Get-ChildItem c:/fso | Where-Object {$_.Length -gt 1000} | Sort-Object -Property name
foreach ($i in $args) {Get-ChildItem $i | Where-Object {$_.length -gt 1000} | Sort-Object -property name}
$args = "localhost","loopback",""
foreach ($i in $args)
{$strFile = "c:/mytest/"+ $i +"Processes.txt"
Write-Host "Testing" $i "please wait ...";
Get-WmiObject -computername $i -class win32_process |
Select-Object name, processID, Priority, ThreadCount, PageFaults, PageFileUsage |
Where-Object {!$_.processID -eq 0} | Sort-Object -property name |
Format-Table | Out-File $strFile}
$args = "localhost"
foreach ($i in $args)
{Write-Host "Connecting to" $i "please wait ...";
Get-WmiObject -computername $i -class win32_UserAccount |
Select-Object Name, Disabled, PasswordRequired, SID, SIDType |
Where-Object {$_.PasswordRequired -eq 0} |
Sort-Object -property name | Write-Host}
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
$args = "localhost","loopback"
foreach ($i in $args)
{Write-Host "Testing" $i "..."
Get-WmiObject -computer $args -class win32_service |
Select-Object -property name, state, startmode, startname |
Sort-Object -property startmode, state, name |
Format-Table *}
Open the Run dialog box (Start | Run, or the Windows Flag key + R, or Ctrl + Esc then R).
Powershell -noexit C:/mytest/RetrieveAndSortServiceState.ps1
Contains the first token of the last line input into the shell
Contains the last token of the last line input into the shell
The current pipeline object; used in script blocks, filters, Where-Object, ForEach-Object, and Switch
Contains the success/fail status of the last statement
Used in creating functions requiring parameters
If an error occurred, the error object is saved in the $error variable.
The execution objects available to cmdlets
Refers to the enumerator in a foreach loop
The user's home directory; set to %HOMEDRIVE%/%HOMEPATH%
Input is piped to a function or code block.
A hash table consisting of items found by the -match operator
Information about the currently executing script or command-line
The directory where PS is installed
Information about the currently executing host
The exit code of the last native application to run
Boolean TRUE
Boolean FALSE
A null object
In the Types.ps1xml file and some script block instances, this represents the current object
Output Field Separator used when converting an array to a string
The identifier for the shell. This value is used by the shell to determine the ExecutionPolicy and what profiles are run at Startup
Contains detailed stack trace information about the last error
Path to registry subkey "Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer"
Registry value "Logon User Name"
Path to registry subkey "/Volatile Environment"
An array of Registry values: "LOGONSERVER", "HOMEPATH", "APPDATA", "HOMEDRIVE"
Holds a single registry value name from the $strName array of registry values; $i gets assigned the value by using the ForEach alias.
$strUserPath = "/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/" `
+ "Explorer"
$strUserName = "Logon User Name"
$strPath = "/Volatile Environment"
Set-Location HKCU:/
Get-ItemProperty -path $strUserPath -name $strUserName |
Format-List $strUserName
foreach ($i in $strName)
{Get-ItemProperty -path $strPath -name $i |
Format-List $i}
$a = "this is the beginning"
$b = 22
$c = $a + $b
$c = $a + $b
$b = "this is a number"
$c = $a + $b
[int]$b = 5
$c = $a + $b
$b = "this is a string"
#Cannot convert value "this is a number" to type "System.Int32".
#Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."
#At line:1 char:3
#+ $b <<<< = "this is a string"
Data Type Aliases
Open table as spreadsheet Alias
32-bit signed integer
64-bit signed integer
Fixed-length string of Unicode characters
A Unicode 16-bit character
True/false value
An 8-bit unsigned integer
Double-precision 64-bit floating point number
An 128-bit decimal value
Single-precision 32-bit floating point number
An array of values
Xml objects
A hashtable object (similar to a dictionary object)
$aryComputers = "loopback", "localhost"
Set-Variable -name intDriveType -value 3 -option constant
foreach ($strComputer in $aryComputers)
{"Hard drives on: " + $strComputer
Get-WmiObject -class win32_logicaldisk -computername $strComputer|
Where {$_.drivetype -eq $intDriveType}}
Get-Process |
ForEach-Object `
{if ($_.cpu -lt 100)
{Write-Host $, $_.cpu -foregroundcolor blue}
elseif ($_.cpu -gt 100)
{Write-Host $, $_.cpu -foregroundcolor red}}
ForEach-Object `
if ($_.Status -eq "stopped")
{Write-Host $, $_.Status -foregroundcolor red -separator ",`n`t"}
elseif ($_.Status -eq "running")
{Write-Host $, $_.Status -foregroundcolor green -separator ",`n`t"}}
for ($a = 1; $a -le 3 ; $a++) {"hello"}
[int]$intPing = 10
[string]$intNetwork = "127.0.0."
