PAC 3.0发布 GUI界面的SSH和Telnet连接


PAC 3.0该版本更新:树视图。拖放。一个新的超级集群。错误的修正及一些小的改动。

. Finally, added a "tree view" to present the list of connections (any level of folding allowed!)
. Added Drag 'n Drop support to start connections in Windows or Tabs! You may even drag connections to the "Cluster Administration" window!!
. Added a new "Power Cluster Controller" way to manage the clusters, 'a la' "clusterssh" (try 'Exploding' the clustered terminals ;)
. Added an entry in "Preferences" -> "PAC ">Main Options" to choose the "Word Delimiting Characters"
. Added support to start terminals directly into clusters
. Added an option to select the "word delimiter" characters
. Added an option to choose the 'backspace key binding' both globally and per terminal
. Added an option to specify the "Terminal Emulation" (xterm, ansi, vt100, whatever...)
. Added a couple of mnemonics for PAC's Main Window
. Added an option to choose the "bold" color of the text in both "globally" and "per connection"
. Modified the management of PAC's pid file to allow multi user concurrent execution
. Modified the config file for speed purposes. As a collateral effect, I ofuscated it :(
. Modified the code to support the 'iso-8859-1' text encoding (finally!)
. Modification to avoid specifying the 'telnet' port when using the standard one (23)
. Fixed an error that prevented a MAC Address from being saved from session to session when using "Wake On Lan" utility
. Fixed some minor bug about multiusers
. Fixed a strange bug that made PAC go out of memory under rare circumstances
. Fixed a minor bug not showing the main window when restoring from the System Tray (KDE) (thanks goes to Fabio Rossi)
. Fixed a couple of regression bug whrn 'Renaming' or 'Cutting' a connection
. Fixed a minor bug that prevented a "rdesktop" shared folder name from being showed in the "Edit" window


时间: 2024-09-22 07:56:22

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