



这正是日历项目一样。要建立日历,你将使用Facade设计模式,创造一个围绕包装内置的JavaScript Date对象。请注意,在这个项目的包装实际上不隐藏任何的日期对象的功能。






.month, .nav{
 background-color: navy;
 color: white;
 font: 10pt sans-serif;
 cursor: pointer;
 cursor: hand;
 color: black;
 font: 10pt sans-serif;
 border-bottom: 1px black solid;
 font-weight: bold;
 background-color: white;
 border-bottom: 1px black solid;
 color: black;
 background-color: rgb(235,235,235);;
 font: 10pt sans-serif;
 border-bottom: 1px black solid;
 border-left: 1px black solid;
 border-right: 1px black solid;
 cursor: pointer;
 cursor: hand;
 color: maroon;
 font: 10pt sans-serif;
 font-weight: bold;
 border-bottom: 1px black solid;
 border-left: 1px black solid;
 border-right: 1px black solid;
 cursor: pointer;
 cursor: hand;



function calendar(id,d,p){
 this.id = id;
 this.dateObject = d;
 this.pix = p;
 this.write = writeCalendar;
 this.length = getLength;
 this.month = d.getMonth();
 this.date = d.getDate();
 this.day = d.getDay();
 this.year = d.getFullYear();
 this.getFormattedDate = getFormattedDate;
 //get the first day of the month's day
 this.firstDay = d.getDay();
 //then reset the date object to the correct date

var days = new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday');
var months = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');

function getFormattedDate(){
 return days[this.day] + ', ' + months[this.month] + ' ' + this.date + ', ' + this.year;
 //return this.month + '/' + this.date + '/' + this.year;

function writeCalendar(){
 var calString = '<div id="calContainer">';
 //write month and year at top of table
 calString += '<table id="cal' + this.id + '" cellspacing="0" width="200" style="border:1px black solid;">';
 //write the image ?comment out to hide images
 calString += '<tr><th colspan="7"><img src="' + this.pix[this.month].src + '"/></th></tr>';
 //write the month
 calString += '<tr><th colspan="7" class="month">' + months[this.month] + ', ' + this.year + '</th></tr>';
 //write a row containing days of the week
 calString += '<tr>';
  calString += '<th class="dayHeader">' + days[i].substring(0,3) + '</th>';
 //write the body of the calendar
 calString += '<tr>';
 //create 6 rows so that the calendar doesn't resize
  var displayNum = (j-this.firstDay+1);
   //write the leading empty cells
   calString += '<td class="empty">&nbsp;</td>';
  }else if(displayNum==this.date){
   calString += '<td id="' + this.id +'selected" class="date" onClick="javascript:changeDate(this,'' + this.id + '')">' + displayNum + '</td>';
  }else if(displayNum > this.length()){
   //Empty cells at bottom of calendar
   calString += '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
   //the rest of the numbered cells
   calString += '<td id="" class="days" onClick="javascript:changeDate(this,'' + this.id + '')">' + displayNum + '</td>';
   calString += '</tr><tr>';
 //close the last number row
 calString += '</tr>';
 //write the nav row
 calString += '<tr>';
 calString += '<td class="nav" style="text-decoration:underline;" onClick="changeMonth(-12,'' + this.id + '')">&lt;</td>';
 calString += '<td class="nav" onClick="changeMonth(-1,'' + this.id + '')">&lt;</td>';
 calString += '<td class="month" colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>';
 calString += '<td class="nav" onClick="changeMonth(1,'' + this.id + '')">&gt;</td>';
 calString += '<td class="nav" style="text-decoration:underline;text-align:right;" onClick="changeMonth(12,'' + this.id + '')">&gt;</td>';
 calString += '</tr>';
 calString += '</table>';
 calString += '</div>';
 return calString;

