Tomcat的SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Connection reset原因分析及解决办法

Apr 21, 2008 9:27:34 AM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Connection reset
The usual cause is that the browser's stopped a HTTP request part-way through,
generally because the user's navigated to another page before the first page has
completely downloaded. The browser closes the connection, with the result that
Tomcat gets an exception when it next tries to write data to the socket.
Arguably it shouldn't be logged as a SEVERE error on production systems, but
getting that log message during development and stress testing can be very
handy! 于是就查看它引用的JavaScript文件,发现好多不存在。终于明白,是因为有些变量不存在,导致了这里的反复重载。重新加入这些JavaScript文件后,问题解决。

Fix it by any of the following (in increasing order of difficulty):

1) Ignore it (and change any log-reading scripts that look for SEVERE errors to
ignore this one);

2) Grab the source for 5.0.28, find the line where this is logged and change the
logging level in the case of a connection reset error, then recompile Tomcat;

3) Educate your users that they are supposed to sit on their hands until the
page has completely loaded (by far the hardest ;-) ).

If it happens that often and you don't have a high traffic site, it might be a monitor script, that does only check if it can do a TCP connect and drop the connection before a full HTTP request-response cycle has finished.


if (!window.gbWhVer||!window.gbWhUtil||!window.gbWhMsg)

时间: 2024-11-05 16:25:54

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