QSF Portal v1.5.1发布 安全和易维护的Web社区门户平台

QSF Portal 是一个快速、安全和易维护的Web社区门户平台,提供强大的论坛和下载服务,还包括一个轻量级的CMS系统。可轻松的更换网页风格和皮肤,支持18种语言。

该版本增加了 Akismet 反垃圾过滤器保护,对安装程序进行了大量改进,外观也做了改进,支持 MySQLi等。

QSF Portal 1.5.1 has been released. ">Highlights include Akismet spam protection, an overhauled installer system, several visual enhancements and one low priority security issue fixed.

Changes for 1.5.1

* Slight rearranging of the forum topics display to save a bit of vertical space.
* Groundwork laid for creating better file comments.
* Added the ability to toggle file approvals on and off (global only).
* Added a file version to the file data.
* Updated the file details screen with a better layout.
* Updated Google Analytics code.
* It is now possible to upload to an otherwise hidden category to allow for one-way submissions.
* Added Akismet filter protection to signature edits. Eat shit spambots.
* Added Akismet filter protection to forum posts. Eat shit again spambots.
* Default number of members displayed per members page raised from 10 to 25.
* Visual update to individual news posts.
* Moved query stats to the board statistics box on the left side.
* Dropped the messagelink and codelink modlets in favor of inline styling for new PMs and files pending approval.
* Updated avatar handling.
* Massive overhaul of the installer system. Dropped unsupported converters. Will bring back if the need arises.
* Added MySQLi support.

Bugs addressed:

* File permissions module was not setting the security token.
* Fixed BBCode size tags messing up formatting of other tags.
* SECURITY: It was possible to view a category the user did not have permission to see using a direct link.


时间: 2024-08-02 17:30:09

QSF Portal v1.5.1发布 安全和易维护的Web社区门户平台的相关文章

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