Add GUI to connect to SQL

(*                                                                               *)
(* Below is the list of support classes that can be used from within the Pascal  *)
(* script. There are also three support objects available: MainForm of type      *)
(* TMainForm, WizardForm of type TWizardForm and UninstallProgressForm of type   *)
(* TUninstallProgressForm and one special constant: crHand of type               *)
(* TControl.Cursor.                                                              *)
(* Note: MainForm is only visible if WindowVisible is set to yes.                *)
(* Note: you may find it useful to also refer to the Delphi Visual Component     *)
(* Library (VCL) Help files by Embarcadero Technologies, since the classes below *)
(* are mostly simple wrappers around the VCL classes Inno Setup uses internally. *)
(* See .                        *)
(*                                                                               *)

  TObject = class
    constructor Create;
    procedure Free;

  TBits = class(TObject)
    function OpenBit: Integer;
    property Bits[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
    property Size: Integer; read write;

  TPersistent = class(TObject)
    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent);

  TStream = class(TObject)
    function Read(Buffer: String; Count: Longint): Longint;
    function Write(Buffer: String; Count: Longint): Longint;
    function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
    procedure ReadBuffer(Buffer: String; Count: Longint);
    procedure WriteBuffer(Buffer: String; Count: Longint);
    function CopyFrom(Source: TStream; Count: Int64): Longint;
    property Position: Longint; read write;
    property Size: Longint; read write;

  TParser = class(TObject)
    constructor Create(Stream: TStream);
    procedure CheckToken(T: Char);
    procedure CheckTokenSymbol(S: String);
    procedure Error(Ident: Integer);
    procedure ErrorStr(Message: String);
    procedure HexToBinary(Stream: TStream);
    function NextToken: Char;
    function SourcePos: Longint;
    function TokenComponentIdent: String;
    function TokenFloat: Extended;
    function TokenInt: Longint;
    function TokenString: String;
    function TokenSymbolIs(S: String): Boolean;
    property SourceLine: Integer; read;
    property Token: Char; read;

  TCollectionItem = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create(Collection: TCollection);
    property Collection: TCollection; read write;
    property Index: Integer; read write;

  TCollection = class(TPersistent)
    function Add: TCollectionItem;
    procedure BeginUpdate;
    procedure Clear;
    procedure EndUpdate;
    property Count: Integer; read;
    property Items[Index: Integer]: TCollectionItem; read write;

  HMENU = Cardinal;

  HAccel = Cardinal;

  Exception = class(TObject)

  EMenuError = class(Exception)

  TMenuBreak = (mbNone, mbBreak, mbBarBreak);

  TShortCut = Word;

  TIMAGEINDEX = Integer;

  TMenuItem = class(TComponent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: TMenuItem);
    procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
    procedure Click;
    function IndexOf(Item: TMenuItem): Integer;
    function GetParentComponent: TComponent;
    function HasParent: Boolean;
    procedure Add(Item: TMenuItem);
    procedure Remove(Item: TMenuItem);
    property Command: Word; read;
    property Handle: HMENU; read;
    property Count: Integer; read;
    property Items[Index: Integer]: TMenuItem; read;
    property MenuIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Parent: TMenuItem; read;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Checked: Boolean; read write;
    property Default: Boolean; read write;
    property Enabled: Boolean; read write;
    property GroupIndex: Byte; read write;
    property HelpContext: THelpContext; read write;
    property Hint: String; read write;
    property RadioItem: Boolean; read write;
    property ShortCut: TShortCut; read write;
    property Visible: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property ImageIndex: TImageIndex; read write;

  TMenuChangeEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Source: TMenuItem; Rebuild: Boolean);

  TFindItemKind = (fkCommand, fkHandle, fkShortCut);

  TWMMenuChar = record
    Msg: Cardinal;
    User: Char;
    MenuFlag: Word; { MF_POPUP, MF_SYSMENU }
    Menu: HMENU;
    Result: Longint;

  TMenuItemAutoFlag = (maAutomatic, maManual, maParent);
  TMenuAutoFlag = TMenuItemAutoFlag;

  TBiDiMode = (bdLeftToRight, bdRightToLeft, bdRightToLeftNoAlign, bdRightToLeftReadingOnly);

  TMenu = class(TComponent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    function DispatchCommand(ACommand: Word): Boolean;
    function DispatchPopup(AHandle: HMENU): Boolean;
    function FindItem(Value: Integer; Kind: TFindItemKind): TMenuItem;
    function GetHelpContext(Value: Integer; ByCommand: Boolean): THelpContext;
    property Handle: HMENU; read;
    property WindowHandle: HWnd; read write;
    property Items: TMenuItem; read;
    property Images: TCustomImageList; read write;
    function IsRightToLeft: Boolean;
    procedure ParentBiDiModeChanged(AControl: TObject);
    procedure ProcessMenuChar(var Message: TWMMenuChar);
    property AutoHotkeys: TMenuAutoFlag; read write;
    property AutoLineReduction: TMenuAutoFlag; read write;
    property BiDiMode: TBiDiMode; read write;
    property OwnerDraw: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentBiDiMode: Boolean; read write;

  TMainMenu = class(TMenu)
    procedure Merge(Menu: TMainMenu);
    procedure Unmerge(Menu: TMainMenu);
    procedure PopulateOle2Menu(SharedMenu: HMENU; Groups: TArrayOfInteger; var Widths: TArrayOfInteger);
    procedure GetOle2AcceleratorTable(var AccelTable: HAccel; var AccelCount: Integer; Groups: TArrayOfInteger);
    procedure SetOle2MenuHandle(Handle: HMENU);
    property AutoMerge: Boolean; read write;

  TPopupAlignment = (paLeft, paRight, paCenter);

  TTrackButton = (tbRightButton, tbLeftButton);
  TMenuAnimations = (maLeftToRight, maRightToLeft, maTopToBottom, maBottomToTop, maNone);
  TMenuAnimation = set of TMenuAnimations;

  TPopupMenu = class(TMenu)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    procedure Popup(X, Y: Integer);
    property PopupComponent: TComponent; read write;
    property Alignment: TPopupAlignment; read write;
    property AutoPopup: Boolean; read write;
    property HelpContext: THelpContext; read write;
    property OnPopup: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property MenuAnimation: TMenuAnimation; read write;
    property TrackButton: TTrackButton; read write;

  TComponentStateE = (csLoading, csReading, csWriting, csDestroying, csDesigning, csAncestor, csUpdating, csFixups, csFreeNotification, csInline, csDesignInstance);

  TComponentState = set of TComponentStateE;

  TComponent = class(TPersistent)
    function FindComponent(AName: String): TComponent;
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    property Owner: TComponent; read write;
    property Components[Index: Integer]: TComponent; read;
    property ComponentCount: Integer; read;
    property ComponentIndex: Integer; read write;
    property ComponentState: Byte; read;
    property Name: String; read write;
    property Tag: Longint; read write;
    procedure DestroyComponents;
    procedure Destroying;
    procedure FreeNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
    procedure InsertComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
    procedure RemoveComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
    property DesignInfo: Longint; read write;

  TTimer = class(TComponent)
    property Enabled: Boolean; read write;
    property Interval: Cardinal; read write;
    property OnTimer: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TStrings = class(TPersistent)
    function Add(S: String): Integer;
    procedure Append(S: String);
    procedure AddStrings(Strings: TStrings);
    procedure Clear;
    procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
    function IndexOf(const S: String): Integer;
    procedure Insert(Index: Integer; S: String);
    property Count: Integer; read;
    property Text: String; read write;
    property CommaText: String; read write;
    procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: String);
    procedure SaveToFile(FileName: String);
    property Strings[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
    property Objects[Index: Integer]: TObject; read write;
    procedure BeginUpdate;
    procedure EndUpdate;
    function Equals(Strings: TStrings): Boolean;
    procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
    function IndexOfName(Name: String): Integer;
    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure SetText(Text: PChar);
    property Names[Index: Integer]: String; read;
    property Values[Name: String]: String; read write;
    function AddObject(S: String; AObject: TObject): Integer;
    function GetText: PChar;
    function IndexOfObject(AObject: TObject): Integer;
    procedure InsertObject(Index: Integer; S: String; AObject: TObject);

  TAlignment = (taLeftJustify, taRightJustify, taCenter);

  THelpEvent = function (Command: Word; Data: Longint; var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;

  TGetStrProc = procedure(const S: String);

  TDuplicates = (dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError);

  TOperation = (opInsert, opRemove);

  THandle = Longint;

  TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject);

  TStringList = class(TStrings)
    function Find(S: String; var Index: Integer): Boolean;
    procedure Sort;
    property Duplicates: TDuplicates; read write;
    property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  THandleStream = class(TStream)
    constructor Create(AHandle: Integer);
    property Handle: Integer; read;

  TFileStream = class(THandleStream)
    constructor Create(Filename: String; Mode: Word);

  TCustomMemoryStream = class(TStream)
    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure SaveToFile(FileName: String);

  TMemoryStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream)
    procedure Clear;
    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: String);
    procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint);

  TResourceStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream)
    constructor Create(Instance: THandle; ResName: String; ResType: Integer);
    constructor CreateFromID(Instance: THandle; ResID: Integer; ResType: Integer);

  TGraphicsObject = class(TPersistent)
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TFontStyle = (fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut);

  TFontStyles = set of TFontStyle;

  TFontPitch = (fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed);

  TFont = class(TGraphicsObject)
    constructor Create;
    property Handle: Integer; read;
    property Color: Integer; read write;
    property Height: Integer; read write;
    property Name: String; read write;
    property Pitch: Byte; read write;
    property Size: Integer; read write;
    property PixelsPerInch: Integer; read write;
    property Style: TFontStyles; read write;

  TRect = record
    Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer;

  TPenMode = (pmBlack, pmWhite, pmNop, pmNot, pmCopy, pmNotCopy, pmMergePenNot, pmMaskPenNot, pmMergeNotPen, pmMaskNotPen, pmMerge, pmNotMerge, pmMask, pmNotMask, pmXor, pmNotXor);

  TPenStyle = (psSolid, psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot, psClear, psInsideFrame);

  TPen = class(TGraphicsObject)
    constructor Create;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Mode: TPenMode; read write;
    property Style: TPenStyle; read write;
    property Width: Integer; read write;

  TBrushStyle = (bsSolid, bsClear, bsHorizontal, bsVertical, bsFDiagonal, bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross);

  TColor = integer;

  HBITMAP = Integer;

  HPALETTE = Integer;

  TBrush = class(TGraphicsObject)
    constructor Create;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Style: TBrushStyle; read write;

  TCanvas = class(TPersistent)
    procedure Arc(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer);
    procedure Chord(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer);
    procedure Draw(X, Y: Integer; Graphic: TGraphic);
    procedure Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
    procedure FillRect(const Rect: TRect);
    procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; Color: TColor; FillStyle: Byte);
    procedure LineTo(X, Y: Integer);
    procedure MoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
    procedure Pie(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer);
    procedure Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
    procedure Refresh;
    procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3: Integer);
    function TextHeight(Text: String): Integer;
    procedure TextOut(X, Y: Integer; Text: String);
    function TextWidth(Text: String): Integer;
    property Handle: Integer; read write;
    property Pixels: Integer; read write;
    property Brush: TBrush; read;
    property CopyMode: Byte; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read;
    property Pen: TPen; read;