for ($i=1;$i -le $intPing; $i++)
$strQuery = "select * from win32_pingstatus where address = '" + $intNetwork + $i + "'"
$wmi = get-wmiobject -query $strQuery
"Pinging $intNetwork$i ... "
if ($wmi.statuscode -eq 0)
{"error: " + $wmi.statuscode + " occurred"}
$dtmTime = get-date -h 04 -mi 23 -s 00
do {$dtmCurrent = Get-Date -DisplayHint time
"The current time is " + $dtmCurrent
"counting to " + $dtmtime
start-sleep -s 2
} while ($dtmCurrent -lt $dtmTime)
"time reached à"
Comparison Operators
Open table as spreadsheet Operator
not equal
greater than
greater than or equal to
less than
less than or equal to
wild card comparison
wild card comparison
regular expression comparison
regular expression comparison
$i = 10; do {$i --; "i is $i"} until ($i -eq 0)
$strTxtFile = "c:/mytest/loopbackprocesses.txt"
$i = 0
$mytext = Get-Content $strTxtFile
do {
$i ++
} until ($i -eq $mytext.length)
do {$i++;
"i is equal to $i"}
until ($i -eq 0)
$i=0;do {$i++; "i is equal to $i"} until ($i -eq 0)
$i=0;do {$i++; "i is equal to $i"} while ($i -eq 0)
WIN32_Processor Processor Values
Intel Itanium
$wmi = get-wmiObject win32_processor
if ($wmi.Architecture -eq 0)
{"This is an x86 computer"}
elseif($wmi.architecture -eq 1)
{"This is an MIPS computer"}
elseif($wmi.architecture -eq 2)
{"This is an Alapha computer"}
elseif($wmi.architecture -eq 3)
{"This is an PowerPC computer"}
elseif($wmi.architecture -eq 6)
{"This is an IPF computer"}
elseif($wmi.architecture -eq 9)
{"This is an x64 computer"}
{$wmi.architecture + " is not a cpu type I am familiar with"}
"Current clockspeed is : " + $wmi.CurrentClockSpeed + " MHZ"
"Max clockspeed is : " + $wmi.MaxClockSpeed + " MHZ"
"Current load percentage is: " + $wmi.LoadPercentage + " Percent"
"The L2 cache size is: " + $wmi.L2CacheSize + " KB"
$a=5;switch ($a) { 4{"four detected"} 5{"five detected"} }
$wmi = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem
"computer " + $ + " is: "
switch ($wmi.domainrole)
0 {"`t Stand alone workstation"}
1 {"`t Member workstation"}
2 {"`t Stand alone server"}
3 {"`t Member server"}
4 {"`t Back up domain controller"}
5 {"`t Primary domain controller"}
default {"`t The role can not be determined"}
$intFolders = 10
$i = 1
New-Variable -Name strPrefix -Value "testFolder" -Option constant
do {
if ($i -lt 10)
new-item -path c:/mytest -name $strPrefix$intPad$i -type directory}
{new-item -path c:/mytest -name $strPrefix$i -type directory}
}until ($i -eq $intFolders+1)
remove-item -path c:/mytest -name $strPrefix$intPad$i -type directory}
{remove-item -path c:/mytest -name $strPrefix$i -type directory}
remove-item -path c:/mytest/$strPrefix$intPad$i -type directory}
{remove-item -path c:/mytest/$strPrefix$i -type directory}
Remove-item -path c:/mytest/$strPrefix$intPad$i}
{Remove-item -path c:/mytest/$strPrefix$i}
$wmi = Get-WmiObject -class __Namespace -namespace root
"Listing namespaces on " + $wmi[0].__server +
" please wait a second "
for ($i=0;$i -le $wmi.length;$i++)
{if ($i -lt $wmi.length)
{Write-Host -noNewLine "."
