslide ( Demo Download ) 
Craftyslide is a small (just 2kb) slideshow built on jQuery. Craftyslide attempts to be unusual by providing a trouble-free, no-frills way of displaying images packaged into a small, fresh and proficient plugin.

jmFullWall ( Demo Download ) 
jmFullWall is a jQuery plugin for the introduction of an inspiring portfolio.

Wave Display Effect with jQuery ( Demo Download ) 
This plugin allows you illustrate images and content in a distinctive form – a wave. The idea is to primarily have some smaller thumbnails rotated and placed in the shape of a sine curve. As soon as you click on a thumbnail, the images will be zoomed in and you can see a medium sized version.

jQuery Widget ( Demo Download ) 
jqxWidgets is a complete and inventive widget library rested on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. It authorizes developers to deliver professional, cross-browser compatible web applications, while considerably minimizing their development time.

Elastislide – A Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin ( Demo Download ) 
Elastislide is a responsive jQuery carousel that will adapt its size and its behavior in order to work on any screen size. It uses the jQuery Touchwipe Plugin which allows you to obtain the wipe event on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

FlexSlider ( Demo Download ) 
FlexSlider is an overwhelming, completely responsive jQuery slider plugin. It has easy, semantic markup, slide and fade animations, and is supported in all main browsers so you won’t have any compatibility problems. Flexslider is built for beginners and pros in a similar way.

Draggable Image Boxes Grid ( Demo Download ) 
The idea is to have a draggable grid that shows boxes of thumbnails and menu like items. Once clicked, the thumbnail will expand to the full size image and the menu item box will expand to a fullscreen content area.

Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel ( Demo Download ) 
In this tutorial Codrops shows you how to generate a responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide. Inspired by Twitter’s “user gallery” and upon a request to demonstrate a combination of Elastislide, we want to execute a quick to respond gallery that adapts to the view-port thickness.

grumble.js ( Demo Download ) 
grumble.js furnishes special tool tips devoid of the common limitations of north/east/south/west positioning. A grumble can be revolved around a given component at any angle, all 360 degrees. Any distance can be defined. Any CSS style can be enforced. FX queues for animating multiple grumbles. And it works in IE6+, and current browsers.

Elycharts ( Demo Download ) 
Elycharts is a clean JavaScript charting library, simple to use and totally customizable. It aids you in making good looking interactive charts on your web pages or web applications, with loads of useful features: legend and label support, mouse tracking, tool tips, templates, animations, and more.

spin.js ( Demo Download ) 
spin.js is an inspired CSS3 loading spinner. You can amend every single parameter: number of lines, length and thickness of lines, radius, trail, speed of spinning, and whether there’s shading or not.

wordCounter jQuery Plugin ( Demo Download ) 
A trouble-free word counter plugin for jQuery. When active, the counter div shows the word count from the target text field. The target could be a text area or a text box. Depending upon the choices supplied, the count could be the total amount or remaining amount of words entered into the target text field. If the negative numbers choice is furnished in that case the count will demonstrate a negative value if the word limit has been passed.

时间: 2024-07-30 11:18:26

超过 40 款很有用而且很新的 jQuery 插件的相关文章

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今天开始将发布系列文章向大家分享40款非常有用的 jQuery 插件. MotionCAPTCHA ( 演示 | 下载 )  MotionCAPTCHA 是一款非常特别的 jQuery 验证码插件,要求用户画出看到的形状才能通过验证,用到了 Canvas 标签,所以只能在现代浏览器中使用.   Smart Validate ( 演示 | 下载 )  这是一款基于 jQuery 的信用卡验证插件,使得繁琐的信用卡格式验证变得轻松,支持各种流行的行用卡类型.   Wave Display Effec

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中介交易 http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/6858.html">SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 如果你曾经开发过类似限时抢购的网站或者应用的话,或者你需要在发布一款超棒游戏之前添加一些神秘元素的话,一个超棒或者超酷的倒计时页面绝对是非 常有必要的,制作一个倒计时的功能虽然不是非常复杂,但是如果你有现成的代码能够直接使用的话,相信各位也绝对不会拒绝!在今天的这篇文章中,我们收集了 六款超棒的倒计时jQuery插件,能够快速高效的帮助你搭建


我们都知道jquery具有灵活性和许多用途,尤其是在一些令人印象深刻的炫彩效果中都必须用jquery的应用图像才能做出来,他真的可以做一些很有用的东西.效果足以让你惊奇,在本文中我推荐10个jquery插件来帮助你处理图像 幻灯片 幻灯片是一个疯狂的简单的jQuery幻灯片插件.随着循环,自动播放,褪色或幻灯片过渡效果,交叉淡入淡出,图像预加载,并自动生成的分页功能. 人脸检测 人脸检测是一个令人印象深刻的插件,顾名思义.它可以检测出照片中的面孔. AviaSlider AviaSlider是一

20+ 个有用的 Google 地图的 jQuery 插件和教程

gMap – Google Maps Plugin For jQuery bMap – jQuery Plugin $.goMap – google maps jQuery plugin qmap3 – A jQuery plugin to use google maps version 3 Google maps v3 plugin for jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile jQuery Mobile Plugin for Google Maps: Rou

非常有用的40款jQuery 插件推荐(系列二)_jquery

今天开始将发布系列文章向大家分享40款非常有用的 jQuery 插件. HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery ( 演示 | 下载 )  这是一款用于帮助你实现 HTML5 文件拖放上传功能的 jQuery 插件. Shuffle Letters Effect: a jQuery Plugin ( 演示 | 下载 )  这款插件能够帮助实现非常酷的文字显示效果,可用于标题.LOGO和幻灯片. Skitter ( 演示 | 下载 )  Skitter 是一款非常精美的幻灯片插

非常流行的十款 jQuery 插件推荐

本文列举了10款最流行的 jQuery 插件,有验证用户输入的,有以真正用户友好的方式显示多媒体和图像的,有使数据以可视化的图形和图表的形式展示的等等.相信这十大流行的 jQuery 插件将有助于你的开发项目. 1. Validate 这个 jQuery 插件让琐碎的客户端验证变得简单,提供了大量的定制选项,捆绑了很多有用的验证方法. 2. EasySlider 一款滑动插件,包含自动滑动,连续滑动,首页和末页按钮,垂直互动等,支持在一个页面放置多个滑动. 3. FancyBox FancyBo


在这篇文章中我们将向你介绍 10 个很有用的新框架,这几个框架你可能之前没见过,那么现在不妨了解一下,或许对你的开发工作会有很大帮助. 1. Web Tracing Framework Web Tracing Framework 是 Google 推出的一组工具和脚本,用来分析 JavaScript 代码的性能.适合用于那些重度使用 JavaScript 代码的项目.提供一个手工嵌入版本和一个 Chrome 扩展. 2. UIKit UIKit 是一个小型的.灵活的 JavaScript 的 U

40个很有用的Mac OS X Shell脚本和终端命令

这里有一堆的 Mac OS X 下的终端命令,我将这些命令进行了简单的分类,这里很多命令在其他系统(Windows.Linux)一样有效,特别是 Linux/Unix.希望这些命令对你有帮助. 系统 重启 Mac OS X: shutdown - r now 关闭 Mac OS X: shutdown now 电源管理/省电 获取当前电源管理设置的信息 pmset -g 设置显示器无活动15分钟后关闭 sudo pmset displaysleep 15 让计算机在无活动30分钟后休眠 sudo