  TGraphic = class(TPersistent)
    procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename: String);
    procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: String);
    property Empty: Boolean; read write;
    property Height: Integer; read write;
    property Modified: Boolean; read write;
    property Width: Integer; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TBitmap = class(TGraphic)
    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
    property Canvas: TCanvas; read write;
    property Handle: HBITMAP; read write;
    procedure Dormant;
    procedure FreeImage;
    procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle; APalette: HPALETTE);
    procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String);
    procedure LoadFromResourceID(Instance: THandle; ResID: Integer);
    function ReleaseHandle: HBITMAP;
    function ReleasePalette: HPALETTE;
    procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle; var APalette: HPALETTE);
    property Monochrome: Boolean; read write;
    property Palette: HPALETTE; read write;
    property IgnorePalette: Boolean; read write;
    property TransparentColor: TColor; read write;

  HICON = Integer;

  TIcon = class(TGraphic)
    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
    function ReleaseHandle: HICON;
    property Handle: HICON; read write;

  TNewIcon = class(TGraphic)
    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String);
    procedure LoadFromResourceID(Instance: THandle; ResID: Integer);
    function ReleaseHandle: HICON;
    property Handle: HICON; read write;

  TAlign = (alNone, alTop, alBottom, alLeft, alRight, alClient);

  TDragMode = (dmManual, dmAutomatic);

  TDragState = (dsDragEnter, dsDragLeave, dsDragMove);

  TDragKind = (dkDrag, dkDock);

  TDragOverEvent = procedure(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);

  TDragDropEvent = procedure(Sender, Source: TObject;X, Y: Integer);

  TEndDragEvent = procedure(Sender, Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer);

  TDragObject = class(TObject)
    function GetName: String;
    procedure HideDragImage;
    function Instance: Longint;
    procedure ShowDragImage;

  TStartDragEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var DragObject: TDragObject);

  TControl = class(TComponent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    procedure BringToFront;
    procedure Hide;
    procedure Invalidate;
    procedure Refresh;
    procedure Repaint;
    procedure SendToBack;
    procedure Show;
    procedure Update;
    procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
    property Parent: TWinControl; read write;
    property Left: Integer; read write;
    property Top: Integer; read write;
    property Width: Integer; read write;
    property Height: Integer; read write;
    property Hint: String; read write;
    property Align: TAlign; read write;
    property ClientHeight: Longint; read write;
    property ClientWidth: Longint; read write;
    property ShowHint: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentShowHint: Boolean; read write;
    property Visible: Boolean; read write;
    property Enabled: Boolean; read write;
    property Cursor: Integer; read write;
    function Dragging: Boolean;
    function HasParent: Boolean;
    procedure BeginDrag(Immediate: Boolean);
    function ClientToScreen(Point: TPoint): TPoint;
    procedure EndDrag(Drop: Boolean);
    function GetTextBuf(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer;
    function GetTextLen: Integer;
    procedure SetTextBuf(Buffer: PChar);
    function Perform(Msg: Cardinal; WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint;
    function ScreenToClient(Point: TPoint): TPoint;

  TWinControl = class(TControl)
    property Handle: Longint; read write;
    property Showing: Boolean; read;
    property TabOrder: Integer; read write;
    property TabStop: Boolean; read write;
    function CanFocus: Boolean;
    function Focused: Boolean;
    property Controls[Index: Integer]: TControl; read;
    property ControlCount: Integer; read;
    function HandleAllocated: Boolean;
    procedure HandleNeeded;
    procedure EnableAlign;
    procedure RemoveControl(AControl: TControl);
    procedure InsertControl(AControl: TControl);
    procedure Realign;
    procedure ScaleBy(M, D: Integer);
    procedure ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer);
    procedure SetFocus;
    procedure PaintTo(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer);
    function ContainsControl(Control: TControl): Boolean;
    procedure DisableAlign;
    procedure UpdateControlState;
    property Brush: TBrush; read;
    property HelpContext: Longint; read write;

  TGraphicControl = class(TControl)

  TCustomControl = class(TWinControl)

  TFieldChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; OldField, Value: Byte);

  TIPAddressEdit = class(TCustomControl)
    procedure SetFieldFocus(Field: Byte);
    function IsBlank: Boolean;
    property Field1Value: Byte; read write;
    property Field2Value: Byte; read write;
    property Field3Value: Byte; read write;
    property Field4Value: Byte; read write;
    property Field1Max: Byte; read write;
    property Field1Min: Byte; read write;
    property Field2Max: Byte; read write;
    property Field2Min: Byte; read write;
    property Field3Max: Byte; read write;
    property Field3Min: Byte; read write;
    property Field4Max: Byte; read write;
    property Field4Min: Byte; read write;
    property IPValue: LongWord; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnFieldChange: TFieldChangeEvent; read write;
    property InitClear: Boolean; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;

  TNewGroupBox = class(TCustomControl)
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property ParentBackground: Boolean; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TScrollBarKind = (sbHorizontal, sbVertical);

  TScrollBarInc = SmallInt;

  TControlScrollBar = class(TPersistent)
    property Kind: TScrollBarKind; read;
    property ScrollPos: Integer; read;
    property Margin: Word; read write;
    property Increment: TScrollBarInc; read write;
    property Range: Integer; read write;
    property Position: Integer; read write;
    property Tracking: Boolean; read write;
    property Visible: Boolean; read write;

  TScrollingWinControl = class(TWinControl)
    procedure ScrollInView(AControl: TControl);
    property HorzScrollBar: TControlScrollBar; read write;
    property VertScrollBar: TControlScrollBar; read write;

  TIdleEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);

  TFormBorderStyle = (bsNone, bsSingle, bsSizeable, bsDialog, bsToolWindow, bsSizeToolWin);
  TBorderStyle = TFormBorderStyle;

  TWindowState = (wsNormal, wsMinimized, wsMaximized);

  TFormStyle = (fsNormal, fsMDIChild, fsMDIForm, fsStayOnTop);

  TBorderIcon = (biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize, biHelp);
  TBorderIcons = set of TBorderIcon;

  TPosition = (poDesigned, poDefault, poDefaultPosOnly, poDefaultSizeOnly, poScreenCenter, poDesktopCenter, poMainFormCenter, poOwnerFormCenter);

  TPrintScale = (poNone, poProportional, poPrintToFit);

  TCloseAction = (caNone, caHide, caFree, caMinimize);

  TCloseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);

  TCloseQueryEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);

  TEShiftState = (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble, ssMeta, ssSuper, ssHyper, ssAltGr, ssCaps, ssNum, ssScroll, ssTriple, ssQuad);
  TShiftState = set of TEShiftState;

  TKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);

  TKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);

  THelpContext = Longint;

  TScrollBox = class(TScrollingWinControl)
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property AutoScroll: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnResize: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: TCursor; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TTileMode = (tbHorizontal, tbVertical);

  TForm = class(TScrollingWinControl)
    constructor CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent);
    procedure Close;
    procedure Hide;
    procedure Show;
    function ShowModal: Integer;
    procedure Release;
    property Active: Boolean; read;
    property ActiveControl: TWinControl; read write;
    property BorderIcons: TBorderIcons; read write;
    property BorderStyle: TFormBorderStyle; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property AutoScroll: Boolean; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property FormStyle: TFormStyle; read write;
    property KeyPreview: Boolean; read write;
    property Position: TPosition; read write;
    property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnClose: TCloseEvent; read write;
    property OnCloseQuery: TCloseQueryEvent; read write;
    property OnCreate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDestroy: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnHide: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnResize: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnShow: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    procedure ArrangeIcons;
    procedure Print;
    procedure SendCancelMode(Sender: TControl);
    property ActiveOLEControl: TWinControl; read write;
    property OleFormObject: TOLEFORMOBJECT; read write;
    property ClientHandle: Longint; read;
    property TileMode: TTileMode; read write;
    procedure Cascade;
    function CloseQuery: Boolean;
    procedure DefocusControl(Control: TWinControl; Removing: Boolean);
    procedure FocusControl(Control: TWinControl);
    procedure Next;
    procedure Previous;
    function SetFocusedControl(Control: TWinControl): Boolean;
    procedure Tile;
    property ActiveMDIChild: TForm; read;
    property Canvas: TCanvas; read;
    property DropTarget: Boolean; read write;
    property ModalResult: Longint; read write;
    property MDIChildCount: Integer; read;
    property MDIChildren[I: Integer]: TForm; read;
    property Icon: TIcon; read write;
    property Menu: TMainMenu; read write;
    property ObjectMenuItem: TMenuItem; read write;
    property PixelsPerInch: Integer; read write;
    property PrintScale: TPrintScale; read write;
    property Scaled: Boolean; read write;
    property WindowState: TWindowState; read write;
    property WindowMenu: TMenuItem; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDockOver: TDockOverEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property DoubleBuffered: Boolean; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TMsg = record
    hwnd: HWND;
    message: LongWord;
    wParam: Longint;
    lParam: Longint;
    time: LongWord;
    pt: TPoint;

  TMessageEvent = procedure (var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);

  TApplication = class(TComponent)
    procedure BringToFront;
    function MessageBox(Text, Caption: PChar; Flags: Word): Integer;
    procedure Minimize;
    procedure ProcessMessages;
    procedure Restore;
    procedure Terminate;
    property Active: Boolean; read;
    property ExeName: String; read;
    property Handle: Longint; read;
    property UpdateFormatSettings: Boolean; read write;
    property Hint: String; read write;
    property MainForm: TForm; read;
    property ShowHint: Boolean; read write;
    property ShowMainForm: Boolean; read write;
    property Terminated: Boolean; read;
    property Title: String; read write;
    property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnIdle: TIdleEvent; read write;
    property OnHint: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMinimize: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnRestore: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    procedure ControlDestroyed(Control: TControl);
    procedure CancelHint;
    procedure HandleException(Sender: TObject);
    procedure HandleMessage;
    procedure HideHint;
    procedure Initalize;
    procedure NormalizeTopMosts;
    procedure RestoreTopMosts;
    procedure Run;
    function HelpCommand(Command: Integer; Data: Longint): Boolean;
    function HelpContext(Context: THelpContext): Boolean;
    function HelpJump(JumpID: String): Boolean;
    property DialogHandle: Longint; read write;
    procedure CreateHandle;
    property HelpFile: String; read write;
    property HintColor: TColor; read write;
    property HintPause: Integer; read write;
    property HintShortPause: Integer; read write;
    property HintHidePause: Integer; read write;
    property Icon: TIcon; read write;
    property OnHelp: THelpEvent; read write;
    property OnMessage: TMessageEvent; read write;

  TScreen = class(TComponent)
    property ActiveControl: TWinControl; read;
    property ActiveForm: TForm; read;
    property Cursor: TCursor; read write;
    property Cursors[Index: Integer]: Longword; read write;
    property FormCount: Integer; read;
    property Forms[Index: Integer]: TForm; read;
    property Fonts: TStrings; read;
    property Height: Integer; read;
    property Width: Integer; read;
    property PixelsPerInch: Integer; read;
    property OnActiveControlChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnActiveFormChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TCustomLabel = class(TGraphicControl)

  TMouseButton = (mbLeft, mbRight, mbMiddle);

  TMouseEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);

  TMouseMoveEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);

  HWND = Longint;

  TAnchorKind = (akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom);
  TAnchors = set of TAnchorKind;

  TModalResult = Integer;

  TCursor = Integer;

  TPoint = record
    x, y: Longint;

