Three.js 教程和示例(Tutorials and Examples)

Three.js 教程和示例(Tutorials and Examples)

太阳火神的美丽人生 (


转载请保留此句:太阳火神的美丽人生 -  本博客专注于 敏捷开发及移动和物联设备研究:iOS、Android、Html5、Arduino、pcDuino,否则,出自本博客的文章拒绝转载或再转载,谢谢合作。


Tutorials and Examples

Now that you are sold on Three.js, where do you start? Here is a collection of tutorials, examples, presentations and videos to get you started.

Getting Started

  • Introduction to WebGL - this is a presentation with live code examples that will introduce you to WebGL and Three.js.
  • Getting Started With Three.js – a great tutorial that explains the basics of 3D modeling using the library. It is easy to read and beginner friendly.
  • Getting Started – this is the official getting started tutorial. It explains the basics for getting Three.js running.
  • Creating Particles With Three.js – another tutorial by Paul Lewis, in which he explains how to develop a cool particle system (demo).
  • WebGL Academy – if you wish to learn pure WebGL, without Three.js, you can follow this step by step guide. Here you write code in an editor and see a real-time preview of the result.


  • Basic Three.js Examples - These are beginner-friendly examples, that are easy to follow and well-documented. Start with this page once you’ve completed the getting started posts.
  • Three.js examples by Stemkoski – This page might look like it came out of the late 90s, but it actually quite relevant. It hosts a large collection of Three.js examples with thoroughly commented source code, which cover a broad range of topics.
  • Official Three.js Examples – These examples demonstrate every part of the library. Unfortunately the source code is lacking on comments and might be difficult to follow at times.


More Resources

  • The official Three.js reference - you should bookmark this and have it opened in a tab at all times.
  • The official wiki – contains a FAQ section and links to various articles and other resources that you might find useful.
  • Learning Three.js – this is a blog dedicated to publishing Three.js tutorials. Each post explains how to make one of the popular demos that you see throughout the web.
  • Three.js Editor – this is a code editor for three.js with live preview. You can use it to quickly try out things with the library. You can share your experiments with others and save your progress.
  • Alternative documentation – this is an autogenerated index of all the methods in the library.
  • Google+ page - here you can find fresh news and links about the library.
  • SO questions, tagged with three.js. Reading through the most popular questions and answers now will save you time and headaches later on.
  • WebGL Subreddit – this is not focused only on three.js, but is worth browsing nonetheless.
时间: 2024-09-08 10:17:38

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