Annan warns against use of more force in Syria


The UN-Arab League special envoy on Syria, Kofi Annan, has warned any further militarisation would only make the situation in Syria worse.

Annan voiced his concerns after talks with Arab League Secretary-General Nabil El-Araby.

Annan said: "I hope no one is thinking very seriously of using force in this situation. I believe any further militarization will make the situation worse. We have to be careful that we don’t introduce a medicine that is worse than the disease. "

Kofi Annan, the U.N.-Arab League Special Envoy on Syria, talks during a news
conference with Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi.

Stressing Syrian people’s desperate need for help, Annan reiterated calls for diplomatic efforts to be made collectively to stop the violence.

Meanwhile, Elaraby played down military action in Syria, saying he didn’t think anyone was considering the military option.

Elaraby said: "What is needed now, really, is to stop the fighting, to introduce the humanitarian assistance, medical assistance and to start a political process that will lead to the realization of what the people in Syria would like to have."

Elaraby expressed hopes Annan’s visit to Damascus following the Arab League ministerial meeting in Cairo on Saturday, would lead to a diplomatic breakthrough. He said no one wanted a repeat of Libya, when the League’s call for a no-fly zone led to a UN Security
Council resolution, followed by NATO air strikes which boosted the rebellion that toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Kofi Annan was appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al Araby as joint special envoys on Syria late February.

Annan says solution to Syria crisis lies in political settlement

CAIRO, March 8 (Xinhua) -- UN-Arab League (AL) special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan urged an immediate end of violence in the country and stressed that the ultimate solution to the crisis lies in a political settlement.<Full

UN envoy Kofi Annan stresses political settlement for Syria crisis

CAIRO, March 8 (Xinhua) -- The UN and Arab League's special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan urged an immediate end of violence in the country and stressed the ultimate solution to the crisis lies in a political settlement.<Full

United Nations and Arab League special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan (L) and Arab League
Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi (R) speak during a press conference at the Arab
League headquarters in Cairo. Annan, warned Thursday that further militarisation in
Syria will worsen a conflict there that has left thousands dead in a year.

United Nations and Arab League special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan (L) and Arab League
Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi (R) speak during a press conference at the Arab
League headquarters in Cairo. Annan, warned Thursday that further militarisation in
Syria will worsen a conflict there that has left thousands dead in a year.

时间: 2024-08-02 12:20:40

Annan warns against use of more force in Syria的相关文章


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