Amarok 在播放音乐档案以外还提供了很多功能。例如Amarok可以根据音乐类型、歌手和专辑来管理音乐集,也可以为众多的音乐格式加入标签,加入歌词、唱片封面,也会自动按所播放的音乐评分。也因此,第一次执行Amarok可以吓退一些用户。一些用家觉得Amarok的介面不易使用而使用较简单的音乐播放软件,因为很多功能会隐藏其他功能。
代号 "Slipstream" 的 KDE 音频播放器 Amarok 2.4 发布,增添 iPod Touch 3G 支持及自动转码功能。
允许使用 iPod Touch 3G 及其他新的播放设备。
OPML 订阅导出格式。
对 UPnP 通用即插即用音乐库的支持,可以播放网络上的 UPnP 音乐库中的歌曲。
This release brings significant performance, usability, and stability improvements: Most of the bugs involving the context pane have been squished, a completely rewritten collection scanner is presented (hint: it's the thing that reads your music files’ tags) -- Amarok now has the ability to write your statistics and covers directly to the audio files to keep the information across different devices and should detect compilations a lot better. At long last, we also have an option to hide the menu bar again.
Speaking of tags, there's a new feature to work along with the rewritten collection scanner: Integration with the MusicBrainz music library to update your songs with accurate information. Having a well organized collection is easier than ever, now that you can select what you want tagged and do it with two clicks. We unfortunately had to remove the Playdar collection again that we added in beta 1. We hope to be able to add it back again as soon as we made a few changes to it.