  TTextLayout = (tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom);

  TLabel = class(TCustomLabel)
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property FocusControl: TWinControl; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property Layout: TTextLayout; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Transparent: Boolean; read write;
    property WordWrap: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property ShowAccelChar: Boolean; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TCustomEdit = class(TWinControl)
    procedure Clear;
    procedure ClearSelection;
    procedure SelectAll;
    property Modified: Boolean; read write;
    property SelLength: Integer; read write;
    property SelStart: Integer; read write;
    property SelText: String; read write;
    property Text: String; read write;
    procedure CopyToClipboard;
    procedure CutToClipboard;
    procedure PasteFromClipboard;
    function GetSelTextBuf(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer;
    procedure SetSelTextBuf(Buffer: PChar);

  TEditCharCase = (ecNormal, ecUpperCase, ecLowerCase);

  TEdit = class(TCustomEdit)
    property AutoSelect: Boolean; read write;
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property CharCase: TEditCharCase; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
    property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property PasswordChar: Char; read write;
    property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
    property Text: String; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property OEMConvert: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewEdit = class(TEdit)

  TCustomMemo = class(TCustomEdit)
    property Lines: TStrings; read write;

  TScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssBoth);

  TMemo = class(TCustomMemo)
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
    property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
    property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle; read write;
    property WantReturns: Boolean; read write;
    property WantTabs: Boolean; read write;
    property WordWrap: Boolean; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property OEMConvert: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewMemo = class(TMemo)

  TCustomComboBox = class(TWinControl)
    property DroppedDown: Boolean; read write;
    property Items: TStrings; read write;
    property ItemIndex: Integer; read write;
    procedure Clear;
    procedure SelectAll;
    property Canvas: TCanvas; read;
    property SelLength: Integer; read write;
    property SelStart: Integer; read write;
    property SelText: String; read write;

  TComboBoxStyle = (csDropDown, csSimple, csDropDownList, csOwnerDrawFixed, csOwnerDrawVariable);

  TDrawItemEvent = procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: Byte);

  TMeasureItemEvent = procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var Height: Integer);

  TComboBox = class(TCustomComboBox)
    property Style: TComboBoxStyle; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property DropDownCount: Integer; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
    property Text: String; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDropDown: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property ItemHeight: Integer; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnDrawItem: TDrawItemEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMeasureItem: TMeasureItemEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;

  TNewComboBox = class(TComboBox)

  TButtonControl = class(TWinControl)

  TButton = class(TButtonControl)
    procedure Click;
    property Cancel: Boolean; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Default: Boolean; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ModalResult: Longint; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewButton = class(TButton)
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TCustomCheckBox = class(TButtonControl)

  TCheckBoxState = (cbUnchecked, cbChecked, cbGrayed);

  TCheckBox = class(TCustomCheckBox)
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property AllowGrayed: Boolean; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Checked: Boolean; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property State: TCheckBoxState; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewCheckBox = class(TCheckBox)
    property ParentBackground: Boolean; read write;

  TRadioButton = class(TButtonControl)
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Checked: Boolean; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewRadioButton = class(TRadioButton)
    property ParentBackground: Boolean; read write;

  TCustomListBox = class(TWinControl)
    property Items: TStrings; read write;
    property ItemIndex: Integer; read write;
    property SelCount: Integer; read;
    property Selected[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
    procedure Clear;
    function ItemAtPos(Pos: TPoint; Existing: Boolean): Integer;
    function ItemRect(Index: Integer): TRect;
    property Canvas: TCanvas; read;
    property TopIndex: Integer; read write;

  TListBoxStyle = (lbStandard, lbOwnerDrawFixed, lbOwnerDrawVariable);

  TScrollCode = (scLineUp, scLineDown, scPageUp, scPageDown, scPosition, scTrack, scTop, scBottom, scEndScroll);

  TScrollEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode;var ScrollPos: Integer);

  TEOwnerDrawState = (odSelected, odGrayed, odDisabled, odChecked, odFocused, odDefault, odHotLight, odInactive, odNoAccel, odNoFocusRect, odReserved1, odReserved2, odComboBoxEdit);

  TOwnerDrawState = set of TEOwnerDrawState;

  TListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property MultiSelect: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
    property Style: TListBoxStyle; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property Columns: Integer; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property ExtendedSelect: Boolean; read write;
    property IntegralHeight: Boolean; read write;
    property ItemHeight: Integer; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property TabWidth: Integer; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnDrawItem: TDrawItemEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMeasureItem: TMeasureItemEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewListBox = class(TListBox)

  TScrollBar = class(TWinControl)
    property Kind: TScrollBarKind; read write;
    property Max: Integer; read write;
    property Min: Integer; read write;
    property Position: Integer; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    procedure SetParams(APosition, AMin, AMax: Integer);
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property LargeChange: TScrollBarInc; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property SmallChange: TScrollBarInc; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnScroll: TScrollEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;

  TTrackBarOrientation = (trHorizontal, trVertical);

  TTickMark = (tmBottomRight, tmTopLeft, tmBoth);

  TTickStyle = (tsNone, tsAuto, tsManual);

  TTrackBar = class(TWinControl)
    procedure SetTick(Value: Integer);
    property LineSize: Integer; read write;
    property Max: Integer; read write;
    property Min: Integer; read write;
    property Orientation: TTrackBarOrientation; read write;
    property PageSize: Integer; read write;
    property Frequency: Integer; read write;
    property Position: Integer; read write;
    property SelEnd: Integer; read write;
    property SelStart: Integer; read write;
    property TickMarks: TTickMark; read write;
    property TickStyle: TTickStyle; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TUDAlignButton = (udLeft, udRight);

  TUDOrientation = (udHorizontal, udVertical);

  TUDBtnType = (btNext, btPrev);

  TUDClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType);

  TUDChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);

  TCustomUpDown = class(TWinControl)

  TUpDown = class(TCustomUpDown)
    property AlignButton: TUDAlignButton; read write;
    property Associate: TWinControl; read write;
    property ArrowKeys: Boolean; read write;
    property Min: SmallInt; read write;
    property Max: SmallInt; read write;
    property Increment: Integer; read write;
    property Orientation: TUDOrientation; read write;
    property Position: SmallInt; read write;
    property Thousands: Boolean; read write;
    property Wrap: Boolean; read write;
    property OnChanging: TUDChangingEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TUDClickEvent; read write;

  THKModifier = (hkShift, hkCtrl, hkAlt, hkExt);

  THKModifiers = set of THKModifier;

  THKInvalidKey = (hcNone, hcShift, hcCtrl, hcAlt, hcShiftCtrl, hcShiftAlt, hcCtrlAlt, hcShiftCtrlAlt);

  THKInvalidKeys = set of THKInvalidKey;

  TCustomHotKey = class(TWinControl)

  THotKey = class(TCustomHotKey)
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property HotKey: TShortCut; read write;
    property InvalidKeys: THKInvalidKeys; read write;
    property Modifiers: THKModifiers; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TCustomTabControl = class(TWinControl)

  TTabChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);

  TTabControl = class(TCustomTabControl)
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property DisplayRect: TRect; read;
    property MultiLine: Boolean; read write;
    property TabHeight: Smallint; read write;
    property TabIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Tabs: TStrings; read write;
    property TabWidth: Smallint; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnChanging: TTabChangingEvent; read write;

  TTabSheet = class(TWinControl)
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property PageControl: TPageControl; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property TabIndex: Integer; read;
    property PageIndex: Integer; read write;
    property TabVisible: Boolean; read write;

  TPageControl = class(TCustomTabControl)
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    function FindNextPage(CurPage: TTabSheet; GoForward, CheckTabVisible: Boolean): TTabSheet;
    procedure SelectNextPage(GoForward: Boolean);
    property PageCount: Integer; read;
    property Pages[Index: Integer]: TTabSheet; read;
    property ActivePage: TTabSheet; read write;
    property MultiLine: Boolean; read write;
    property TabHeight: Smallint; read write;
    property TabWidth: Smallint; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnChanging: TTabChangingEvent; read write;

  TShapeType = (stRectangle, stSquare, stRoundRect, stRoundSquare, stEllipse, stCircle);

  TBevelShape = (bsBox, bsFrame, bsTopLine, bsBottomLine, bsLeftLine, bsRightLine, bsSpacer);

  TBevelStyle = (bsLowered, bsRaised);

  TBevel = class(TGraphicControl)
    property Shape: TBevelShape; read write;
    property Style: TBevelStyle; read write;

  TShape = class(TGraphicControl)
    property Brush: TBrush; read write;
    property Pen: TPen; read write;
    property Shape: TShapeType; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TPaintBox = class(TGraphicControl)
    property Canvas: TCanvas; read;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TCustomPanel = class(TCustomControl)

  TPanelBevel = (bvNone, bvLowered, bvRaised, bvSpace);

  TBevelWidth = Longint;

  TBorderWidth = Longint;

  TSectionEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ASection, AWidth: Integer);

  TPanel = class(TCustomPanel)
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property BevelInner: TPanelBevel; read write;
    property BevelOuter: TPanelBevel; read write;
    property BevelWidth: TBevelWidth; read write;
    property BorderWidth: TBorderWidth; read write;
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property Locked: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnResize: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property ParentBackground: Boolean; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  THeaderSectionStyle = (hsText, hsOwnerDraw);

  THeaderSection = class(TCollectionItem)
    property Left: Integer; read;
    property Right: Integer; read;
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property AllowClick: Boolean; read write;
    property MaxWidth: Integer; read write;
    property MinWidth: Integer; read write;
    property Style: THeaderSectionStyle; read write;
    property Text: string; read write;
    property Width: Integer; read write;

  THeaderSections = class(TCollection)
    constructor Create(HeaderControl: THeaderControl);
    function Add: THeaderSection;
    Property Items[Index: Integer]: THeaderSection; read write;

  TSectionTrackState = (tsTrackBegin, tsTrackMove, tsTrackEnd);

  TDrawSectionEvent = procedure(HeaderControl: THeaderControl; Section: THeaderSection; const Rect: TRect; Pressed: Boolean);

  TSectionNotifyEvent = procedure(HeaderControl: THeaderControl; Section: THeaderSection);

  TSectionTrackEvent = procedure(HeaderControl: THeaderControl; Section: THeaderSection; Width: Integer; State: TSectionTrackState);

  THeaderControl = class(TWinControl)
    property Canvas: TCanvas; read;
    property Sections: THeaderSections; read write;
    property OnDrawSection: TDrawSectionEvent; read write;
    property OnResize: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnSectionClick: TSectionNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnSectionResize: TSectionNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnSectionTrack: TSectionTrackEvent; read write;

  HTreeItem = Longword;

  TTVCompare = function(lParam1, lParam2, lParamSort: Longint): Integer;

  TNodeAttachMode = (naAdd, naAddFirst, naAddChild, naAddChildFirst, naInsert);

  THitTest = (htAbove, htBelow, htNowhere, htOnItem, htOnButton, htOnIcon, htOnIndent,
       htOnLabel, htOnRight, htOnStateIcon, htToLeft, htToRight);

  THitTests = set of THitTest;

  TSortType = (stNone, stData, stText, stBoth);    

  TResType = (rtBitmap, rtCursor, rtIcon);

  HImageList = THandle;

  TDrawingStyle = (dsFocus, dsSelected, dsNormal, dsTransparent);

  TImageType = (itImage, itMask);

