Seed7 2011-08-16更新日志:
- An explanation how the syntax of Seed7 is defined, was added to the FAQ.
- Documentation comments were added to "math.s7i", "shell.s7i"
- A declaration of Euler's number was added to "math.s7i".
- The function 'getC++ommandLineWord' was added to "scanstri.s7i".
- The functions 'shell', 'cmd_sh', 'popen' and 'popen8' in "shell.s7i" were improved to work correctly under the supported
&">nbsp; operating systems, even when command and parameters contain spaces.
- The library "screen.s7i" was renamed to "console.s7i" and the function 'open(SCREEN)' was renamed to 'open(CONSOLE)'.
- The makefile "mk_bcc32.mak" was improved to work correctly for version 6.71 of bcc32 (thank you to the anonymous google account user, for posting his findings to the Seed7 forum).
-各种预定义类型,如可调整大小的数组,hashes, sets,structs,color,time,duration,等。