OpenCAN v0.6发布 控制区域网络设备交互的软件平台

OpenC++AN 是一个用来与各种不同的 CAN (控制区域网络) 设备交互的软件平台,提供抽象的 C++ 接口用来控制 CAN 设备。可通过插件来扩展对一些特殊设备的支持,并通过简单的 API 进行调用,每个组件都是跨平台的,可用来高效的开发在 Windows 和 Linux 运行的 CAN 软件。

OpenCAN is a software platform for interacting with various Controller Area Network (CAN or CANbus) devices. It provides an abstract C++ interface that can be used to control CAN devices. Support for specific devices can be written as plugins, and then loaded through a simple API call. Each component is cross-platform, enabling the efficient development of CAN software on Windows and Linux.&">nbsp; And you are free to use and extend it according to the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).


Simplifies adding CAN support to software
Add new CAN devices without changing application code or recompiling
Write one set of code for multiple devices and/or OSes
Reduces maintenance
Enables backward and forward compatibility with CAN devices and APIs
OpenCAN is LGPL so you can use free and proprietary CAN drivers together


Supports Windows and Linux
Light-weight and simple API encapsulation
API documentation using Doxygen
Device support can be compiled in or as dynamically-loaded plugins
Includes plugins for LinCAN and PCAN devices


Qt 4.6+ (
   The library only requires the QtCore component
   Testbench requires the QtGui component
CAN device with installed driver (support for LinCAN and PCAN devices included)
Linux or Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64-bit)

History Summary

Improved drawing speed of Testbench receive windows
Fixed Testbench crash when no plugins are loaded
Fixed PEAK PCAN plugin not setting baud rate in Windows
Fixed PEAK PCAN plugin connect status in Windows
Clarified plugin loading and added troubleshooting tips


时间: 2024-09-26 04:15:35

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