电子书籍——OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook

OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook

Kevin Jackson  September 2012

Chapter 1, Starting OpenStack Compute, teaches you how to set up and use OpenStack Compute running within a VirtualBox environment.
Chapter 2, Administering OpenStack Compute, teaches you how to manage user accounts and security groups as well as how to deal with cloud images to run in an OpenStack environment.
Chapter 3, Keystone OpenStack Identity Service, takes you through installation and configuration of Keystone, which underpins all of the other OpenStack services.
Chapter 4, Installing OpenStack Storage, teaches you how to configure and use OpenStack Storage running within a VirtualBox environment.
Chapter 5, Using OpenStack Storage, teaches you how to use the storage service for storing and retrieving files and objects.
Chapter 6, Administering OpenStack Storage, takes you through how to use tools and techniques that can be used for running OpenStack Storage within datacenters.
Chapter 7, Glance OpenStack Image Service, teaches you how to upload and modify images(templates) for use within an OpenStack environment.
Chapter 8, Nova Volumes, teaches you how to install and configure the persistent storage service for use by instances running in an OpenStack Compute environment.
Chapter 9, Horizon OpenStack Dashboard, teaches you how to install and use the web user interface to perform tasks such as creating users, modifying security groups, and launching instances.
Chapter 10, OpenStack Networking, helps you understand the networking options currently available as well as teaching you how to configure an OpenStack environment so that instances are accessible on the network.
Chapter 11, In the Datacenter, takes you through understanding how to do bare-metal provisioning, scale up OpenStack, and introduces you to adding resilience to our OpenStack installations for high availability.
Chapter 12, Monitoring, shows you how to install and configure various open source tools for monitoring an OpenStack installation.
Chapter 13, Troubleshooting, takes you through an understanding of the logs and where to get help when encountering issues while running an OpenStack environment.

OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook

时间: 2024-08-01 14:40:38

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