Windows CE 3.0 Source Code 免微软passport登陆下载

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Windows CE 3.0 Source Code

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Windows CE 3.0 Source

5.3 MB Download File
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Windows&reg; CE 3.0 source—now more usable and accessible than ever.
Source-level debugging saves valuable time throughout the embedded development process by eliminating the guesswork about how your code is interacting with the kernel or other low-level OS code. Both new and existing Windows CE users can benefit from this new source code download, which installs into the Platform Builder 3.0 development tool.
Broader source code licensing - Windows CE 3.0 source code for key components is now available to users of Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder 3.0, giving you a new, broader source license. The Microsoft Shared Source License for Windows CE 3.0 offers you more freedom than ever by giving you the ability to innovate with others using Windows CE. This is especially true for non-commercial purposes, which can include teaching, researching, or personal experimenting using the Windows CE platform.

时间: 2024-08-01 05:38:44

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