  TTreeNode = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TTreeNodes);
    function AlphaSort: Boolean;
    procedure Collapse(Recurse: Boolean);
    function CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean;
    procedure Delete;
    procedure DeleteChildren;
    function DisplayRect(TextOnly: Boolean): TRect;
    function EditText: Boolean;
    procedure EndEdit(Cancel: Boolean);
    procedure Expand(Recurse: Boolean);
    function GetFirstChild: TTreeNode;
    function GetHandle: HWND;
    function GetLastChild: TTreeNode;
    function GetNext: TTreeNode;
    function GetNextChild(Value: TTreeNode): TTreeNode;
    function GetNextSibling: TTreeNode;
    function GetNextVisible: TTreeNode;
    function GetPrev: TTreeNode;
    function GetPrevChild(Value: TTreeNode): TTreeNode;
    function GetPrevSibling: TTreeNode;
    function GetPrevVisible: TTreeNode;
    function HasAsParent(Value: TTreeNode): Boolean;
    function IndexOf(Value: TTreeNode): Integer;
    procedure MakeVisible;
    procedure MoveTo(Destination: TTreeNode; Mode: TNodeAttachMode);
    property AbsoluteIndex: Integer; read;
    property Count: Integer; read;
    property Cut: Boolean; read write;
    property Data: TObject; read write;
    property Deleting: Boolean; read;
    property Focused: Boolean; read write;
    property DropTarget: Boolean; read write;
    property Selected: Boolean; read write;
    property Expanded: Boolean; read write;
    property Handle: HWND; read;
    property HasChildren: Boolean; read write;
    property ImageIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Index: Integer; read;
    property IsVisible: Boolean; read;
    property Item[Index: Integer]: TTreeNode; read write;
    property ItemId: HTreeItem; read;
    property Level: Integer; read;
    property OverlayIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Parent: TTreeNode; read;
    property SelectedIndex: Integer; read write;
    property StateIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Text: String; read write;
    property Owner: TTreeNodes; read;
    property TreeView: TCustomTreeView; read;

  TTreeNodes = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TCustomTreeView);
    function AddChildFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String): TTreeNode;
    function AddChild(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String): TTreeNode;
    function AddChildObjectFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String; Obj: TObject): TTreeNode;
    function AddChildObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String; Obj: TObject): TTreeNode;
    function AddFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String): TTreeNode;
    function Add(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String): TTreeNode;
    function AddObjectFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String; Obj: TObject): TTreeNode;
    function AddObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String; Obj: TObject): TTreeNode;
    procedure BeginUpdate;
    procedure Clear;
    procedure Delete(Node: TTreeNode);
    procedure EndUpdate;
    function GetFirstNode: TTreeNode;
    function GetNode(ItemId: HTreeItem): TTreeNode;
    function Insert(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String): TTreeNode;
    function InsertObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: String; Obj: TObject): TTreeNode;
    property Count: Integer; read;
    property Handle: HWND; read;
    property Item[Index: Integer]: TTreeNode; read;
    property Owner: TCustomTreeView; read;

  TTVChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean);

  TTVChangedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);

  TTVEditingEven = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowEdit: Boolean);

  TTVEditedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var S: String);

  TTVExpandingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowExpansion: Boolean);

  TTVCollapsingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowCollapse: Boolean);

  TTVExpandedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);

  TTVCompareEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node1, Node2: TTreeNode; Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);

  TCustomImageList = class(TComponent)
    Constructor CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
    function Add(Image, Mask: TBitmap): Integer;
    function AddIcon(Image: TIcon): Integer;
    procedure AddImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
    function AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer;
    procedure Clear;
    procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
    procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, Index: Integer);
    procedure DrawOverlay(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; ImageIndex: Integer; Overlay: Byte);
    function FileLoad(ResType: TResType; Name: String; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
    procedure GetBitmap(Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap);
    function GetHotSpot: TPoint;
    procedure GetIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
    function GetImageBitmap: HBITMAP;
    function GetMaskBitmap: HBITMAP;
    function GetResource(ResType: TResType; Name: String; Width: Integer; LoadFlags: TLoadResources; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
    function HandleAllocated: Boolean;
    procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
    procedure InsertIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
    procedure InsertMasked(Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor);
    procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
    function Overlay(ImageIndex: Integer; Overlay: TOverlay): Boolean;
    function ResourceLoad(ResType: TResType; Name: String; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
    procedure Replace(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
    procedure ReplaceIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
    procedure ReplaceMasked(Index: Integer; NewImage: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor);
    property Count: Integer; read;
    property Handle: HImageList; read write;

  TImageList = class(TCustomImageList)
    property BlendColor: TColor; read write;
    property BkColor: TColor; read write;
    property AllocBy: Integer; read write;
    property DrawingStyle: TDrawingStyle; read write;
    property Height: Integer; read write;
    property ImageType: TImageType; read write;
    property Masked: Boolean; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property ShareImages: Boolean; read write;
    property Width: Integer; read write;

  TCustomTreeView = class(TWinControl)
    function AlphaSort: Boolean;
    function CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean;
    procedure FullCollapse;
    procedure FullExpand;
    function GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y: Integer): THitTests;
    function GetNodeAt(X, Y: Integer): TTreeNode;
    function IsEditing: Boolean;
    procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: String);
    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
    procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: String);
    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
    property DropTarget: TTreeNode; read write;
    property Selected: TTreeNode; read write;
    property TopItem: TTreeNode; read write;

  TTreeView = class(TCustomTreeView)
    property ShowButtons: Boolean; read write;
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property DragCursor: TCursor; read write;
    property ShowLines: Boolean; read write;
    property ShowRoot: Boolean; read write;
    property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
    property Indent: Integer; read write;
    property Items: TTreeNodes; read write;
    property OnEditing: TTVEditingEvent; read write;
    property OnEdited: TTVEditedEvent; read write;
    property OnExpanding: TTVExpandingEvent; read write;
    property OnExpanded: TTVExpandedEvent; read write;
    property OnCollapsing: TTVCollapsingEvent; read write;
    property OnCompare: TTVCompareEvent; read write;
    property OnCollapsed: TTVExpandedEvent; read write;
    property OnChanging: TTVChangingEvent; read write;
    property OnChange: TTVChangedEvent; read write;
    property OnDeletion: TTVExpandedEvent; read write;
    property OnGetImageIndex: TTVExpandedEvent; read write;
    property OnGetSelectedIndex: TTVExpandedEvent; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property SortType: TSortType; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Images: TImageList; read write;
    property StateImages: TImageList; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TDisplayCode = (drBounds, drIcon, drLabel, drSelectBounds);

  TListItem = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TListItems);
    procedure CancelEdit;
    procedure Delete;
    function DisplayRect(Code: TDisplayCode): TRect;
    function EditCaption: Boolean;
    function GetPosition: TPoint;
    procedure MakeVisible(PartialOK: Boolean);
    procedure Update;
    procedure SetPosition(const Value: TPoint);
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Cut: Boolean; read write;
    property Data: TObject; read write;
    property DropTarget: Boolean; read write;
    property Focused: Boolean; read write;
    property Handle: HWND; read;
    property ImageIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Index: Integer; read;
    property Left: Integer; read write;
    property OverlayIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Selected: Boolean; read write;
    property StateIndex: Integer; read write;
    property SubItems: TStrings; read write;
    property Top: Integer; read write;
    property Owner: TListItems; read;
    property ListView: TCustomListView; read;

  TListItems = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TCustomListView);
    function Add: TListItem;
    procedure BeginUpdate;
    procedure Clear;
    procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
    procedure EndUpdate;
    function IndexOf(Value: TListItem): Integer;
    function Insert(Index: Integer): TListItem;
    property Count: Integer; read;
    property Handle: HWND; read;
    property Item[Index: Integer]: TListItem; read write;
    property Owner: TCustomListView; read;

  TListColumn = class(TCollectionItem)
    property WidthType: Integer; read;
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Width: Integer; read write;

  TListColumns = class(TCollection)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TCustomListView);
    function Add: TListColumn;
    property Items[Index: Integer]: TListColumn; read write;
    property Owner: TCustomListView; read;

  TIconArrangement = (iaTop, iaLeft);

  TIconOptions = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TCustomListView);
    property Arrangement: TIconArrangement; read write;
    property AutoArrange: Boolean; read write;
    property WrapText: Boolean; read write;

  TListArrangement = (arAlignBottom, arAlignLeft, arAlignRight, arAlignTop, arDefault, arSnapToGrid);

  TSearchDirection = (sdLeft, sdRight, sdAbove, sdBelow, sdAll);

  TViewStyle = (vsIcon, vsSmallIcon, vsList, vsReport);

  TItemState = (isNone, isCut, isDropHilited, isFocused, isSelected);

  TItemStates = set of TItemState;

  TItemChange = (ctText, ctImage, ctState);

  TLVCompare = function(lParam1, lParam2, lParamSort: Integer): Integer;

  TLVDeletedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);

  TLVEditingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var AllowEdit: Boolean);

  TLVEditedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var S: String);

  TLVChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange);

  TLVChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange; var AllowChange: Boolean);

  TLVColumnClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn);

  TLVCompareEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item1, Item2: TListItem; Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);

  TCustomListView = class(TWinControl)
    function AlphaSort: Boolean;
    procedure Arrange(Code: TListArrangement);
    function FindCaption(StartIndex: Integer; Value: String; Partial, Inclusive, Wrap: Boolean): TListItem;
    function FindData(StartIndex: Integer; Value: TObject; Inclusive, Wrap: Boolean): TListItem;
    function GetItemAt(X, Y: Integer): TListItem;
    function GetNearestItem(Point: TPoint; Direction: TSearchDirection): TListItem;
    function GetNextItem(StartItem: TListItem; Direction: TSearchDirection; States: TItemStates): TListItem;
    function GetSearchString: String;
    function IsEditing: Boolean;
    procedure Scroll(DX, DY: Integer);
    property Column[Index: Integer]: TListColumn; read;
    property DropTarget: TListItem; read write;
    property ItemFocused: TListItem; read write;
    property SelCount: Integer; read;
    property Selected: TListItem; read write;
    function CustomSort(SortProc: TLVCompare; lParam: Longint): Boolean;
    function StringWidth(S: String): Integer;
    procedure UpdateItems(FirstIndex, LastIndex: Integer);
    property TopItem: TListItem; read;
    property ViewOrigin: TPoint; read;
    property VisibleRowCount: Integer; read;
    property BoundingRect: TRect; read;

  TListView = class(TCustomListView)
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property ColumnClick: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property Columns: TListColumns; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
    property IconOptions: TIconOptions; read write;
    property Items: TListItems; read write;
    property AllocBy: Integer; read write;
    property MultiSelect: Boolean; read write;
    property OnChange: TLVChangeEvent; read write;
    property OnChanging: TLVChangingEvent; read write;
    property OnColumnClick: TLVColumnClickEvent; read write;
    property OnCompare: TLVCompareEvent; read write;
    property OnDeletion: TLVDeletedEvent; read write;
    property OnEdited: TLVEditedEvent; read write;
    property OnEditing: TLVEditingEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnInsert: TLVDeletedEvent; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: TCursor; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property ShowColumnHeaders: Boolean; read write;
    property SortType: TSortType; read write;
    property ViewStyle: TViewStyle; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property LargeImages: TImageList; read write;
    property SmallImages: TImageList; read write;
    property StateImages: TImageList; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TStatusPanelStyle = (psText, psOwnerDraw);

