







normal serif sans monospace


casual cursive serif monospace sans-serif sans-serif-condensed serif-monospace sans-serif-smallcaps






private void setTypefaceFromAttrs(String familyName, int typefaceIndex, int styleIndex) { Typeface tf = null; if (familyName != null) { tf = Typeface.create(familyName, styleIndex); if (tf != null) { setTypeface(tf); return; } } switch (typefaceIndex) { case SANS: tf = Typeface.SANS_SERIF; break; case SERIF: tf = Typeface.SERIF; break; case MONOSPACE: tf = Typeface.MONOSPACE; break; } setTypeface(tf, styleIndex); }

从方法setTypefaceFromAttrs()看,如果你有set fontFamily属性,那么typefaceattribute将被忽略。





AssetManager mgr = getAssets(); Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(mgr, "fonts/NotoSansCJKsc-Black.otf"); tv_1.setTypeface(tf);



public class CustomTextView extends TextView { public CustomTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } //重写设置字体方法 @Override public void setTypeface(Typeface tf) { tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), "fonts/NotoSansCJKsc-Light.otf"); super.setTypeface(tf); } }


<com.test.fontfamily.CustomTextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:padding="6dp" android:text="自定义字体" android:textSize="24dp" />




package com.test.fontfamily; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by Administrator on 2017/10/24. */ public class FontUtils { private static final String TAG = FontUtils.class.getSimpleName(); private Map<String, SoftReference<Typeface>> mCache = new HashMap<>(); private static FontUtils sSingleton = null; public static Typeface DEFAULT = Typeface.DEFAULT; // disable instantiate private FontUtils() { } public static FontUtils getInstance() { // double check if (sSingleton == null) { synchronized (FontUtils.class) { if (sSingleton == null) { sSingleton = new FontUtils(); } } } return sSingleton; } /** * <p>Replace the font of specified view and it's children</p> * * @param root The root view. * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. */ public void replaceFontFromAsset(@NonNull View root, @NonNull String fontPath) { replaceFont(root, createTypefaceFromAsset(root.getContext(), fontPath)); } /** * <p>Replace the font of specified view and it's children</p> * * @param root The root view. * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. * @param style One of {@link Typeface#NORMAL}, {@link Typeface#BOLD}, {@link Typeface#ITALIC}, {@link Typeface#BOLD_ITALIC} */ public void replaceFontFromAsset(@NonNull View root, @NonNull String fontPath, int style) { replaceFont(root, createTypefaceFromAsset(root.getContext(), fontPath), style); } /** * <p>Replace the font of specified view and it's children</p> * * @param root The root view. * @param fontPath The full path to the font data. */ public void replaceFontFromFile(@NonNull View root, @NonNull String fontPath) { replaceFont(root, createTypefaceFromFile(fontPath)); } /** * <p>Replace the font of specified view and it's children</p> * * @param root The root view. * @param fontPath The full path to the font data. * @param style One of {@link Typeface#NORMAL}, {@link Typeface#BOLD}, {@link Typeface#ITALIC}, {@link Typeface#BOLD_ITALIC} */ public void replaceFontFromFile(@NonNull View root, @NonNull String fontPath, int style) { replaceFont(root, createTypefaceFromFile(fontPath), style); } /** * <p>Replace the font of specified view and it's children with specified typeface</p> */ private void replaceFont(@NonNull View root, @NonNull Typeface typeface) { if (root == null || typeface == null) { return; } if (root instanceof TextView) { // If view is TextView or it's subclass, replace it's font TextView textView = (TextView) root; // Extract previous style of TextView int style = Typeface.NORMAL; if (textView.getTypeface() != null) { style = textView.getTypeface().getStyle(); } textView.setTypeface(typeface, style); } else if (root instanceof ViewGroup) { // If view is ViewGroup, apply this method on it's child views ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) root; for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); ++i) { replaceFont(viewGroup.getChildAt(i), typeface); } } // else return } /** * <p>Replace the font of specified view and it's children with specified typeface and text style</p> * * @param style One of {@link Typeface#NORMAL}, {@link Typeface#BOLD}, {@link Typeface#ITALIC}, {@link Typeface#BOLD_ITALIC} */ private void replaceFont(@NonNull View root, @NonNull Typeface typeface, int style) { if (root == null || typeface == null) { return; } if (style < 0 || style > 3) { style = Typeface.NORMAL; } if (root instanceof TextView) { // If view is TextView or it's subclass, replace it's font TextView textView = (TextView) root; textView.setTypeface(typeface, style); } else if (root instanceof ViewGroup) { // If view is ViewGroup, apply this method on it's child views ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) root; for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); ++i) { replaceFont(viewGroup.getChildAt(i), typeface, style); } } // else return } /** * <p>Create a Typeface instance with specified font file</p> * * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. * @return Return created typeface instance. */ private Typeface createTypefaceFromAsset(Context context, String fontPath) { SoftReference<Typeface> typefaceRef = mCache.get(fontPath); Typeface typeface = null; if (typefaceRef == null || (typeface = typefaceRef.get()) == null) { typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), fontPath); typefaceRef = new SoftReference<>(typeface); mCache.put(fontPath, typefaceRef); } return typeface; } private Typeface createTypefaceFromFile(String fontPath) { SoftReference<Typeface> typefaceRef = mCache.get(fontPath); Typeface typeface = null; if (typefaceRef == null || (typeface = typefaceRef.get()) == null) { typeface = Typeface.createFromFile(fontPath); typefaceRef = new SoftReference<>(typeface); mCache.put(fontPath, typefaceRef); } return typeface; } /** * <p>Replace system default font. <b>Note:</b>you should also add code below to your app theme in styles.xml. </p> * {@code <item name="android:typeface">monospace</item>} * <p>The best place to call this method is {@link Application#onCreate()}, it will affect * whole app font.If you call this method after view is visible, you need to invalid the view to make it effective.</p> * * @param context {@link Context Context} * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. */ public void replaceSystemDefaultFontFromAsset(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String fontPath) { replaceSystemDefaultFont(createTypefaceFromAsset(context, fontPath)); } /** * <p>Replace system default font. <b>Note:</b>you should also add code below to your app theme in styles.xml. </p> * {@code <item name="android:typeface">monospace</item>} * <p>The best place to call this method is {@link Application#onCreate()}, it will affect * whole app font.If you call this method after view is visible, you need to invalid the view to make it effective.</p> * * @param context {@link Context Context} * @param fontPath The full path to the font data. */ public void replaceSystemDefaultFontFromFile(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String fontPath) { replaceSystemDefaultFont(createTypefaceFromFile(fontPath)); } /** * <p>Replace system default font. <b>Note:</b>you should also add code below to your app theme in styles.xml. </p> * {@code <item name="android:typeface">monospace</item>} * <p>The best place to call this method is {@link Application#onCreate()}, it will affect * whole app font.If you call this method after view is visible, you need to invalid the view to make it effective.</p> */ private void replaceSystemDefaultFont(@NonNull Typeface typeface) { modifyObjectField(null, "MONOSPACE", typeface); } private void modifyObjectField(Object obj, String fieldName, Object value) { try { Field defaultField = Typeface.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName); defaultField.setAccessible(true); defaultField.set(obj, value); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }





FontUtils.getInstance().replaceFontFromAsset(View root, String fontPath)







<item name="android:typeface">monospace</item>



时间: 2024-07-28 16:56:39



1.获取元素样式: 可以通过元素的style属性,获取元素行内样式.style属性是一个对象,包括一系列样式属性.例如:color, backgourdColor. 上面讲的通过style属性获取元素样式,不推荐使用. 下面的一段代码,可以获取元素运行时的样式,即全局的样式.这种方式可以动态获取元素的样式,例如元素大小. // node:将要获取其计算样式的元素节点 // attr: 样式属性名称 function getCurrentStyle(node, attr) { var style

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