- Cserialport类编写的串口助手,如何实现接受两个字节的数据,这是Cserialport类中的接受数据处理函数
void CSerialPort::ReceiveChar(CSerialPort* port, COMSTAT comstat)
BOOL bRead = TRUE;
BOOL bResult = TRUE;
DWORD dwError = 0;
DWORD BytesRead = 0;
unsigned char RXBuff;for (;;) { // Gain ownership of the comm port critical section. // This process guarantees no other part of this program // is using the port object. EnterCriticalSection(&port->m_csCommunicationSync); // ClearCommError() will update the COMSTAT structure and // clear any other errors. bResult = ClearCommError(port->m_hComm, &dwError, &comstat); LeaveCriticalSection(&port->m_csCommunicationSync); // start forever loop. I use this type of loop because I // do not know at runtime how many loops this will have to // run. My solution is to start a forever loop and to // break out of it when I have processed all of the // data available. Be careful with this approach and // be sure your loop will exit. // My reasons for this are not as clear in this sample // as it is in my production code, but I have found this // solutiion to be the most efficient way to do this. if (comstat.cbInQue == 0) { // break out when all bytes have been read break; } EnterCriticalSection(&port->m_csCommunicationSync); if (bRead) { bResult = ReadFile(port->m_hComm, // Handle to COMM port &RXBuff, // RX Buffer Pointer 1, // Read one byte &BytesRead, // Stores number of bytes read &port->m_ov); // pointer to the m_ov structure // deal with the error code if (!bResult) { switch (dwError = GetLastError()) { case ERROR_IO_PENDING: { // asynchronous i/o is still in progress // Proceed on to GetOverlappedResults(); bRead = FALSE; break; } default: { // Another error has occured. Process this error. port->ProcessErrorMessage("ReadFile()"); break; } } } else { // ReadFile() returned complete. It is not necessary to call GetOverlappedResults() bRead = TRUE; } } // close if (bRead) if (!bRead) { bRead = TRUE; bResult = GetOverlappedResult(port->m_hComm, // Handle to COMM port &port->m_ov, // Overlapped structure &BytesRead, // Stores number of bytes read TRUE); // Wait flag // deal with the error code if (!bResult) { port->ProcessErrorMessage("GetOverlappedResults() in ReadFile()"); } } // close if (!bRead) LeaveCriticalSection(&port->m_csCommunicationSync); // notify parent that a byte was received ::SendMessage((port->m_pOwner)->m_hWnd, WM_COMM_RXCHAR, (WPARAM) RXBuff, (LPARAM) port->m_nPortNr); } // end forever loop
时间: 2024-11-01 15:40:42