SAP HUM Goods Issue from HUM Location [转载]

SAP HUM Goods Issue from HUM Location [转载]




This WIKI page intends to provide information
about standard process of issuing stock directly from HU managed storage
location in a case where there is no WM involvement.



This WIKI page shows step by step information
of the instructions for VL01NO transaction which needs to be performed
after choosing a HU in HUMO transaction. It has screenshot used in this example
as well as hyperlinks to other forms of HU creation.


HU issue

In this case the HU is picked in ERP logistics
directly in case where the packing occurs before the delivery takes plac; in
this case it occurs on a HU managed storage location.  The
goods in this case are picked in the same quantity of HU. Even
though it is also possible to perform partial pickings from HUM which
is called Pick-HU (LH01), it is not covered in this specific article.


The example below was done after having created some
HUs of that material and packed in a HUM storage location. So, basically
the idea is to create outbound delivery without reference to a sales order and
select an available HU from that plant and storage location and post that
packed quantity from the stock.


Go to transaction HUMO:

On Contents tab enter the material, plant and
storage location you want to have HU from;

On "Assignment to Objects" choose Handling
units without object reference;

Hit Execute button or depress F8 key then just take note
of HU number you wish to issue;



Go to transaction VL01NO:

Enter related data on the first screen (remember that
shipping point from same plant/storage location from the
HU chosen, hit execute button;

Fill the material also previously chosen along with its
quantity, plant and storage location, depress <enter>;

On the picking tab fill the pick quantity with the total

Hit Shit+ F6 button;

Fill in pack screen the HU you had previously chosen and
depress <enter>, after just hit Save button;


Now that Pack status is completed you have just to go
ahead and Hit PGI button, if you go to HUMO after that you can see that HU
status is Posted.




The stock is no longer in warehouse, the goods issue process is completed, the
HU has PSTD status, the delivery is posted. Hence a material document related
to the goods issue created. That HU could be reversed by using the delivery
document number in VL09. Notice that document where HU is involved can only be
reversed once. Some users complain that STO cannot be reprocessed because HU
needs reversal on both inbound and outbound. It is a system restriction and in
such case the operation needs to be done in the opposite direction to release
the HU for further operations.





时间: 2024-08-17 21:12:59

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