Start-Sleep -m 75}
{Write-Host "."}
$wmi | Format-List name
Write-Host -foregroundColor green "There are" $wmi.length `
"namespaces on this machine `n"
$wmiNS = "root/cimV2"
Get-WmiObject -class __Provider -namespace $wmiNS |
Sort-Object -property Name |
Format-List name
Variable Name
Variable Use
Name of computer to run the script on
WMI namespace containing WMI class used in the script
User name for connection to remote computer
Password of user connecting to remote machine
Language to be used with WMI connection
Credential authority, for example, Kerberos, NTLM
Security flag; used to specify timeout value
$strComputer = "."
$wmiNS = "/root/cimv2"
$strUsr ="" #Blank for current security. Domain/Username
$strPWD = "" #Blank for current security.
$strLocl = "MS_409" #US English. Can leave blank for current language
$strAuth = "" #if specify domain in strUsr this must be blank
$iFlag = "0" #only two values allowed: 0 and 128.
$objLocator = New-Object -comobject "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"
$objWMIService = $objLocator.ConnectServer($strComputer,
$wmiNS, $strUsr, $strPWD, $strLocl, $strAuth, $iFLag)
$colItems = $objWMIService.subClassesOf()
Write-Host "There are: " $colItems.count " classes in $wmiNS"
foreach ($objItem In $colItems)
$strComputer = "."
$wmiNS = "/root/cimv2"
$strUsr ="" #Blank for current security. Domain/Username
$strPWD = "" #Blank for current security.
$strLocl = "MS_409" #US English. Can leave blank for current language
$strAuth = "" #if specify domain in strUsr this must be blank
$iFlag = "0" #only two values allowed: 0 and 128.
$objLocator = New-Object -comobject "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"
# $objWMIService = $objLocator.ConnectServer($strComputer, `
# $wmiNS, $strUsr, $strPWD, $strLocl, $strAuth, $iFLag)
# $colItems = $objWMIService.subClassesOf()
# Write-Host "There are: " $colItems.count " classes in $wmiNS"
# foreach ($objItem In $colItems)
# {
# $objItem.path_.class
# }
$objLocator | Get-Member
$objWMIService = $objLocator.ConnectServer($strComputer, `
$wmiNS, $strUsr, $strPWD, $strLocl, $strAuth, $iFLag)
$objWMIService | Get-Member
$colItems = $objWMIService.subClassesOf()
$colItems | Get-Member
$wmiClass = "WIN32_Service"
$objLocator = New-Object -comobject "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"
#$objLocator | Get-Member
$objWMIService = $objLocator.ConnectServer($strComputer,
$wmiNS, $strUsr, $strPWD, $strLocl, $strAuth, $iFLag)
#$objWMIService | Get-Member
$objItem = $objWMIService.Get($wmiClass)
$objItem | Get-Member
$wmiQuery = "Select * from Win32_Desktop"
$wmiNS = "root/cimv2"
$strComputer = "."
$objWMIService = Get-WmiObject -computer $strComputer -namespace
$wmiNS -query $wmiQuery
$objWMIService | Format-List *
$objWMIService | Format-List -property name
$objWMIService | Format-List -property name, screensaverexecutable
$objWMIService | Format-List -property name, screensaverexecutable,screensaverSecure
$objWMIService | Format-List -property name, screen*
Get-Service |sort -property status
Get-Service |sort -property name
Get-Service |sort status, name
Get-Service | where {$_.DisplayName -match "server"}
Get-Service | where {$ -eq "alerter"}
$a=Get-Service | where {$ -eq "alerter"}
$a | gm
Stop-Service -InputObject $a
Start-Service -InputObject $a
$wmiQuery = "Select * from win32_Printer"
$objWMIServices | Format-List name
$objWMIServices | Format-List name, portname
$objWMIServices | Format-List name, portname, capabilitydescriptions
$objWMIServices | GM