function getLength(){
 //thirty days has September...
  case 1:
    return 29; //leap year
    return 28;
  case 3:
   return 30;
  case 5:
   return 30;
  case 8:
   return 30;
  case 10:
   return 30
   return 31;
function changeDate(td,cal){
 //Some JavaScript trickery
 //Change the cal argument to the existing calendar object
 //This is why the first argument in the constructor must match the variable name
 //The cal reference also allows for multiple calendars on a page
 cal = eval(cal);
 document.getElementById(cal.id + "selected").className = "days";
 document.getElementById(cal.id + "selected").id = "";
 td.className = "date";
 td.id = cal.id + "selected";
 //set the calendar object to the new date
 cal = new calendar(cal.id,cal.dateObject,cal.pix);
 //here is where you could react to a date change - I'll just display the formatted date

function changeMonth(mo,cal){
 //more trickery!
 cal = eval(cal);
 //The Date object is smart enough to know that it should roll over in December
 //when going forward and in January when going back
 cal.dateObject.setMonth(cal.dateObject.getMonth() + mo);
 cal = new calendar(cal.id,cal.dateObject,cal.pix);
 cal.formattedDate = cal.getFormattedDate();
 document.getElementById('calContainer').innerHTML = cal.write();

时间: 2024-08-04 08:10:35


js对象的创建 js对象和java对象的不同

面向对象分为   基于原型的面向对象和基于模板的面向对象. JavaScript:面向对象,基于事件的网页脚本语言. Java:基于模板的面向对象. class A {    private String name;    public void fun()    {    } } A a = new A(); a.fun();      js:基于原型的面向对象. function fun() {    var user = new Object();    user.id = 1;    u


js|控件|日历 需要找一个 可选择小时和分钟的js日历控件,google了一通没有,最后在一个姐姐的blog上面找到了个修改自梅花雨控件的半成品,错误不少,改了半天终于能用了,放上来希望对大家的工作有帮助.   <script language="javascript">...  /**//**//**//** *使用方法: * (1)只选择日期   <input type="text" name="date"   readO


  黑色风格的JS日历代码,通过左右箭头可翻页至某年.某月,从外观上来说与灰色的背景搭配得完美,国外网站搞的,界面语言是英文的,如果您打算用可以自己修改为中文哦,别告诉我你连12月和7个星期的英语单词也不会哦! 示例: <title>经典的JS日历</title> <STYLE> body { background-color:#202020;} td { font-family:Tahoma;font-size:11px;} .calendarTable { back


内容来源:2017年5月20日,乐逗游戏高级数据分析师在"第十届中国R会议软件工具专场"进行<HTTPS最佳安全实践>演讲分享.IT大咖说作为独家视频合作方,经主办方和讲者审阅授权发布. 阅读字数: 753 用时: 3分钟 摘要 本演讲将介绍如何利用CSS对shiny页面进行个性化设计及在网页中嵌入视频:并通过一个详细案例介绍了利用htmlwidgets包开发HTML控件,基于D3.JS库创建简单的交互桑基图,包括控件创建.函数修改.数据调用及与shiny结合的演示. 嘉宾


利用asp.net输出js我们大多数都会直接使用Respone.Write()然后根js格式的代码,再在页面调用时我们直接这样是完全可以实现的,下面我来给大家介绍另一种方法 我是我最初的想法以下是代码片段: Respone.Write("hello word!"); 但是,当你查看客户端源码时,你会发现,输出的内容呈现在源码的最前端,显然它破坏了HTML的格式,在某些情况下这是会影响到页面布局等效果的.正确的输出方式应该是: this.ClientScript.RegisterStar


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  精确到分钟的js日历控件,日期选择器代码,我们知道一般的日历控件是可以选择日期的,但是您有没有见过可以精确到选择分钟的?除了选择年.月.日外,还可以选择时间,够精确吧,希望大家喜欢哦.JS日历插件,这是比较常用的网页特效哦. 示例: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>精确到分钟的js日历控件</T