  TStatusPanelBevel = (pbNone, pbLowered, pbRaised);

  TStatusPanel = class(TCollectionItem)
    property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
    property Bevel: TStatusPanelBevel; read write;
    property Style: TStatusPanelStyle; read write;
    property Text: string; read write;
    property Width: Integer; read write;

  TStatusPanels = class(TCollection)
    constructor Create(StatusBar: TStatusBar);
    function Add: TStatusPanel;
    property Items[Index: Integer]: TStatusPanel; read write;

  TDrawPanelEvent = procedure(StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel; const Rect: TRect);

  TStatusBar = class(TWinControl)
    property Canvas: TCanvas; read;
    property Panels: TStatusPanels; read write;
    property SimplePanel: Boolean; read write;
    property SimpleText: string; read write;
    property SizeGrip: Boolean; read write;
    property OnDrawPanel: TDrawPanelEvent; read write;
    property OnResize: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: TCursor; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property ThemeBackground: Boolean; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewStaticText = class(TWinControl)
    function AdjustHeight: Integer;
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property FocusControl: TWinControl; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property ShowAccelChar: Boolean; read write;
    property WordWrap: Boolean; read write;
    property Transparent: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TCheckItemOperation = (coUncheck, coCheck, coCheckWithChildren);

  TItemArea = (iaOther, iaButton, iaCheckmark, iaItem, iaSubItem);
  TItemMouseMoveEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; X, Y: Integer; Index: Integer; Area: TItemArea);

  TNewCheckListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
    function AddCheckBox(const ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AChecked, AEnabled, AHasInternalChildren, ACheckWhenParentChecked: Boolean; AObject: TObject): Integer;
    function AddGroup(ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AObject: TObject): Integer;
    function AddRadioButton(const ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AObject: TObject): Integer;
    function AddCheckBoxEx(const ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AChecked, AEnabled, AHasInternalChildren, ACheckWhenParentChecked: Boolean; AObject: TObject; AExpanded: Boolean): Integer;
    function AddGroupEx(ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AObject: TObject; AExpanded: Boolean): Integer;
    function AddRadioButtonEx(const ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AObject: TObject; AExpanded: Boolean): Integer;
    procedure LoadBtnBmpFromBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap);
    procedure LoadBtnBmpFromFile(FileName: String);
    procedure LoadBGBmpFromBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer);
    procedure LoadBGBmpFromFile(FileName: String; OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer);
    property SubItemFontStyle[Index: Integer]: TFontStyles; read write;
    property ItemFontStyle[Index: Integer]: TFontStyles; read write;
    property TreeViewStyle: Boolean; read write;
    property Showroot: Boolean; read write;
    property ItemCount: Integer; read;
    property ItemHeightFixed: Boolean; read write;
    property OnItemMouseMove: TItemMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property AbsItemIndex: Integer; read;
    property ItemExpanded[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
    property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
    function CheckItem(const Index: Integer; const AOperation: TCheckItemOperation): Boolean;
    property Checked[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
    property State[Index: Integer]: TCheckBoxState; read;
    property ItemCaption[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
    property ItemEnabled[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
    property ItemLevel[Index: Integer]: Byte; read;
    property ItemObject[Index: Integer]: TObject; read write;
    property ItemSubItem[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
    property AllowGrayed: Boolean; read write;
    property Flat: Boolean; read write;
    property MinItemHeight: Integer; read write;
    property Offset: Integer; read write;
    property OnClickCheck: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property ShowLines: Boolean; read write;
    property WantTabs: Boolean; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewProgressBarState = (npbsNormal, npbsError, npbsPaused);

  TNewProgressBarStyle = (npbstNormal, npbstMarquee);

  TNewProgressBar = class(TWinControl)
    property Min: Longint; read write;
    property Max: Longint; read write;
    property Position: Longint; read write;
    property State: TNewProgressBarState; read write;
    property Style: TNewProgressBarStyle; read write;

  TRichEditViewer = class(TMemo)
    property RTFText: AnsiString; write;
    property UseRichEdit: Boolean; read write;
    property ThemeBorder: Boolean; read write;

  TPasswordEdit = class(TCustomEdit)
    property AutoSelect: Boolean; read write;
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
    property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property Password: Boolean; read write;
    property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
    property Text: String; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property CharCase: TEditCharCase; read write;
    property Ctl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property OEMConvert: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentCtl3D: Boolean; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TCustomFolderTreeView = class(TWinControl)
    procedure ChangeDirectory(const Value: String; const CreateNewItems: Boolean);
    procedure CreateNewDirectory(const ADefaultName: String);
    property Directory: String; read write;
    property ShowAllFolders: Boolean; read write;

  TFolderRenameEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomFolderTreeView; var NewName: String; var Accept: Boolean);

  TFolderTreeView = class(TCustomFolderTreeView)
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnRename: TFolderRenameEvent; read write;

  TStartMenuFolderTreeView = class(TCustomFolderTreeView)
    procedure SetPaths(const AUserPrograms, ACommonPrograms, AUserStartup, ACommonStartup: String);
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnRename: TFolderRenameEvent; read write;

  TBitmapImage = class(TGraphicControl)
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property BackColor: TColor; read write;
    property Center: Boolean; read write;
    property Bitmap: TBitmap; read write;
    property ReplaceColor: TColor; read write;
    property ReplaceWithColor: TColor; read write;
    property Stretch: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewIconImage = class(TGraphicControl)
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property BackColor: TColor; read write;
    property Center: Boolean; read write;
    property Icon: TNewIcon; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewSpeedButtonLayout = (blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight, blGlyphTop, blGlyphBottom);

  TNewSpeedButtonStyle = (nsbButton, nsbDropDown);

  TNewSpeedButton = class(TGraphicControl)
    property AllowAllUp: Boolean; read write;
    property GroupIndex: Integer; read write;
    property Down: Boolean; read write;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Enabled: Boolean; read write;
    property Flat: Boolean; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property FocusControl: TWinControl; read write;
    property Glyph: TBitmap; read write;
    property Layout: TNewSpeedButtonLayout; read write;
    property Margin: Integer; read write;
    property NumGlyphs: Integer; read write;
    property ParentShowHint: Boolean; read write;
    property Style: TNewSpeedButtonStyle; read write;
    property ThemeEnabled: Boolean; read write;
    property Spacing: Integer; read write;
    property Transparent: Boolean; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property DropdownMenu: TPopupMenu; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  TNewNotebookPage = class(TCustomControl)
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Notebook: TNewNotebook; read write;
    property PageIndex: Integer; read write;

  TNewNotebook = class(TWinControl)
    function FindNextPage(CurPage: TNewNotebookPage; GoForward: Boolean): TNewNotebookPage;
    property PageCount: Integer; read write;
    property Pages[Index: Integer]: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property ActivePage: TNewNotebookPage; read write;

  TWizardPage = class(TComponent)
    property ID: Integer; read;
    property Caption: String; read write;
    property Description: String; read write;
    property Surface: TNewNotebookPage; read write;
    property SurfaceHeight: Integer; read write;
    property SurfaceWidth: Integer; read write;
    property OnActivate: TWizardPageNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnBackButtonClick: TWizardPageButtonEvent; read write;
    property OnCancelButtonClick: TWizardPageCancelEvent; read write;
    property OnNextButtonClick: TWizardPageButtonEvent; read write;
    property OnShouldSkipPage: TWizardPageShouldSkipEvent; read write;

  TWizardPageNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TWizardPage);

  TWizardPageButtonEvent = function(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean;

  TWizardPageCancelEvent = procedure(Sender: TWizardPage; var ACancel, AConfirm: Boolean);

  TWizardPageShouldSkipEvent = function(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean;

  TInputQueryWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
    function Add(const APrompt: String; const APassword: Boolean): Integer;
    property Edits[Index: Integer]: TPasswordEdit; read;
    property PromptLabels[Index: Integer]: TNewStaticText; read;
    property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property Values[Index: Integer]: String; read write;

  TInputOptionWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
    function Add(const ACaption: String): Integer;
    function AddEx(const ACaption: String; const ALevel: Byte; const AExclusive: Boolean): Integer;
    property CheckListBox: TNewCheckListBox; read;
    property SelectedValueIndex: Integer; read write;
    property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property Values[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;

  TInputDirWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
    function Add(const APrompt: String): Integer;
    property Buttons[Index: Integer]: TNewButton; read;
    property Edits[Index: Integer]: TEdit; read;
    property PromptLabels[Index: Integer]: TNewStaticText; read;
    property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property Values[Index: Integer]: String; read write;

  TInputFileWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
    function Add(const APrompt, AFilter, ADefaultExtension: String): Integer;
    property Buttons[Index: Integer]: TNewButton; read;
    property Edits[Index: Integer]: TEdit; read;
    property PromptLabels[Index: Integer]: TNewStaticText; read;
    property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property Values[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
    property IsSaveButton[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;

  TOutputMsgWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
    property MsgLabel: TNewStaticText; read;

  TOutputMsgMemoWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
    property RichEditViewer: TRichEditViewer; read;
    property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;

  TOutputProgressWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
    procedure Hide;
    property Msg1Label: TNewStaticText; read;
    property Msg2Label: TNewStaticText; read;
    property ProgressBar: TNewProgressBar; read;
    procedure SetProgress(const Position, Max: Longint);
    procedure SetText(const Msg1, Msg2: String);
    procedure Show;

  TUIStateForm = class(TForm)

  TSetupForm = class(TUIStateForm)
    procedure Center;
    procedure CenterInsideControl(const Ctl: TWinControl; const InsideClientArea: Boolean);
    property ControlsFlipped: Boolean; read;
    property FlipControlsOnShow: Boolean; read write;
    property RightToLeft: Boolean; read;

  TMainForm = class(TSetupForm)
    procedure ShowAboutBox;

  TWizardForm = class(TSetupForm)
    property CancelButton: TNewButton; read;
    property NextButton: TNewButton; read;
    property BackButton: TNewButton; read;
    property OuterNotebook: TNewNotebook; read;
    property InnerNotebook: TNewNotebook; read;
    property WelcomePage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property InnerPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property FinishedPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property LicensePage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property PasswordPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property InfoBeforePage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property UserInfoPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property SelectDirPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property SelectComponentsPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property SelectProgramGroupPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property SelectTasksPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property ReadyPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property PreparingPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property InstallingPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property InfoAfterPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property DiskSpaceLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property DirEdit: TEdit; read;
    property GroupEdit: TNewEdit; read;
    property NoIconsCheck: TNewCheckBox; read;
    property PasswordLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property PasswordEdit: TPasswordEdit; read;
    property PasswordEditLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property ReadyMemo: TNewMemo; read;
    property TypesCombo: TNewComboBox; read;
    property Bevel: TBevel; read;
    property WizardBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
    property WelcomeLabel1: TNewStaticText; read;
    property InfoBeforeMemo: TRichEditViewer; read;
    property InfoBeforeClickLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property MainPanel: TPanel; read;
    property Bevel1: TBevel; read;
    property PageNameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property PageDescriptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property WizardSmallBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
    property ReadyLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property FinishedLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property YesRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
    property NoRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
    property WizardBitmapImage2: TBitmapImage; read;
    property WelcomeLabel2: TNewStaticText; read;
    property LicenseLabel1: TNewStaticText; read;
    property LicenseMemo: TRichEditViewer; read;
    property InfoAfterMemo: TRichEditViewer; read;
    property InfoAfterClickLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property ComponentsList: TNewCheckListBox; read;
    property ComponentsDiskSpaceLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property BeveledLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property StatusLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property FilenameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property ProgressGauge: TNewProgressBar; read;
    property SelectDirLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property SelectStartMenuFolderLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property SelectComponentsLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property SelectTasksLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property LicenseAcceptedRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
    property LicenseNotAcceptedRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
    property UserInfoNameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property UserInfoNameEdit: TNewEdit; read;
    property UserInfoOrgLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property UserInfoOrgEdit: TNewEdit; read;
    property PreparingErrorBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
    property PreparingLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property FinishedHeadingLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property UserInfoSerialLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property UserInfoSerialEdit: TNewEdit; read;
    property TasksList: TNewCheckListBox; read;
    property RunList: TNewCheckListBox; read;
    property DirBrowseButton: TNewButton; read;
    property GroupBrowseButton: TNewButton; read;
    property SelectDirBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
    property SelectGroupBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
    property SelectDirBrowseLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property PreparingYesRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
    property PreparingNoRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
    property CurPageID: Integer; read;
    function AdjustLabelHeight(ALabel: TNewStaticText): Integer;
    procedure IncTopDecHeight(AControl: TControl; Amount: Integer);
    property PrevAppDir: String; read;

