Toshiba Enhances Unified Communications

Toshiba America Information Systems Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division announced Stratagy View, a Web-based unified messaging solution for its family of Strata CIX IP communication systems. Now available nationwide from Toshiba’s network of Authorized Dealers, Stratagy View allows users access to their voice and fax messages residing in their voice mailboxes by using only an Internet browser.

“Stratagy View gives users a sleek and efficient Unified Communications Web interface to access and manage their voice and fax messages from anywhere there is Internet access,” said Shahin Hatamian, vice president of Product Management at Toshiba’s Telecommunication Systems Division. “Whether they are traveling or in a meeting, users can quickly check voice and fax messages over the Internet using Stratagy View, without even needing to first access their email providers.”

Stratagy View is a self-contained Web server that acts as an electronic emissary between Toshiba’s Stratagy ES voice processing system and the user’s email service. When new voice or fax messages arrive, Stratagy View sends an email to the user’s email inbox to let him or her know a new voice or fax message has arrived in the user’s voice mailbox. When the email message is opened, the user is presented with a link to a Web page with controls to play the voice message or view a fax.

Also included in Stratagy View is a Message List that allows users to immediately see, access and manage voice and fax messages as easily as they do their emails. Users can view or listen to their messages, reply, forward, delete or save messages for future action. The list of messages provides not only the sender’s information but also the duration of voice messages in seconds. Users can also access Stratagy View directly, without having to access their email boxes.

From Stratagy View, the user can:

Play voice messages;

Compose voice messages;

Review fax messages;

Delete and Save messages;

Write a brief note concerning a message;

Launch Stratagy View in a mini-player view;

Use the Message List to sort all voice mailbox messages by sender name, mailbox number, or date and time of receipt;

Configure whether voice messages will be played or recorded using either a desktop computer microphone or a pre-assigned telephone;

Access and manage an Address Book, which offers users two tabbed lists: the System Address Book (includes all users currently programmed into the host Stratagy system), and a Personal Address Book, which can be updated with the user’s personal contacts outside of the system;

Use the Configuration page to customize the behavior of Stratagy View and its interaction with the host Stratagy ES voice mailbox.

Stratagy View is compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 or higher, Macintosh Safari, and Mozilla Firefox for Windows and Macintosh.


时间: 2024-08-01 05:57:46

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