Guangdong Mobile to Launch Free Roaming IP Te

Guangdong Mobile is expected to launch IP telephone, at a low tariff of only RMB 0.06 per minute. In fact IP telephone still is in a trial stage in Guangdong Province.
As of now, subscribers have to register in Internet before they could enjoy this service, but from December, Dongguan mobile will launch a product called web chat card, by which user can get preferential price in IP telephone fee. This card could also be used as a mobile card.

Free Roaming Fee

A company official while introducing Dongguan Mobile said that a user could register and buy IP Phone in community on the website. After successful registration, user could make the secondary and third phone calls. The incoming number will be subscribers’ registered cellphone number and roaming is free

Silver card 10RMB talk for 100 minutes

IP phone charges are usually less than traditional phone. There are three kinds of tariff structures: Silver, Gold, and Diamond Card. The user of Silver card will cost RMB10 per month, including 200 SMS, 100 minutes conversation over the Internet, extra minutes just cost RMB 0.1 per minute; The user of Gold Card will pay RMB 15 per month, including 300 SMS, 250 minutes conversation; the Diamond card on the other hand will cost RMB 30 per month, including 600 SMS, 500 minutes conversation.

To promote this service, Dongguan Mobile also introduced a discount scheme. In the promotion period, new subscribers and the users who will subscribe to Diamond, Gold and Silver Card membership will get RMB 10 telephone fee back in next month.
If user subscribes to Diamond membership in for one year, he or she will receive free a USB bluetooth headset and a USB Bluetooth adapter, which is worth RMB 200 together. User who register in Diamond Card should per-pay RMB 360, Gold card should per-pay RMB 180, Sliver Card should per-pay RMB 120. And all the per-pay money will pay back within twelve months.
Besides, Guangdong Mobile will also launch web chat card service.
Dongguan official said that the business model of this card is the same as M-Zone bundle with free Music services. It will bundle with the promotion of IP telephone fee.
Besides call and SMS function, it also includes SMS Collection and SMS Filter functions etc. After user sets up the collection number, the SMS between two numbers will be recorded in the private space in 139 website.


时间: 2025-01-02 06:39:27

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