  TUninstallProgressForm = class(TSetupForm)
    property OuterNotebook: TNewNotebook; read;
    property InnerPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property InnerNotebook: TNewNotebook; read;
    property InstallingPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
    property MainPanel: TPanel; read;
    property PageNameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property PageDescriptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property WizardSmallBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
    property Bevel1: TBevel; read;
    property StatusLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property ProgressBar: TNewProgressBar; read;
    property BeveledLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
    property Bevel: TBevel; read;
    property CancelButton: TNewButton; read;

  TArrayOfString = array of String;

  TArrayOfChar = array of Char;

  TArrayOfBoolean = array of Boolean;

  TArrayOfInteger = array of Integer;

  DWORD = LongWord;

  UINT = LongWord;

  BOOL = LongBool;

  DWORD_PTR = LongWord;

  UINT_PTR = LongWord;

  INT_PTR = Longint;

  TMsgBoxType = (mbInformation, mbConfirmation, mbError, mbCriticalError);

  TShellFolderID = (sfDesktop, sfStartMenu, sfPrograms, sfStartup, sfSendTo,
       sfFonts, sfAppData, sfDocs, sfTemplates, sfFavorites, sfLocalAppData);

  TSetupMessageID = (

  TSetupStep = (ssPreInstall, ssInstall, ssPostInstall, ssDone);

  TUninstallStep = (usAppMutexCheck, usUninstall, usPostUninstall, usDone);

  TExecWait = (ewNoWait, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ewWaitUntilIdle);

  TSetupProcessorArchitecture = (paUnknown, paX86, paX64, paIA64);

  TFileTime = record
    dwLowDateTime: DWORD;
    dwHighDateTime: DWORD;

  TFindRec = record
    Name: String;               // name of the found file (no path)
    Attributes: LongWord;       // file attributes
    SizeHigh: LongWord;         // size of the file, upper 32 bits
    SizeLow: LongWord;          // size of the file, lower 32 bits
    CreationTime: TFileTime;    // time file was created
    LastAccessTime: TFileTime;  // time file was last accessed
    LastWriteTime: TFileTime;   // time file was last modified
    AlternateName: String;      // file's short name (empty if none)
    FindHandle: THandle;        // used internally

  TWindowsVersion = record
    Major: Cardinal;
    Minor: Cardinal;
    Build: Cardinal;
    ServicePackMajor: Cardinal;
    ServicePackMinor: Cardinal;
    NTPlatform: Boolean;
    ProductType: Byte;
    SuiteMask: Word;

  TVarType = Word;

  TIFException = (ErNoError, erCannotImport, erInvalidType, ErInternalError,
    erInvalidHeader, erInvalidOpcode, erInvalidOpcodeParameter, erNoMainProc,
    erOutOfGlobalVarsRange, erOutOfProcRange, ErOutOfRange, erOutOfStackRange,
    ErTypeMismatch, erUnexpectedEof, erVersionError, ErDivideByZero, ErMathError,
    erCouldNotCallProc, erOutofRecordRange, erOutOfMemory, erException,
    erNullPointerException, erNullVariantError, erInterfaceNotSupported,

  TArrayOfLongWord = array of LongWord;

  TNewCommonCalendar = class(TWinControl)
    procedure BoldDays(Days: TArrayLongWord; var MonthBoldInfo: LongWord);

  TNewMonthCalColors = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TNewCommonCalendar);
    property BackColor: TColor; read write;
    property TextColor: TColor; read write;
    property TitleBackColor: TColor; read write;
    property TitleTextColor: TColor; read write;
    property MonthBackColor: TColor; read write;
    property TrailingTextColor: TColor; read write;

  TDateTime = Double;

  TDate = TDateTime;

  TTime = TDateTime;

  TDateTimeKind = (dtkDate, dtkTime);

  TDTDateMode = (dmComboBox, dmUpDown);

  TDTDateFormat = (dfShort, dfLong);

  TDTCalAlignment = (dtaLeft, dtaRight);

  TDTParseInputEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const UserString: string; var DateAndTime: TDateTime; var AllowChange: Boolean);

  TNewDateTimePicker = class(TNewCommonCalendar)
    property DateTime: TDateTime; read write;
    property DroppedDown: Boolean; read;
    property CalAlignment: TDTCalAlignment; read write;
    property CalColors: TNewMonthCalColors; read write;
    property Date: TDate; read write;
    property Format: String; read write;
    property Time: TTime; read write;
    property ShowCheckbox: Boolean; read write;
    property Checked: Boolean; read write;
    property DateFormat: TDTDateFormat; read write;
    property DateMode: TDTDateMode; read write;
    property Kind: TDateTimeKind; read write;
    property MaxDate: TDate; read write;
    property MinDate: TDate; read write;
    property ParseInput: Boolean; read write;
    property OnCloseUp: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDropDown: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnUserInput: TDTParseInputEvent; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;

  TCalDayOfWeek = (dowMonday, dowTuesday, dowWednesday, dowThursday, dowFriday, dowSaturday, dowSunday, dowLocaleDefault);

  TOnGetMonthInfoEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Month: LongWord; var MonthBoldInfo: LongWord);

  TNewMonthCalendar = class(TNewCommonCalendar)
    property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
    property CalColors: TNewMonthCalColors; read write;
    property MultiSelect: Boolean; read write;
    property Date: TDate; read write;
    property FirstDayOfWeek: TCalDayOfWeek; read write;
    property MaxDate: TDate; read write;
    property MaxSelectRange: Integer; read write;
    property MinDate: TDate; read write;
    property ShowToday: Boolean; read write;
    property ShowTodayCircle: Boolean; read write;
    property WeekNumbers: Boolean; read write;
    property OnGetMonthInfo: TOnGetMonthInfoEvent; read write;
    property Color: TColor; read write;
    property Font: TFont; read write;
    property ParentColor: Boolean; read write;
    property ParentFont: Boolean; read write;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
    property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
    property DragCursor: Longint; read write;
    property DragMode: TDragMode; read write;
    property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; read write;
    property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; read write;
    property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; read write;
    property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; read write;
    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;

  HResult = LongInt;

  TGUID = record
    D1: LongWord;
    D2: Word;
    D3: Word;
    D4: array[0..7] of Byte;



(*                                                                *)
(* The Pascal script can call several built-in support functions. *)
(*                                                                *)

// Support functions
// Here's the list of support functions that can be called from
// within the Pascal script.

// Setup or Uninstall Info functions

function GetCmdTail: String; // Returns all command line parameters passed to Setup or Uninstall as a single String.
function ParamCount: Integer; // Returns the number of command line parameters passed to Setup or Uninstall.
function ParamStr(Index: Integer): String; // Returns the Index-th command line parameter passed to Setup or Uninstall.

function ActiveLanguage: String; // Returns the name of the active language.

function CustomMessage(const MsgName: String): String; // Returns the value of the [CustomMessages] entry with the specified name.
function FmtMessage(const S: String; const Args: array of String): String; // Formats the String S using the specified String arguments.
function SetupMessage(const ID: TSetupMessageID): String; // Returns the value of the specified message.

function WizardDirValue: String; // Returns the current contents of the edit control on the Select Destination Location page of the wizard.
function WizardGroupValue: String; // Returns the current contents of the edit control on the Select Start Menu Folder page of the wizard.
function WizardNoIcons: Boolean; // Returns the current setting of the Don't create any icons check box on the Select Start Menu Folder page of the wizard.
function WizardSetupType(const Description: Boolean): String; // Returns the name or description of the setup type selected by the user.
function WizardSelectedComponents(const Descriptions: Boolean): String; // Returns a comma-separated list of names or descriptions of the components selected by the user.
function WizardSelectedTasks(const Descriptions: Boolean): String; // Returns a comma-separated list of names or descriptions of the tasks selected by the user.
function WizardSilent: Boolean; // Returns True if Setup is running silently, False otherwise.

function IsUninstaller: Boolean;
function UninstallSilent: Boolean;

function CurrentFileName: String;

function ExpandConstant(const S: String): String;
function ExpandConstantEx(const S: String; const CustomConst, CustomValue: String): String;

function IsComponentSelected(const Components: String): Boolean;
function IsTaskSelected(const Tasks: String): Boolean;

procedure ExtractTemporaryFile(const FileName: String);
procedure ExtractTemporaryFileEx(const FileName: String; const DestDir: String);
procedure ExtractTemporaryFileToStream(const FileName: String; const Stream: TStream);
function ExtractTemporaryFileSize(const FileName: String): LongWord;
procedure ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer(const FileName: String; Buffer: Integer);

function GetSetupPreviousData(const ValueName, DefaultValueData: String): String;
function SetSetupPreviousData(const PreviousDataKey: Integer; const ValueName, ValueData: String): Boolean;
function GetPreviousData(const ValueName, DefaultValueData: String): String;
function SetPreviousData(const PreviousDataKey: Integer; const ValueName, ValueData: String): Boolean;

function Terminated: Boolean;

// Exception functions

procedure Abort; // Escapes from the current execution path without reporting an error.
procedure RaiseException(const Msg: String); //

function GetExceptionMessage: String;
procedure ShowExceptionMessage;

procedure RaiseLastException;
procedure RaiseException(Ex: TIFException; Param: String);
function ExceptionType: TIFException;
function ExceptionParam: String;
function ExceptionProc: Cardinal;
function ExceptionPos: Cardinal;
function ExceptionToString(er: TIFException; Param: String): String;

