
  Setting up OpenLDAP with MySQL backend


  author: TBONIUS

  OpenLDAP is an X.500 Lightweight Directory Access Server used for

  centralized authentication and directory lookups. This article covers configuring this service to utilize SQL services in order to store its data object. Having these objects stored in a SQL database allow for third party applications access to manage these objects.

  openldap是一个基于x.500协议用来集中认证和目录搜索的级目录访问服务器。这篇文章包含的内容是:利用sql服务来配置这个服务器 ,用来保存对象和数据。允许第三方应用访问、管理这些保存在SQL数据库里的对象。

  Ports that are needed:


  MySQL 4.x server : /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server

  MySQL 4.x client : /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-client

  LibIODBC 3.x : /usr/ports/databases/libiodbc

  MyODBC 3.x : /usr/ports/databases/myodbc

  OpenLDAP 2.x : /usr/ports/databases/openldap21-server WITH_ODBC="YES"

  Configuring the MySQL server


  OpenLDAP has the option to use many different kinds of databases, in this case we will use MySQL. The first step in setting this up is to create a MySQL database for which OpenLDAP will use.


  root@host # mysqladmin create ldap

  Next we will create a MySQL account that OpenLDAP will use for our newly created ldap database


  root@host # mysql

  Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.

  Your MySQL connection id is 10 to server version: 4.0.18

  Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

  mysql>;grant all privileges on ldap.* to 'ldap'@'localhost'

  ->;identified by 'password' with grant option;

  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)

  We of course want to substitute 'password' with the actual password we wish to use for this particular user account


  Configuring LibIODBC to use the MyODBC driver


  Quite simply we need to edit two file here to get LibODBC to use the MyODBC driver in accessing the MySQL server.


  Take a look at the /usr/local/etc/libiodbc/odbcinst.ini file and make the following changes


  [ODBC Drivers]

  MySQL = Installed


  Description=ODBC for MySQL


  Take a look at the /usr/local/etc/libiodbc/odbc.ini and make the following changes


  [ODBC Data Sources]

  ldap = MySQL LDAP DSN


  Driver = /usr/local/lib/libmyodbc3.so

  Description = OpenLDAP Database

  Host = localhost

  ServerType = MySQL

  Port = 3306

  FetchBufferSize = 99

  User = ldap

  Password = password

  Database = ldap

  ReadOnly = no

  Socket = /tmp/mysql.sock



  Again, substitute password for the actual password we created for the ldap user of the MySQL database.


  We can test our current configuration before installing and configuring OpenLDAP. LibIODBC provides a test utility to check DSN configurations.


  Note from darxpryte: Upon following this tutorial I've found that iodbctest was not built automatically. This may be fixed later but if you find this to be the case you'll need to do the following:


  cd /usr/ports/databases/libiodbc/

  make extract

  cd work/libiodbc-3.52.2/samples

  make install

  This will install iodbctest into /usr/local/bin/


  Once you install iodbctest, you can do the following to test your connection:


  root@host # iodbctest

  iODBC Demonstration program

  This program shows an interactive SQL processor

  Driver Manager: 03.51.0001.0908

  Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): ?

  DSN | Description


  ldap | MySQL LDAP DSN

  Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list):DSN=ldap

  Driver: 03.51.06

  SQL>;show tables;













  result set 1 returned 10 rows.

  This shows us that the DSN is configured correctly for LibIODBC to use the MyODBC driver in order to connect to our ldap database we set up on our MySQL Server


  If you have problems displaying the DSN names defined in the odbc.ini file via the test program, try exporting the following shell environmental variable:


  For csh or tcsh:


  setenv ODBCINI /usr/local/etc/libiodbc/odbc.ini

  For sh or bash:


  export ODBCINI=/usr/local/etc/libiodbc/odbc.ini

  Configuring OpenLDAP to use MySQL


  During the build of OpenLDAP, we need to pass the WITH_ODBC="YES" option so that the server build the appropriate SQL configurations

  在编译openldap的时候,我们需要跳过 WITH_ODBC="YES"选项,这样,服务器编译专用的sql配置。

  After the make install process, we will copy over the slapd.conf file that is configured to use a SQL backend. This file is buried under the OpenLDAP ports directory in the following path:



  Change to this directory, from the ports directory of OpenLDAP, and copy the configuration file over

  >; cp slapd.conf /usr/local/etc/openldap

  Then we can import the back SQL file from this directory into our running MySQL server database

  root@host # mysql < backsql_create.sql ldap

  root@host # mysql < testdb_create.sql ldap

  Optionally we can import the testdb_data and testdb_metadata files into the database so that we can have example data with which to work

  Next we need to edit the /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf file and make the protper adjustments. We need to setup the slapd service to use a SQL backend under the "SQL database definitions" section

  database sql

  suffix "o=sql,c=RU"

  rootdn "cn=root,o=sql,c=RU"

  rootpw secret

  dbname ldap

  dbuser ldap

  dbpasswd password

  subtree_cond "ldap_entries.dn LIKE CONCAT('%',?)"

  insentry_query "INSERT INTO ldap_entries (dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"

  Go ahead and comment out or delete any other example configurations for alternate SQL connectors such as Postgres and/or MsSQL settings. (Unless of course you are using a Postgres or MsSQL server as your backend

  Post installation configuration

  Next, we need to edit the /etc/rc.conf and configure the OpenLDAP server to star on boot by making the following changes


  slapd_flags='-h "ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fldapi/ ldap://"'


  And finally we need to edit the OpenLDAP startup script and setup the ODBC path for the server to use. Edit /etc/rc.d/slapd file and add the following line:

  export ODBCINI=/usr/local/etc/libiodbc/odbc.ini

  Just as we performed the iodbctest, this variable is essential for OpenLDAP to know where the configuration file to use for ODBC connectivity

  Now we are ready to try and bring up our OpenLDAP server. Let us start by running slapd manually in debug mode to see the output of startup:

  root@host # /usr/local/libexec/slapd -d 1

  We should see the following at the end of the debug output:




  backsql_free_db_conn(): closing db connection




  <==backsql_db_open(): test succeeded, schema map loaded

  slapd starting

  If this is the given output then it looks like our configuration is correct and we are ready to start up OpenLDAP normally for operation.

  /etc/rc.d/slapd start

  This will startup the OpenLDAP server and we can verify it is running with the following command:

  root@host # sockstat |grep slapd

  ldap slapd 71838 5 dgram -< /var/run/log

  ldap slapd 71838 8 stream /var/run/openldap/ldapi

  ldap slapd 71838 9 tcp4 *:389 *:*

  From here, use any OpenLDAP Administration tool of your choice to add, edit and remove data

时间: 2024-12-22 15:47:04


openldap sqlite-做openldap移植,把sqlite3作为后台数据库的修改问题

问题描述 做openldap移植,把sqlite3作为后台数据库的修改问题 做openldap移植,把sqlite3作为后台数据库,如何修改相关的配置文件,比如slapd.conf.odbc.ini等


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描述: PHP-Nuke是一个广为流行的网站创建和管理工具,它可以使用很多数据库软件作为后端,比如MySQL.PostgreSQL.mSQL.Interbase.Sybase等. PHP-Nuke的Your_Account模块实现上存在输入验证漏洞,远程攻击者可能利用此漏洞对服务器程序执行SQL注入攻击. PHP-Nuke的Your_Account模块没有对username参数做充分的过滤检查,远程攻击者可能在此参数中插入恶意的SQL命令,从而非授权获取对后台数据库的操作. 受影响系统: PHP


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