// System functions

function IsAdminLoggedOn: Boolean;
function IsPowerUserLoggedOn: Boolean;
function UsingWinNT: Boolean;
function GetWindowsVersion: Cardinal;
procedure GetWindowsVersionEx(var Version: TWindowsVersion);
function GetWindowsVersionString: String;

function IsWin64: Boolean;
function Is64BitInstallMode: Boolean;
function ProcessorArchitecture: TSetupProcessorArchitecture;

function InstallOnThisVersion(const MinVersion, OnlyBelowVersion: String): Integer;

function GetEnv(const EnvVar: String): String;
function GetUserNameString: String;
function GetComputerNameString: String;

function GetUILanguage: Integer;

function FontExists(const FaceName: String): Boolean;

function FindWindowByClassName(const ClassName: String): HWND;
function FindWindowByWindowName(const WindowName: String): HWND;
function SendMessage(const Wnd: HWND; const Msg, WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint;
function PostMessage(const Wnd: HWND; const Msg, WParam, LParam: Longint): Boolean;
function SendNotifyMessage(const Wnd: HWND; const Msg, WParam, LParam: Longint): Boolean;
function RegisterWindowMessage(const Name: String): Longint;
function SendBroadcastMessage(const Msg, WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint;
function PostBroadcastMessage(const Msg, WParam, LParam: Longint): Boolean;
function SendBroadcastNotifyMessage(const Msg, WParam, LParam: Longint): Boolean;

procedure CreateMutex(const Name: String);
function CheckForMutexes(Mutexes: String): Boolean;

function MakePendingFileRenameOperationsChecksum: String;

procedure UnloadDLL(Filename: String);
function DLLGetLastError(): Longint;

// String functions

function Chr(B: Byte): Char;
function Ord(C: Char): Byte;
function Copy(S: String; Indx, Count: Integer): String;
function Length(S: String): Longint;
function Lowercase(S: String): String;
function Uppercase(S: String): String;
function AnsiLowercase(S: String): String;
function AnsiUppercase(S: String): String;
function StringOfChar(C: Char; I: Longint): String;
function Replicate(C: Char; I: Longint): String;
procedure Delete(var S: String; Indx, Count: Integer);
procedure Insert(Source: String; var Dest: String; Indx: Integer);
function StringChange(var S: String; const FromStr, ToStr: String): Integer;
function StringChangeEx(var S: String; const FromStr, ToStr: String; const SupportDBCS: Boolean): Integer;
function Pos(SubStr, S: String): Integer;
function AddQuotes(const S: String): String;
function RemoveQuotes(const S: String): String;
function ConvertPercentStr(var S: String): Boolean;

function CompareText(const S1, S2: String): Integer;
function CompareStr(const S1, S2: String): Integer;

function Format(const Format: String; const Args: array of const): String;
function FormatFloat(const Format: string; Value: Extended): string;

function Trim(const S: String): String;
function TrimLeft(const S: String): String;
function TrimRight(const S: String): String;

function StrToIntDef(S: String; def: Longint): Longint;
function StrToInt(S: String): Longint;
function IntToStr(I: Longint): String;

function CharLength(const S: String; const Index: Integer): Integer;

function AddBackslash(const S: String): String;
function RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(const S: String): String;
function RemoveBackslash(const S: String): String;
function AddPeriod(const S: String): String;
function ChangeFileExt(const FileName, Extension: String): String;
function ExtractFileExt(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFileDir(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFilePath(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFileName(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFileDrive(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractRelativePath(const BaseName, DestName: String): String;
function ExpandFileName(const FileName: String): String;
function ExpandUNCFileName(const FileName: String): String;

function GetDateTimeString(const DateTimeFormat: String; const DateSeparator, TimeSeparator: Char): String;

procedure SetLength(var S: String; L: Longint);
procedure CharToOemBuff(var S: AnsiString);
procedure OemToCharBuff(var S: AnsiString);

function GetMD5OfString(const S: AnsiString): String;
function GetMD5OfUnicodeString(const S: String): String;
function GetSHA1OfString(const S: AnsiString): String;
function GetSHA1OfUnicodeString(const S: String): String;

function SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Integer): String;

// Math functions

function Sin(E: Extended): Extended;
function Cos(E: Extended): Extended;
function Sqrt(E: Extended): Extended;
function Round(E: Extended): Longint;
function Trunc(E: Extended): Longint;
function Int(E: Extended): Extended;
function Pi: Extended;
function Abs(E: Extended): Extended;
function StrToFloat(S: String): Extended;
function FloatToStr(E: Extended): String;
function Padl(S: String; I: Longint): String;
function Padr(S: String; I: Longint): String;
function Padz(S: String; I: Longint): String;

// Array functions

function GetArrayLength(var Arr: Array): Longint;
procedure SetArrayLength(var Arr: Array; I: Longint);

// Variant functions

function Null: Variant;
function Assigned(const P: Variant): Boolean;
function Unassigned: Variant;

function VarIsEmpty(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarIsNull(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarType(const V: Variant): TVarType;
function SizeOf(const V: Variant): Longint; 

// File System functions

function DirExists(const Name: String): Boolean;
function FileExists(const Name: String): Boolean;
function FileOrDirExists(const Name: String): Boolean;
function FileSize(const Name: String; var Size: Integer): Boolean;
function GetSpaceOnDisk(const Path: String; const InMegabytes: Boolean; var Free, Total: Cardinal): Boolean;

function FileSearch(const Name, DirList: String): String;
function FindFirst(const FileName: String; var FindRec: TFindRec): Boolean;
function FindNext(var FindRec: TFindRec): Boolean;
procedure FindClose(var FindRec: TFindRec);

function GetCurrentDir: String;
function SetCurrentDir(const Dir: String): Boolean;
function GetWinDir: String;
function GetSystemDir: String;
function GetSysWow64Dir: String;
function GetTempDir: String;
function GetShellFolder(Common: Boolean; const ID: TShellFolderID): String;
function GetShellFolderByCSIDL(const Folder: Integer; const Create: Boolean): String;

function GetShortName(const LongName: String): String;
function GenerateUniqueName(Path: String; const Extension: String): String;
function MinimizePathName(const Filename: String; const Font: TFont; MaxLen: Integer): String;

function GetVersionNumbers(const Filename: String; var VersionMS, VersionLS: Cardinal): Boolean;
function GetVersionNumbersString(const Filename: String; var Version: String): Boolean;

function IsProtectedSystemFile(const Filename: String): Boolean;

function GetMD5OfFile(const Filename: String): String;
function GetSHA1OfFile(const Filename: String): String;

function EnableFsRedirection(const Enable: Boolean): Boolean;

// File functions

function Exec(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer): Boolean;
function ExecAsOriginalUser(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer): Boolean;
function ShellExec(const Verb, Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ErrorCode: Integer): Boolean;
function ShellExecAsOriginalUser(const Verb, Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ErrorCode: Integer): Boolean;

function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: String): Boolean;
function FileCopy(const ExistingFile, NewFile: String; const FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean;
function DeleteFile(const FileName: String): Boolean;
procedure DelayDeleteFile(const Filename: String; const Tries: Integer);
function SetNTFSCompression(const FileOrDir: String; Compress: Boolean): Boolean;

function LoadStringFromFile(const FileName: String; var S: AnsiString): Boolean;
function LoadStringsFromFile(const FileName: String; var S: TArrayOfString): Boolean;
function SaveStringToFile(const FileName, S: AnsiString; const Append: Boolean): Boolean;
function SaveStringsToFile(const FileName: String; const S: TArrayOfString; const Append: Boolean): Boolean;
function SaveStringsToUTF8File(const FileName: String; const S: TArrayOfString; const Append: Boolean): Boolean;

function CreateDir(const Dir: String): Boolean;
function ForceDirectories(Dir: String): Boolean;
function RemoveDir(const Dir: String): Boolean;
function DelTree(const Path: String; const IsDir, DeleteFiles, DeleteSubdirsAlso: Boolean): Boolean;

function CreateShellLink(const Filename, Description, ShortcutTo, Parameters, WorkingDir, IconFilename: String; const IconIndex, ShowCmd: Integer): String;

procedure RegisterServer(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String; const FailCriticalErrors: Boolean);
function UnregisterServer(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String; const FailCriticalErrors: Boolean): Boolean;
procedure RegisterTypeLibrary(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String);
function UnregisterTypeLibrary(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
procedure IncrementSharedCount(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String; const AlreadyExisted: Boolean);
function DecrementSharedCount(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
procedure RestartReplace(const TempFile, DestFile: String);
procedure UnregisterFont(const FontName, FontFilename: String);
function ModifyPifFile(const Filename: String; const CloseOnExit: Boolean): Boolean;

// Registry functions

function RegKeyExists(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName: String): Boolean;
function RegValueExists(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String): Boolean;

function RegGetSubkeyNames(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName: String; var Names: TArrayOfString): Boolean;
function RegGetValueNames(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName: String; var Names: TArrayOfString): Boolean;

function RegQueryStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultStr: String): Boolean;
function RegQueryMultiStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultStr: String): Boolean;
function RegQueryDWordValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultDWord: Cardinal): Boolean;
function RegQueryBinaryValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultStr: AnsiString): Boolean;

function RegWriteStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: String): Boolean;
function RegWriteExpandStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: String): Boolean;
function RegWriteMultiStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: String): Boolean;
function RegWriteDWordValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; const Data: Cardinal): Boolean;
function RegWriteBinaryValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: AnsiString): Boolean;

function RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(const RootKey: Integer; const SubkeyName: String): Boolean;
function RegDeleteKeyIfEmpty(const RootKey: Integer; const SubkeyName: String): Boolean;
function RegDeleteValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String): Boolean;

// INI File functions

function IniKeyExists(const Section, Key, Filename: String): Boolean;
function IsIniSectionEmpty(const Section, Filename: String): Boolean;

function GetIniBool(const Section, Key: String; const Default: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function GetIniInt(const Section, Key: String; const Default, Min, Max: Longint; const Filename: String): Longint;
function GetIniString(const Section, Key, Default, Filename: String): String;

function SetIniBool(const Section, Key: String; const Value: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function SetIniInt(const Section, Key: String; const Value: Longint; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function SetIniString(const Section, Key, Value, Filename: String): Boolean;

procedure DeleteIniSection(const Section, Filename: String);
procedure DeleteIniEntry(const Section, Key, Filename: String);

// Custom Setup Wizard Page functions

function CreateInputQueryPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String): TInputQueryWizardPage;
function CreateInputOptionPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String; Exclusive, ListBox: Boolean): TInputOptionWizardPage;
function CreateInputDirPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String; AAppendDir: Boolean; ANewFolderName: String): TInputDirWizardPage;
function CreateInputFilePage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String): TInputFileWizardPage;
function CreateOutputMsgPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, AMsg: String): TOutputMsgWizardPage;
function CreateOutputMsgMemoPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String; const AMsg: AnsiString): TOutputMsgMemoWizardPage;
function CreateOutputProgressPage(const ACaption, ADescription: String): TOutputProgressWizardPage;
function CreateCustomPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription: String): TWizardPage;

function CreateCustomForm: TSetupForm;

function PageFromID(const ID: Integer): TWizardPage;
function PageIndexFromID(const ID: Integer): Integer;
function ScaleX(X: Integer): Integer;
function ScaleY(Y: Integer): Integer;

// Dialog functions

function MsgBox(const Text: String; const Typ: TMsgBoxType; const Buttons: Integer): Integer;
function SuppressibleMsgBox(const Text: String; const Typ: TMsgBoxType; const Buttons, Default: Integer): Integer;
function GetOpenFileName(const Prompt: String; var FileName: String; const InitialDirectory, Filter, DefaultExtension: String): Boolean;
function GetSaveFileName(const Prompt: String; var FileName: String; const InitialDirectory, Filter, DefaultExtension: String): Boolean;
function BrowseForFolder(const Prompt: String; var Directory: String; const NewFolderButton: Boolean): Boolean;
function ExitSetupMsgBox: Boolean;

// COM Automation objects support functions

function CreateOleObject(const ClassName: string): Variant;
function GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName: string): Variant;
function IDispatchInvoke(Self: IDispatch; PropertySet: Boolean; const Name: String; Par: array of variant): variant;
function CreateComObject(const ClassID: TGUID): IUnknown;
function StringToGUID(const S: String): TGUID;
procedure OleCheck(Result: HResult);
procedure CoFreeUnusedLibraries;

// Setup Logging functions

procedure Log(const S: String);

// Menu functions

function ShortCut(Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState): TShortCut;
procedure ShortCutToKey(ShortCut: TShortCut; var Key: Word; var Shift: TShiftState);
function ShortCutToText(ShortCut: TShortCut): String;
function TextToShortCut(Text: String): TShortCut;
function NewMenu(Owner: TComponent; const AName: String; Items: array of TMenuItem): TMainMenu;
function NewPopupMenu(Owner: TComponent; const AName: String; Alignment: TPopupAlignment; AutoPopup: Boolean; Items: array of TMenuItem): TPopupMenu;
function NewSubMenu(const ACaption: String; hCtx: Word; const AName: String; Items: array of TMenuItem; AEnabled: Boolean): TMenuItem;
function NewItem(const ACaption: String; AShortCut: TShortCut; AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AOnClick: TNotifyEvent; hCtx: Word; const AName: String): TMenuItem;
function NewLine: TMenuItem;
procedure DrawMenuItem(MenuItem: TMenuItem; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);

// Other functions

procedure Sleep(const Milliseconds: Longint);
function Random(const Range: Integer): Integer;
procedure Randomize;
procedure Beep;

procedure BringToFrontAndRestore;

function MainForm: TMainForm;
function WizardForm: TWizardForm;
function UninstallProgressForm: TUninstallProgressForm;

function Application: TApplication;
function Screen: TScreen;

// Enhanced functions
procedure SetPassword(const Password: String);
function CallbackAddr(ProcNameOrFuncName: String): Integer;
function MsgBoxEx(AWnd: HWND; AText, ACaption: string; AType, AIcon: UINT; ATimeOut: Integer): Integer;
function InputBoxEx(AWnd: HWND; AText, ACaption, ADefaut, APasswordChar: string; AIcon: UINT; AWidth, AHeight, ATimeOut: Integer; var AResultStr: String): Boolean;
function PerformPreviousUninstall(ProgressBar: TNewProgressBar): Boolean;
function HInstance: LongWord;

// Date & Time function
function Date: TDateTime;
function DateTimeToStr(DateTime: TDateTime): String;
procedure DateTimeToString(var Result: String; const Format: String; DateTime: TDateTime);
function DateToStr(Date: TDateTime): String;
function DayOfWeek(Date: TDateTime): Integer;
procedure DecodeDate(Date: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word);
procedure DecodeTime(Time: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word);
function EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day: Word): TDateTime;
function EncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word): TDateTime;
function FormatDateTime(const Format: String; DateTime: TDateTime): String;
function Now: TDateTime;
function StrToDate(const S: String): TDateTime;
function StrToDateTime(const S: String): TDateTime;
function StrToTime(const S: String): TDateTime;
function Time: TDateTime;
function TimeToStr(Time: TDateTime): String;

// Deprecated functions

function LoadDLL(const DLLName: String; var ErrorCode: Integer): Longint;
function CallDLLProc(const DLLHandle: Longint; const ProcName: String; const Param1, Param2: Longint; var Result: Longint): Boolean;
function FreeDLL(const DLLHandle: Longint): Boolean;

function CastStringToInteger(var S: String): Longint;
function CastIntegerToString(const L: Longint): String;
function CastAnsiStringToInteger(var S: AnsiString): Longint;
function CastIntegerToAnsiString(const L: Longint): AnsiString;

(*                                                      *)
(* Here's the list of constants used by these functions *)
(*                                                      *)

  wpWelcome = 1;
  wpLicense = 2;
  wpPassword = 3;
  wpInfoBefore = 4;
  wpUserInfo = 5;
  wpSelectDir = 6;
  wpSelectComponents = 7;
  wpSelectProgramGroup = 8;
  wpSelectTasks = 9;
  wpReady = 10;
  wpPreparing = 11;
  wpInstalling = 12;
  wpInfoAfter = 13;
  wpFinished = 14;

  mrNone = 0;
  mrOk = 1;
  mrCancel = 2;
  mrAbort = 3;
  mrRetry = 4;
  mrIgnore = 5;
  mrYes = 6;
  mrNo = 7;
  mrAll = 8;
  mrNoToAll = 9;
  mrYesToAll = 10;
  crDefault = 0;
  crNone = -1;
  crArrow = -2;
  crCross = -3;
  crIBeam = -4;
  crSizeNESW = -6;
  crSizeNS = -7;
  crSizeNWSE = -8;
  crSizeWE = -9;
  crUpArrow = -10;
  crHourGlass = -11;
  crDrag = -12;
  crNoDrop = -13;
  crHSplit = -14;
  crVSplit = -15;
  crMultiDrag = -16;
  crSQLWait = -17;
  crNo = -18;
  crAppStart = -19;
  crHelp = -20;
  crHand = 1;

  MB_OK = $00000000;
  MB_OKCANCEL = $00000001;
  MB_YESNOCANCEL = $00000003;
  MB_YESNO = $00000004;
  MB_RETRYCANCEL = $00000005;
  MB_DEFBUTTON1 = $00000000;
  MB_DEFBUTTON2 = $00000100;
  MB_DEFBUTTON3 = $00000200;
  MB_SETFOREGROUND = $00010000;
  MB_ICONWARNING = $00000030;
  MB_ICONERROR = $00000010;
  MB_ICONQUESTION = $00000020;

  IDOK = 1;
  IDABORT = 3;
  IDRETRY = 4;
  IDYES = 6;
  IDNO = 7;

  MaxInt = $7FFFFFFF;


  CodeRootKeyFlag32Bit = $01000000;
  CodeRootKeyFlag64Bit = $02000000;

  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT      = $80000000;
  HKEY_CURRENT_USER      = $80000001;
  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE     = $80000002;
  HKEY_USERS             = $80000003;
  HKEY_USERS_32          = HKEY_USERS or CodeRootKeyFlag32Bit;
  HKEY_USERS_64          = HKEY_USERS or CodeRootKeyFlag64Bit;
  HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG    = $80000005;
  HKEY_DYN_DATA          = $80000006;

  HKCR32 = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT or CodeRootKeyFlag32Bit;
  HKCR64 = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT or CodeRootKeyFlag64Bit;
  HKCU32 = HKEY_CURRENT_USER or CodeRootKeyFlag32Bit;
  HKCU64 = HKEY_CURRENT_USER or CodeRootKeyFlag64Bit;
  HKLM32 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or CodeRootKeyFlag32Bit;
  HKLM64 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or CodeRootKeyFlag64Bit;
  HKU32  = HKEY_USERS or CodeRootKeyFlag32Bit;
  HKU64  = HKEY_USERS or CodeRootKeyFlag64Bit;
  HKCC32 = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG or CodeRootKeyFlag32Bit;
  HKCC64 = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG or CodeRootKeyFlag64Bit;

  SW_HIDE = 0;
  SW_SHOW = 5;

  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY            = $00000001;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN              = $00000002;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM              = $00000004;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY           = $00000010;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE             = $00000020;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE              = $00000040;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL              = $00000080;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY           = $00000100;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE         = $00000200;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED          = $00000800;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE             = $00001000;
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED           = $00004000;

  VER_NT_WORKSTATION       = $0000001;
  VER_NT_SERVER            = $0000003;

  VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS            = $00000001;
  VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE               = $00000002;
  VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE               = $00000004;
  VER_SUITE_COMMUNICATIONS           = $00000008;
  VER_SUITE_TERMINAL                 = $00000010;
  VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT               = $00000040;
  VER_SUITE_DATACENTER               = $00000080;
  VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS             = $00000100;
  VER_SUITE_PERSONAL                 = $00000200;
  VER_SUITE_BLADE                    = $00000400;

  soFromBeginning = 0;
  soFromCurrent = 1;
  soFromEnd = 2;
  toEOF = #0;
  toSymbol = #1;
  toString = #2;
  toInteger = #3;
  toFloat = #4;
  fmCreate = $FFFF;
  fmOpenRead = 0;
  fmOpenWrite = 1;
  fmOpenReadWrite = 2;
  fmShareCompat = 0;
  fmShareExclusive = $10;
  fmShareDenyWrite = $20;
  fmShareDenyRead = $30;
  fmShareDenyNone = $40;
  SecsPerDay = 86400;
  MSecPerDay = 86400000;
  DateDelta = 693594;

  clScrollBar           = $FF000000;
  clBackground          = $FF000001;
  clActiveCaption       = $FF000002;
  clInactiveCaption     = $FF000003;
  clMenu                = $FF000004;
  clWindow              = $FF000005;
  clWindowFrame         = $FF000006;
  clMenuText            = $FF000007;
  clWindowText          = $FF000008;
  clCaptionText         = $FF000009;
  clActiveBorder        = $FF00000A;
  clInactiveBorder      = $FF00000B;
  clAppWorkSpace        = $FF00000C;
  clHighlight           = $FF00000D;
  clHighlightText       = $FF00000E;
  clBtnFace             = $FF00000F;
  clBtnShadow           = $FF000010;
  clGrayText            = $FF000011;
  clBtnText             = $FF000012;
  clInactiveCaptionText = $FF000013;
  clBtnHighlight        = $FF000014;
  cl3DDkShadow          = $FF000015;
  cl3DLight             = $FF000016;
  clInfoText            = $FF000017;
  clInfoBk              = $FF000018;
  clHotLight            = $FF00001A;

  clBlack   = $000000;
  clMaroon  = $000080;
  clGreen   = $008000;
  clOlive   = $008080;
  clNavy    = $800000;
  clPurple  = $800080;
  clTeal    = $808000;
  clGray    = $808080;
  clSilver  = $C0C0C0;
  clRed     = $0000FF;
  clLime    = $00FF00;
  clYellow  = $00FFFF;
  clBlue    = $FF0000;
  clFuchsia = $FF00FF;
  clAqua    = $FFFF00;
  clLtGray  = $C0C0C0;
  clDkGray  = $808080;
  clWhite   = $FFFFFF;
  clNone    = $1FFFFFFF;
  clDefault = $20000000;

  irInstall           = 0;
  irNotOnThisPlatform = 1;
  irVerTooLow         = 2;
  irVerTooHigh        = 3;
  irInvalid           = 4;


时间: 2024-08-29 05:01:10

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PHP mysql_real_escape_string() 函数 PHP MySQL 函数 定义和用法 mysql_real_escape_string() 函数转义 SQL 语句中使用的字符串中的特殊字符. 下列字符受影响: \x00\n\r\'"\x1a 如果成功,则该函数返回被转义的字符串.如果失败,则返回 false. 语法 mysql_real_escape_string(string,connection) 参数 描述 string 必需.规定要转义的字符串. connection

使用 SQL Server 2005中的 CLR 集成

本文描述了数据库应用程序开发人员和架构师如何利用 SQL Server 2005 中的 CLR 集成功能.本文对基于 CLR 的编程方式与 SQL Server 中支持的现有编程模型(如 TransacT-SQL 和扩展存储过程)进行了比较,并且强调了各自相对的优缺点.还提供了一组选择合适的编程替代方法的高级指导,以及一些示例和代码示例. 一.简介 Microsoft 通过宿主 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 公共语言运行库 (CLR),SQL Server 2005显